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Yet Another UK Patents Workshops Report - from Groklaw's Cinly
Tuesday, April 12 2005 @ 08:50 AM EDT

We have another report from the UK Patents Workshops, from Groklaw member Cinly. What is interesting to me is, they used different definitions than our last reporter had to evaluate. I gather the UK Patent Office is trying out language on what constitutes a "technical contribution." Simon Best found the link where you can read all of the definitions, including the four used at Cinly's session. Matt Whipp of PC Pro attended a workshop too, and his report is here.

As I was reading this report, the section on the various case studies, it came into my mind that what they should use for case studies would be the components of the Internet. Seriously. I would bet that it would all qualify for a patent, and what a different world it would be if the creators of the Internet had patented each invention. Something, in my opinion, is wrong with patents on anything we *all* have to use.

If you read each case study that way, as I did, applying the current language of the software patents directive, it gives you a sinking feeling, realizing everything you can think of pretty much ends up patentable by that definition. In fact, there wasn't one case study presented at this session of the workshops that failed to be decided that way. And, of course, that is exactly the way it will play out in real life, if this awful software patents directive is passed as written. We really need a better definition of "technical contribution," one that isn't such a blank check, at a minimum. That's what I am getting out of these reports. Anybody got an idea for better language?

Here's mine: software and patents should get a divorce. It was a horrible mistake for the US to allow patents on software, and the results are clearly evident: patent trolls suing over patents they don't even use for anything but the patent infringement legal lottery, a playing field only the wealthy can play in, and a discouraging effect on innovation, and it is impossible to know how to avoid infringement currently in the US, and so unbearable legal costs must be assumed, which independent developers simply are unable to do. Here's just one example of the waste, fear, and annoyance software patents cause. And here's a paper on why patents can only cripple the software industry.

Software is developed so rapidly, a monopoly where everybody has to stand still for a time period (or pay) makes no sense anyway. I'm quite serious. The only beneficiaries are a handful of large corporations, who benefit by holding the rest of us back, and frankly, no offense, but they have enough money already. The public has a right to the benefits of real innovation, and that isn't something software patents encourage.

And it's math. One plus one should never be patentable. Never. If you must have patents on specialty items the rest of us don't much need to have, go ahead, but define your terms so that it really is limited to such things, please, and leave knowledge in the common pool, so the public has the benefit of scientific advances. You know. Like the Internet. Nobody needed a patent to encourage that to happen. And had Microsoft and a few others invented the Internet, trust me, it'd all be licensed and balkanized, like cell phones. You know how wonderfully cell phones work. I traveled recently to another state with a cell phone that it turned out doesn't work in the entire state. Imagine a patented Internet. It would work just like that. And didn't the Internet result in economic benefits? Think larger please, everyone. There really is an economic benefit to sharing knowledge. Look at GNU/Linux. It wasn't written to make a dollar, but it has turned into a cash cow. So think larger, please, about software patents. There is money to be made from innovation, but not that way.


For my session, there were 30 attendees (2 women, I have to stress that I am defining the gender as on one's birth certificate) and 5 UKPO staffs: The Patent Director, two patent examiners and two secretarial staffs.

The session is exactly as described by the FFII report. On arrival, we are randomly divided into 6 groups. My group is group 3 (white). Before the session starts, there is a tea session where people are probing each others' views on software patents. The most active participant is a patent attorney who seems to be more interested in getting others' opinions, while keeping his to himself. As the session starts, a person leaves an "anti-software patent" card on each table. It uses penalty kick in football (soccer) as an example. Effectively, to get software patent through -- i.e., kicking the ball into the net -- the player simply has to kick again and again, and the size of the goal month is adjustable.

The session starts with the Patent Director introducing himself and his staff and giving us instructions on what to expect in the session. The session starts with a group discussion on applying four definitions of patentability to 5 case studies concentrating on one topic: technical contribution. At the same time, we are asked to evaluate which definition is the easiest to apply, after which our opinions are tabulated into a chart. Then, each group has to elect a spokeperson to talk about the discussion in general, and individuals are given a chance to voice their opinions. At the end, a volunteery straw poll is taken on three questions:

(1) In your opinion, are any of the examples in the case studies patentable, applying whichever definition of patentability one fancies of the four

(2) Is software patentable or not?

(3) At the request of one participant: To which category do we classify ourselves: techie, lawyer, both, or neither.

The answer to (2) is 10 YES and 16 NO. For (3), it is 15 techies, 1 lawyer, 4 both, and 5 neither. I noted a strong tendency for patent attorneys to classify themselves as both rather than mere lawyers. Please remember that answers are not compulsory, so that is why the number of answers do not add up to the number of attendees, for you math-oriented folks.

It is important to note that the results of my session do not in any way represent the concensus for all the workshops. From other reports, different sessions do come out with distinctively different results.

