Title: Geeks on Bikes: The SCO Group/Caldera Product Development Plan
URL: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=6293
author: Jeff Gerhardt
date: 2002-08-28
aid: 127

According to Opinder Bawa, new Senior VP of Technology, "we own the source to UNIX; it's that simple. If we own the source, we are entitled to collect the agreed license fees."-- Opinder Bawa, 2002-08-28

"In theory", stated McBride, "there should be some value to that property--somewhere between a million and a billion [dollars], right? I just wanted to know what real, tangible intellectual property value the company held."-- Darl McBride, 2002-08-28

According to McBride, "obviously Linux owes its heritage to UNIX, but not its code. We would not, nor will not, make such a claim."-- Darl McBride, 2002-08-28

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