One other point from this session I thought was significant is that there are 5 persons to a group, and despite efforts to in randomize the member composition of the tables, at my session, patent attorneys are heavily concentrated at one table. On the question on patentability of software, I noted that 4 persons from that table said software should be patentable, bucking the general trend of the group as a whole.

On the sheets of papers we were given, it is mentioned that the purpose of the workshop is to see whether it is possible to find a definition that give broadly the same results as the current "technical contribution" test in European law but is clearer to apply. UKPO says that while the case studies are hypothetical inventions, they represent borderline cases. There are 5 case studies and 4 definitions, hence in total, we have 20 cases to consider. We have approximately one hour to do so, hence on average, we needed to make a decision every 3 minutes.

It is important to note that we are supposed to assume the cases are "NON OBVIOUS" and NOVEL. Our duty is to review whether the claims in each case, *as a whole*, satisfy the "technical contribution" part of each definition. It is stressed to use that we are NOT deciding whether the patent should be granted.

Each case study contains a background description of what it is, together with a "Claims" section. It is the "Claims" section we are supposed to evaluate. The claims section consists of a few short paragraphs, each paragraph is, as we read it, worded as if they are separate mini claims. We therefore seek clarification from one of the Patent Examiners whether should we invalidate the claim if any sentence or paragraph in the "claim section" fails the "technical contribution" test. The patent examiner is understandably evasive by stressing that we are supposed to evaluate the claim as a whole. I take that to mean we do not have the "line strike" ability and the group decided that from his clarification, it means we must say the claims satisfy the "technical contribution" criteria if we can find one thing in the whole claim session to satisfy this criteria.

My group (group 3, white) consists of a journalist, a trainee lawyer, a software veteran now running a small software business, a software developer, and a university researcher (me). We decided to evaluate all case studies against one definition before moving on to another definition. Our methodology was, when evaluating each definition, we first would strike out sentences that were not the purpose of the session and concentrated on the rest.

We are each given a green-coloured result sheet to note down our decisions and are encouraged to put down what we think is important on the paper. There is a separate result sheet to note down the group decision and important concensus. All these were collected by UKPO at the end of the session.

For the definitions and case studies, I used the alphabet/numbers given to it by the UKPO.


The four definitions we were given are:

(A) The current definition used by UKPO: "'Technical Contribution' means a contribution to the state of the art in a field of technology which is new and not obvious to a person skilled in the art. The technical contribution shall be assessed by consideration of the difference between the state of the art and the scope of the patent claim considered as a whole, which must comprise technical features, irrespective of whether or not these are accompanied by non-technical features."

As a group, our problem is that, after striking out parts that are not relevent to the workshop, we are left with no guidance at all. Given the fact that we were told the case studies are borderline cases, we have no choice but to pass every case study as satisfying the "technical contribution" test. We are so sure that our hands are tied that we did not bother reading any of the case study at all.

The session as a whole agrees that this definition does not give any guidance on what is a "technical contribution". A few pointed out that this definition concentrated on novelty rather than "technical contribution".

One participant, who says he is a non-lawyer but who has experience in filing for and being granted patents, and has successfully challenged the validity of another, opines that he likes the non-definition of "technical contribution," as it gives the court the ability to evaluate individual cases on their own merits. Jeremy, (one of the patent examiners) want to add a comment but was stopped by his boss. Later after the session, he says that he thinks this is not a good idea because it, in effect, leaves the definition to judges, and the definition will be decided on case law alone, with no clear guidelines.

(B)The FFII definition: "'Technical Contribution' means a contribution made by a claimed invention, considered as a whole, to the state of the art in a field of technology. 'Technical' means belonging to a field of technology.

"New teaching about the use of controllable forces of nature under the control of a computer program, beyond the implementation of the data processing procedure itself, is technical. The processing, handling, representation and presentation of information by a computer program is not technical, even where technical devices are employed for such purposes."

The whole session finds it difficult to apply this definition. The term "controllable forces of nature" created havoc. One group argues whether "pushing electrons along circuits" constitutes forces of nature. In my group, I try but cannot persuade others who are not trained in telecommunications to agree that "dynamic allocation of bandwidth" is about "controlling forces of nature". More later in the case study.

Later, after the session, the suitability of this definition came out as we are picking the brain of a patent examiner. He says the some sessions find the definition, which consist of two sections -- the first paragraph saying what is patentable, the second saying what is not patentable -- difficult to apply. He says that this style of defining what's patentable and what's not can sometime cause unexpected difficulty.

(G) A definition that looks like a rehash of (B): "'Technical Contribution' should be applied to a putative invention when considered in its entirety if that claimed invention is concerned with new teaching in controlling forces of nature in a field of technology.

"The processing, handling or presentation of information by a computer program -- or abstract representations of programs and algorithms -- should not be considered technical, even when that processing, handling or presentation of information is part of larger putative invention that makes a technical contribution, and even when technical devices are used in the processing handling and presentation of information."

The first problem we have is to determine how is this different from (B). In fact, we actually spent time debating if it is different from (B). In the end, because of the way it is worded, we decided that "technical contribution" is more stringent. This view was echoed by other groups. Based on this observation, for the case studies, we reviewed only cases which satisfied (B) to see whether it still satisfied (G), since anything that fails (B) must fails (G) as well.

(K): "'Technical contribution' means a contribution made by a claimed invention, considered as a whole, to the state of the art in and limited to a declared field of technology.

"'Computer-implemented invention' means any invention the performance of which involves the use of a computer, computer network or other programmable apparatus and having one or more prima facie novel features which are realised wholly or partly by means of a computer program or computer programs.

"The processing, handling, and presentation of information by a computer program is not technical, even where technical devices are employed for such purposes.

"Implementation of a software solution on a platform or architecture not itself supported by the claimed invention is a separate contribution and is excluded from the claimed invention."

This definition first defined "Technical contribution" as a claim that, as a whole, contributed to the state of the art in and limited to a declared field of technology. It then defined "computer-implemented invention" as anything that uses a computer or programming device and that a computer program is one of the main feature of the claim. The third paragraph contained the standard information that processing, handling and presentation of information by a computer program is not patentable. In the last paragraph, it stressed that reimplementing the software solution on a different architecture is permissible.

The last paragraph causes a lot of debate on why it is included. Most group says that, if the paragraph is struck from the definition, it is possibly the "least difficult" definition to apply. However, at least two groups says that it is very ambiguious and open to interpretation, thus, potentially too permissive. For example, what constitutes "data" and what is "processing"?

Overall, the impression is that a common flaw of the definitions in B/G/K is that they do not define "data", "processing", "handling" and "presentation" and that we need a cast-iron definition for all the terms.

One patent attorney correctly raised the point that the definitions should not be too technology-related as this would not stnad the test of time. Another says that it is important to visit the definition of "obvious" too.


If you wish to read the case studies, to follow along in detail, here is the page.

I think it is important to stress the difference between "technical contribution" and infringing a patent. In the UK, there are at least two sections: "technical contribution" claims and the actual implementation. Technical contribution is written in the claim to show how it is different from the state-of-the-art. But you are infringing the patent if, and only if, you are reproducing the "technical contribution" USING the claimed implementation. Hence, it means if you reproduce the technical contribution using a different implementation, you are not infringing. This is the description given by the patent examiner.

After presenting the case study, I listed the majority result for each definition and the session's view on whether the invention is patentable (if one is free to write any definition of patentability). I should mention all results were calculated on a "one attendee, one vote" system rather than "one group, one vote" system. For the latter question, one can choose not to answer.

Each case study begins by giving some background information. This background information just set the scenario. We are to concentrate on the claims section.

Case study 4 is about digitally enhancing pictures taken in low light or night conditions. The claim is for a digital filter that: creates a two-dimensional array representing the photograph, identifying an operator matrix that contains light-enhancement parameters, applying this matrix to the photograph and reproducing the same photo, this time enhanced.

As a group, we decided that the first -- "creates a 2D array representing the photograph" -- definitely fails the criteria. In the end, the question boils down to whether "applying the operator matrix to get an enhanced photo" constitutes a "technical contribution". In definitions B,G,K, the question is whether this constitutes "processing of data". I argued that the actual "composition of the operator matrix" will separate it from mere traditional "processing of data". A lot of people disagreed.

The final results:

(A) YES (All)
(B) NO
(G) NO (large majority)
(K) NO

Should it be Patentable?
11 yes
16 NO

In case study 10, the applicant developed a new operating system that is very secure and platform-independent. It is run as a virtual machine. It provides a set of standard tools. Each tool provides its own data structure and creates Graphical User Interface (GUI) elements. The applicant developed an Application Programming Interface (API) for programmers to use. The claim is for the API, specifically, a way of receiving parameters from a program, populating the data structure, and creating the GUI elements.

As a group, we have no doubt that it fails the "Controllable Forces" and the claim is simply "processing of data". Hence, we did not spend a lot of time on evaluating it against most definitions.

The final results:

(A) YES (Only one says no)
(B) NO (All)
(G) NO (All)
(K) NO (except 2)

Should it be patentable?
6 Yes
19 NO

Case study 11 involved an improved manufacturing technique, to create custom chip for a specific purpose. The applicant developed a method of using probablility analysis to determine the scheduling of the functional components for the chip and used this to determine the chip floor plan (layout). The claim is for a method of manufacturing the chip to perform a particular computation by receiving the functional specification, then identifying relationship between individual function in the functional specification, analyze the relationship, and use it to determine the chip floor plan. Finally, manufacture the chip.

The fact that there is a physical manifestation of the result, i.e., a chip is being manufactured, weighs heavily in the mind of participants in this session. We know this because the patent examiner specifically asked us whether this is the most important consideration.

The final results:

(A) Yes (ALL)
(B) Yes (large majority)
(G) Yes (large majority)
(K) Yes (large maojrity)

Should it be patentable?
17 YES
8 NO

Case study 12 was about online gaming of Backgammon. A big problem is waiting for your opponent to respond to your move. The method is for the elimination of waiting time. The claim is on reducing the time delay in playing a traditional two-player game over the internet by creating a standard interface and presenting it to both the user and his opponent. Once the user makes 5 moves, based on what the system predicts of his opponent's move will do, the result is transmitted to his opponent, where the move is either replayed to the opponent if the prediction is correct, otherwise, a new prediction is done for the opponent. This is then transmitted to the user. The process is repeated until the game is finished. [Aside: I have problem understanding how this could work.]

We, as a group, agree it is processing-of-data.

The final results:

(A) YES (3 No)
(B) NO (1 No)
(G) NO (All)
(K) NO (All)

Is it patentable?:
NO 24

Study 13: A way of dynamically allocating bandwidth to different base stations according to the number of users it has. The claim is for mobile telephony to dynamically allocate bandwidth to base stations according to demands and to predict adjacent base stations that might require more bandwidth. The algorithm identifies the number of phones in a cell, monitoring "hand-off" data and generates a call for more bandwith. The algorithm also stores the hand-off path of a phone, and uses it to generate a bandwidth call for an adjacent cell.

A lot of participants believe this is simply processing of data and there is no "Controllable Forces of Nature". This is motivated by the fact that bandwidth is fixed by Mother Nature and the claim is simply "reallocation of existing bandwidth", even if it is a more efficient way of using existing resources. They are right.

However, applying my knowledge as a telecommunication engineer, I know that allocating bandwidth is a very big problem. The problem is that electromagnetic spectrum is a finite commodity. Bandwidth is an allocation of a part of this spectrum to different users. This is an age-old dilemma for all regulators/engineers: How to maximize the usage of this restricted commodity. In this case, it boils down to giving as much/as little bandwidth to suit the demand of a particular base station. This illustrated to me the importance of domain-specific knowledge in evaluating technical contributions.

The final results:

(G) NO (Majority)
(K) NO (majority).

Is it patentable?:
YES 13
NO 12


Yet Another UK Patents Workshops Report - from Groklaw's Cinly | 157 comments | Create New Account
Comments belong to whoever posts them. Please notify us of inappropriate comments.
Off topic here please
Authored by: fudisbad on Tuesday, April 12 2005 @ 10:01 AM EDT
For current events, legal filings, 10-Ks and 10-Qs.

Please make links clickable.
Example: <a href="">Click here</a>

See my bio for copyright details re: this post.
Darl McBride, file your 10-Q!

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Corrections here please
Authored by: fudisbad on Tuesday, April 12 2005 @ 10:03 AM EDT
If required.

See my bio for copyright details re: this post.
Darl McBride, file your 10-Q!

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I still don't get it.
Authored by: MplsBrian on Tuesday, April 12 2005 @ 10:46 AM EDT
The emotional pleas for 'please no software patents' do not resonate with me. I
understand & agree with the argument that the US patent system is broken.
But I do not understand the argument that software patents are inherently wrong.
If someone creates something truly unique and innovative via software, why
should they not have the option to patent their creation? I think there are
valid arguments that information wants to be free, I agree that collaboration
& sharing are good things for everyone. But I do not agree that innovations
must be shared. I think there's a profound quote from someone somewhere about
the differences between what is given freely and what is taken forcibly.
Convince the innovators the benefits of sharing their creations, rather than
forcing them to give up their work.

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Yet Another UK Patents Workshops Report - from Groklaw's Cinly
Authored by: cinly on Tuesday, April 12 2005 @ 11:41 AM EDT
"If you read each case study that way, as I did, applying the current language of the software patents directive, it gives you a sinking feeling, realizing everything you can think of pretty much ends up patentable by that definition. In fact, there wasn't one case study presented at this session of the workshops that failed to be decided that way. And, of course, that is exactly the way it will play out in real life, if this awful software patents directive is passed as written. We really need a better definition of "technical contribution," one that isn't such a blank check. That's what I am getting out of these reports."

That's precisely what most anti-software-patent people felt. But one of the patent examiner says that there are supplementary documents/guidelines that they have to follow and that should make it OK. My view is that they want some leeway on what is patentable/what is not and to make sure everything can evolve with time: It is much more difficult to change the law than to change a guideline. Need an example? George cannot marry Mrs Simpson without giving up his crown but his grandson Charles can marry Camella with no problems. No law needs to be amended. Why? The government decided to interpret it differently! In 10 years time may be the queen can be a man (and what's wrong with that?)

Jeremy (One of the patent examiner in the session) also says, post session, that the directive, taken as a whole, clarify the situation on what's patentable, what's not. That is unfortunately, not supported by the directive's definition. May be it is true on an implementation level and its something that you can only understand if you are dealing with Patents day-in-day-out as an examiner. If so, I think they should convince us on this count. (A side note is necessary here. Jeremy is a very good PR person and fluent in the use of the English language to drive his argument. However, I am not convinced that software patent is really excluded in the current directive.)

One serious criticism of the definitions we are given is that they are too biased towards stopping software patent. The last definition (K) actually went the extra mile by specifying architecture as well! Lets not forget that the definitions have to work for industrial chemical as well! Having said that, looking at the case studies, a lot are biased towards software.

What is clear is that there is going to be a constant struggle, and that UKPO is really trying its best to be an unbiased referee. I am looking forward to see UKPO's Point of View from the promised report.

All views expressed here are my own and do not reflect that of any institution I am affiliated to

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Yet Another UK Patents Workshops Report - from Groklaw's Cinly
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, April 12 2005 @ 11:51 AM EDT
2 women, I have to stress that I am defining the gender as on one's birth certificate

Why is this important?

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keeping his to himself
Authored by: chrism on Tuesday, April 12 2005 @ 12:32 PM EDT
Cinly's observation that:

The most active participant is a patent attorney who seems to be more interested in getting others' opinions, while keeping his to himself.

was very insightful and speaks volumes about what is really going on in the "workshop".

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From Matt Whipps article.
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, April 12 2005 @ 01:19 PM EDT

........dubious patents being granted under the more lackadaisical US patent system they realise that with the best will in the world on the part of the UK and European patent offices, there are actually no safeguards to stop the same happening over here.

Not so, says the patent office. We are the safeguard to prevent us from following broad approach of the US. 'We realise that a patent is an incredibly powerful tool in the marketplace,' said Jeremy Philpott of the UK Patent Office. 'And we don't grant them lightly.'

And so the issue boils down to one of trust and expertise. Even with minutely detailed legislation on patents, is it realistic to expect a software engineer to make a legal judgement on the thousands of patents they could be infringing or whether they have 'invented' something patentable? Likewise, is it realistic to expect a patent attorney to be a technology expert at the same level as the engineer?

Even among the engineers present at the workshop, there were disputes over the patentability of some applications under examination, simply because of their various specialisations........... PCpro

How can they say this when one only has to look at the patents which have already been granted(in advance) by the EPO. They have already demonstrated they are little better than their US counterparts.

What do the UK patent office have to say about some of the more glaring examples?

Brian S.

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Case Study 4
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, April 12 2005 @ 01:38 PM EDT
The case study is interesting because it is plain that whoever thought it up was
interested in a prior art question.

All digital images (rasters) are two dimensional arrays. The ubiquitous filters
and enhancement routines generally employ a "window" array that
applies an operator to pixels falling within the "window". Such
filters step through the raster reapplying the filer operation to each segment.
The standard "brightness/contrast" adjustment operation is a specific
example that applies multipliers to pixels within the window. Since a CCD can
record at light levels that we can't actaully see (they are widely used in
astronomy), the process that converts CCD data to a raster image would probably
fall within the "patent", as would hundreds if not thousands of image
processing utilities, both open and closed source.

It should be considered prior art.

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The Patent Problem
Authored by: grundy on Tuesday, April 12 2005 @ 06:54 PM EDT
If it were that the right of the inventor was only to a
reasonable share of all profits - no more patent problem.

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Yet Another UK Patents Workshops Report - from Groklaw's Cinly
Authored by: marbux on Tuesday, April 12 2005 @ 07:23 PM EDT
I've been doing quite a bit of research on the software patent issue. I'll lay out some thoughts in bullet fashion in no particular order (and yes, I realize some are inconsistent):

  1. The need for and scope of any type of patent system deserves reexamination. There is scant reason to believe that 18th Century economic philosophers necessarily were right in presuming that patents stimulate innovation and advance science and the useful arts.

  2. There has always been difficulty in drafting criteria for patents that are flexible enough to encompass true innovations while inflexible enough to eliminate all other inventions. Software is not unique in that respect.

  3. Software inventions as a class bring into focus that difficulty because of the rapid pace of growth in the software industry and because virtually every software creation is a combination of innovation and prior art.

  4. The best argument against software patents just might be that it is impossible to draft relevant definitions for deciding what is and is not patentable. That leaves three choices: (i) patent every software creation; (ii) patent no software creations; or (iii) trust what is inherently an arbitrary exercise of government power to bestow economic monopolies.

  5. In public debate, those who argue that the existing system is salvageable should shoulder the burden of making specific patent law language proposals rather than simply arguing that the system has been abused. This is a serious problem that will not be solved by rhetoric. (Note that here I violate the very principle I espouse.)

  6. To the extent there is a patent system, whether a given patent monopoly is necessary to stimulate advancement of science and the useful arts should be a threshold inquiry. The very purpose of patents has been lost in minutiae of the system's implementation.

    1. Would the invention have been developed absent the incentive of a patent? If so, is the purpose of granting a patent still somehow fulfilled?

    2. Can the inventor/assignee profit without a patent monopoly? Why then is any additional incentive necessary?

    3. Does the patent application have a purpose other than protecting an existing monopoly from competition? If not, then the patent should be denied. (Think of patents blocking software interoperability here.)

  7. Patents that have the effect of blocking software interoperability are indefensible on any valid economic grounds. Virtually any debate with that statement is political, not technological, and depends on misrepresentation of facts.

    1. The UK Patent Office assortment of draft legal standards needs to be tested against cases such as Microsoft's Dot-Net, XML Schemas, and Windows communication protocol patents.

    2. A right to inverse engineer software interoperability interfaces is insufficient and a waste of human and economic resources. If we are going to build an Information Society infrastructure that is available to all, interoperability code must become open source and free of all intellectual property claims.

    3. Within the context of the Information Society infrastructure, software substitutibility is what creates competitive software markets, and unimpeded software interoperability is therefore fundamental to creation of that infrastructure. The only exceptions should be very narrowly drawn to address factors such as the necessity of protecting encrypted and non-public data.

    4. The essentially ad hoc nature of individual patent grants is poorly designed to allocate responsibilities for construction and maintenance of portions of the Information Society Infrastructure ("ISI"). At the very least, an ISI impact study ("ISIIS"), akin to an environmental impact study ("EIS"), should be a part of the patent approval/disapproval process and taken into account in the final decision. Any person should have standing to challenge the adequacy of an ISIIS, and suitable incentives should be provided to mount such challenges, such as liberal attorney fee awards for prevailing plaintiffs. The patent office should be the defendant, not the recipient of a patent. (Indeed, an EIS challenge to the issuance of particular patents is long overdue and might be prosecuted under existing law.) The enduring U.S. Na tional Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq. could provide a conceptual model for such legislation; see also Presi dent's Council on Environmental Quality Regulations for Implementation of NEPA, 40 C.F.R. 1500-1508.

I'm coming more and more to believe that it is a mistake to extend the 18th Century concept of patent monopolies to software. It's simply taking too much warping of concepts to make it fit. It might be far more productive to exclude software entirely from the legal architecture of patentability and copyright, starting with a clean slate to define a new set of rights more closely fitting the societal goals of software development, both economic and social. A "softright," if you will.

It would be an interesting Groklaw exercise to have a group discussion of what a "softright" might entail, ignoring existing patent and copyright law.

By the way, I've discovered another Geek/Groklaw bug. The HTML 4.01 Transitional ordered list type identifier doesn't work, producing a type "1" regardless of what type is specified.

Retired lawyer

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Definition vs Enforcement
Authored by: sjgibbs on Tuesday, April 12 2005 @ 08:09 PM EDT

I'm not sure whether this topic has been covered, and its late so I'm not going to check, but please accept my apologies for duplicating if indeed I have.

OK. Well, I saw this paragraph from the transcript of the Q&A with Lord Sainsbury (who strikes me as a little naiive on the wording issue I think), and it got me thinking about whether playing with the definition is the right approach.

Questioner: I've got a couple of specific examples. The question I wanted to ask specifically was about technical contribution, because it seems in the past that technical contribution hasn't always been a particularly difficult criteria to meet. It's certainly been in the law as you say for quite a number of years and I've got the patent here from Sun Micro Systems, dated 1997 and the date of grant of 1999, which relates to a trivial algorithm in the computer that transforms the name of a file into a form that is used by Windows 95 inside the operating system. Now, the thing it seems to me, is that if we are talking about the directive maintaining the status quo we definitely don't want patents like this getting through. This is a European Patent I should say. It's not our Patent Office that's done that, although I have another example from our Patent Office that I think is questionable. But I think that the heart of the issue is this technical contribution, and what really concerns us is that the barrier for technical contribution needs to be high if we are going to allow patents in software at all and it needs to be clear that its hard for people to infringe it just by writing computer software. I think particularly in fields like data compression there's a lot of opportunity for people to claim that they have made the technical contribution when in fact it's something that anybody could have thought of relatively easily if they were interested in compressing data - making the amount of memory or program uses smaller, for instance. I think that is the heart of the objections that we. We are not really objecting to the directive itself, we are objecting to the directive not going far enough. [my emphasis]

Perhaps its OK to have a vague definition of "technical" if the directive does go a bit further and say that in fact, in European courts, there will be a strong presumption of non-infringement and/or invalidity if the patent does not involve certain things. This would allow the patent, but provide an effective defence (IMHO, IANAL) against a patent suit for pure software and business methods and would encourage good patents to be filed.

I'd suggest the strong presumption of non-infringement would apply to patents which fail to involve any of the following in the novel part of the invention:

  1. Kinetic energy (mechanics)
  2. Heat (the ebb and flow of vibrating atoms).
  3. Electricity (CPU signalling in a spreadsheet claim is unlikely to be novel).
  4. Light (displaying a new class of radar image on a monitor is not the novel bit).
  5. Features that cannot be implemented using traditional tools such as pen and paper.

The lets telecoms, robot arms, and mug printers off the hook but gives Microsoft a really tough time in court defending their claims that transfers of thermal energy comprse the novel part of their XML format. The downside is that it would not prevent small companies being dragged into courtrooms.


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NOIP - all patents should get a divorce
Authored by: thorpie on Tuesday, April 12 2005 @ 09:42 PM EDT

No IP (full stop)

- Why are concepts relating to programs different from any other concepts.

If they are wrong for software they are wrong for hardware.

If this stuffs the western economies, which I do not think it will, so be it. IP is morally indefensible, the economy is here as our servant, we ought not be its slave

The memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime - Floyd, Pink

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Yet Another UK Patents Workshops Report - from Groklaw's Cinly
Authored by: webster on Tuesday, April 12 2005 @ 11:19 PM EDT
These workshops just emphasize the fact that the phrase "technical
contribution" is too vague and subjective. It renders the law legally
meaningless. Reasonable men can differ. Lower Courts are going to say that it
offers no guidance or objective standard with which to evaluate the validity of
patents. One man's "technical" is another man's "trivial"
and obvious.

The legislature is going to have to be more specific. Courts will eventually
have to declare such general language "void for vagueness."
Development and invention will stop for fear of chaos in the courts. Patents are
meant to be relied upon and give the holder a great advantage. The big boys are
going to fight them more and more. The Patent Office has been exposed.

There is a climate of change, and maybe even reform. One frequent remedy is to
set up an administrative commission with specialized judges and a more efficient
way to challenge/evaluate/enforce patents, i.e. patent judges or commissioners
only, lawyers optional, no juries, specially qualified expert witnesses, relaxed
rules of evidence, and appeal to a "Patent Appeals Court" on the
standard of substantial factual basis. Compare it to a worker's compensation


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Is there an analogy?
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, April 12 2005 @ 11:44 PM EDT

How were the rules for governing the NTSC(never twice the same colour - sorry I couldn't resist :) or Pal TV system drawn up.

Either one consisted of a numerous standard processes which were carried out in various ways to convert various light signals into electrical signals which were then encoded into a multiplexed signal with the sound for frequency and amplitude modulation multiplication, amplification and conversion from an electrical signal into an electromagnetic waveform and vice versa. and the whole lot kept stable by so many feedback circuits you'd loose count - You get my point.

It enabled a system to exist which created massmarket colour TV around which broadcast companies, entertainment companies, television manufactures, component manufactures, the list is endless but they all made a living from selling their IP.

In the Pal system you had to delay some signals for later recombination using "delay lines". How many patents were issued to the circiut designers and manufacturers of these delay lines. They didn't all work entirely the same, I'm betting lots. Good IP generally explains the difference in price between one model and another.

Isn't computing and the Internet a system just like broadcast TV, it just does more and works both ways.

You want safe email without spammers. Adopt a worldwide system which has been drawn up by the best people on that subject, and which is constantly monitored and improved by experts around the world in case of problems.

Competitive mail systems would become better and cheaper and maybe here is where the software companies could own their precious IP but no-one would be prevented from coming up with fresh ideas as long as they conformed to the standard.

You want DRM. If the movie companies owned the process eg. DisneyDRM and they sold the viewer via the internet on similar terms to pay TV?

If Disney chose M$DRM well that would be their choice. As long as the system will allow for them to change the contract when they find that RealplayerDRM or AppleDRM is a better cheaper product.

Brian S.

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The patent problem is worse than "technical contribution"...
Authored by: muon on Wednesday, April 13 2005 @ 01:11 AM EDT

Groklaw friends...

My aim of this post, which perhaps should be made into an article by PJ, is to further the debate and discussion of patents and copyrights.

IMHO the problem is WAY worse than trying to define what a "technical contribution" is. How? Why? Consider...

  1. Copyright concerns the expression of the idea as it is written.
  2. Patents protect the implementation of a specific kind/type/class of machine.
    • Originally, the closer inventions were the more likely they could be seen by a court to be infringing. The less similar, less likely. This was a big issue some time ago with computer chip manufacturing patents.
    • BTW, just how similar is infringing? How do you define similar enough or not similar?
  3. Software programs are virtual machines.
  4. A synonym for virtual is abstract. That is, this is equally true: Software programs are abstract machines.
  5. Ideas are abstractions, and, abstractions are ideas.
    • How? Abstractions are concepts or ideas of something that is potentially or is real but need not be real.
    • Real is something that is expressed in some concrete physical form.
    • If it is not real then it is abstract; i.e., just a thought or an idea.
  6. Now, note that the implementation of an idea is an expression.
    • NOTE: Copyright protects specific expressions.
  7. Certainly, a software program is an implementation of an idea.
    • NOTE: From the above, it is obvious that this implementation is not real and is therefore still an abstraction, an idea.
    • Thus, since a program is an idea it shouldn't be patentable as per tradition and definition of a patent.
  8. Certainly, a software program etched into a computer chip is a real implementation of an idea.
    • NOTE: For the non-techies, any computer chip can be written as a software program. If you do this, it is called a "virtual machine" since it simulates/emulates a real one. This "virtual machine" is, of course, not real. Similarly, given a "virtual machine" (i.e., any software program), one can make a real computer chip for that "virtual (software) machine". Thus, any software program can become real if it is expressed in the form of a real computer chip.
    • Thus, since a computer chip is a real, physical machine it should be patentable as per tradition.
  9. We now note that there exists both real (e.g., computer chips) and non-real (e.g., software programs, algorithmic ideas on one's head) expressions of software programs.
    • A computer chip is therefore an real expression of an abstraction/idea.
    • A piece of software (e.g., Linux, Windows, MS Office, etc.) is a non-real, abstract expression of an abstraction/idea.

So, here main thrust of the issues/logic of import which concern "intellectual property law" which I propose for discussion:

  • If computer programs are protectable by copyright, then copyright essentially protects both the abstract and real (i.e., non-abstract). If acceptable, the the definition of what is real or not is irrelevant to copyright law. If not acceptable, then computers also has broken copyright law and the question becomes what should we and what will we do about it?
  • If computer programs are protectable by patent, clearly we must distinguish between real and non-real instances of machines. By definition non-real machines are not patentable. If the machine is real, patent law allows them to be patented. Clearly, patent law requires what is real to be defined.
  • Thus, can we define what is real and what is not?

Oh, and before you get too excited, note that what is real can be considered relative to the observer. Consider that is it possible for one to perceive something as real that others may not think of as real. One need not be having a psychotic episode for this; --this is something that happens all of the time. When? How? Everything you encounter a situation where you "thought" someone was mad at you/someone, when you "thought" you had to be somewhere at some time, etc. if such situations never get corrected (e.g., due to a contradiction) then that will be your reality and you'll swear on the Bible/Qu'ran/Torah/etc. that so-and-so was mad at you, that so-and-so did not show up at some time, etc.

That is, I submit that unless you can define an absolute, universal, non-relative definition of what is real, then allowing patent monopolies for software (and/or any other abstract machines) is a deadly business; --patent law's exclusion of ideas will not exclude ideas because you won't be able to prove that exclusion in court due to the ambiguity unless the law is written to invalidate the patent in every case where it concerns and/or is applied to a non-real machine in whole or part (e.g., an abstraction, an idea, a virtual machine, etc.).

Of course, I note that protecting the idea versus the expression are not always mutally exclusive as is implied from the above. So there is overlap between copyrights and patents as they currently exist.

NOTE: IANAL and I did not re-read the legal definitions of copyright and patents before submitting this. I welcome all comments and debate! :-)

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Another report of the same workshop from table 5 (orange)
Authored by: stuart_hc on Wednesday, April 13 2005 @ 06:13 AM EDT
I attended the very same workshop but was seated at the orange table (number 5). To see my report of the workshop, including photos, click below.


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Yet Another UK Patents Workshops Report - from Groklaw's Cinly
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, April 13 2005 @ 10:09 AM EDT
However, applying my knowledge as a telecommunication engineer, I know that allocating bandwidth is a very big problem. The problem is that electromagnetic spectrum is a finite commodity. Bandwidth is an allocation of a part of this spectrum to different users. This is an age-old dilemma for all regulators/engineers: How to maximize the usage of this restricted commodity. In this case, it boils down to giving as much/as little bandwidth to suit the demand of a particular base station. This illustrated to me the importance of domain-specific knowledge in evaluating technical contributions.

Having been at the meeting, this illustrated to me that domain-specfic people often don't see the wider picture. The proposed patent is without patentable merit irrespective of whether it is useful or not. This was very clearly argued at the time.

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Yet Another UK Patents Workshops Report - from Groklaw's Cinly
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, April 13 2005 @ 12:25 PM EDT
As a LSI Hardware Design engineer (i.e. someone who designs chips for a living)
I can tell you that case 11 does not constitute a manufacturing process at all
(apart from the final stage "manufacture", which if I understand
correctly was not part of the claim), it is purely a design process (and as such
can be considered to be purely data processing akin to that which a compiler
performs)-- examples of software that perform this task are: Synopsys Physical
Compiler and Cadence Physically Knowledgeable Synthesis.
(actually it sounds more like Synopsys Behavioural Compiler married to Synopsys
Physical Compiler)
The industry term for this process is synthesis: you take a description of the
desired function of the device (in a language such as VHDL, Verilog, SystemC,
etc.), apply some constraints (to establish things like clocks, scheduling, size
or power trade offs) and a description of the implementation technology and you
get out a gate level netlist and/or placement and routing information, or
possibly even mask information that can be used to manufacture.
IMHO a patent granted for this only makes sense if you are permitting patents on
pure algorithms: it is a pure computer activity. Regardless of the fact that the
final data *can* be used to manufacture a physical device, there is no
requirement that it should be.

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