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The GPL and superconductivity | 523 comments | Create New Account
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Another way to put it...
Authored by: BitOBear on Sunday, July 21 2013 @ 03:39 PM EDT
Microsoft is in the Software business.

Google is in the Reputation business. That is, they are a marketing company
who's main product is their own reputation. Then they use that reputation by
trading on it in lesser markets. Your belief in Google is why they get to charge
money for their advertisements. It's how they beat and then absorbed (whom I still have blocked despite their new ownership).
DoubleClick was a joke, poorly told and annoying.

Marketing companies regularly give things away. We have a name for that.
Marketing swag. Well, Google happens to give away things like operating systems
and map data as opposed to tee-shirts and pens.

Other people want to _sell_ tee-shirts and pens and indeed operating systems. If
they were doing a better job of making and advertising those things they
wouldn't be having so much trouble beating the freebees.

Know your product, know your client base, do right by both or perish.

That's business.

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The GPL and superconductivity
Authored by: jbb on Sunday, July 21 2013 @ 07:27 PM EDT
There is much in your post I agree with but I take issue with this bet:
So the actual bet is this. If I expect to add more to the system than I got "for free", then I would want the paid license with its known up-front and per-unit costs, which let me keep and conserve my "added value" such that people would have to come directly to me to get those features.

If, however, I expect to make fewer modifications and additions to the code than I got "for free", then the GPL model serves me best. That disclosure means that people will not have to come to me for my additions.

I've written a lot of software. Most of it was for other people but some I've sold and now I'm exclusively writing software under the GPL. My reasons for using the GPL have nothing to do with what I expect to get back directly as code contribution due to clauses in the GPL.

I have not gotten a lot of code contributions to the software I write. From this you might conclude that write very bad software. You might also conclude that I write very good software. Most of what I get back from downstream are bug reports. Even if we include code contributions, I have seen no significant change in what I got back when I sold software and when I released it under the GPL. Nor did I expect it.

I've disliked using Microsoft software since the early 80's shortly after the IBM PC was released. The IBM BIOS, in contrast, was easy to work with. It was written in assembly and the source code was available for about $100 in their Technical Reference Manual. The Microsoft code was always slow and buggy; it was broken in stupid ways. I think this might be due to psychological problems the closed-source mentality inflicts on the subconscious of many (but not all) of their programmers.

Years later when I was working as a sysadmin, I was given Windows-NT servers that would crash on a daily basis. The problems were pretty much impossible to debug without more access to the internals of the system. I bought an early version of Red Hat Linux to try it out. Almost everything became easy and the rest was doable. I was able to do much more with much less (time and money) and the mysterious daily crashes were gone.

I switched to the GPL because I wanted to give back and because I wanted to join this "club" of people giving away great software for free. I could totally relate to this passage from Neal Stephenson's In the Beginning was the Command Line:

Linux, which is right next door, and which is not a business at all. It's a bunch of RVs, yurts, tepees, and geodesic domes set up in a field and organized by consensus. The people who live there are making tanks. These are not old-fashioned, cast-iron Soviet tanks; these are more like the M1 tanks of the U.S. Army, made of space-age materials and jammed with sophisticated technology from one end to the other. But they are better than Army tanks. They've been modified in such a way that they never, ever break down, are light and maneuverable enough to use on ordinary streets, and use no more fuel than a subcompact car. These tanks are being cranked out, on the spot, at a terrific pace, and a vast number of them are lined up along the edge of the road with keys in the ignition. Anyone who wants can simply climb into one and drive it away for free.

This brings me to another aspect of FOSS that I think is very important. You cannot continually give tanks away for free. You cannot even continually give light bulbs away for free. This is because these things have non-zero recurring costs. With mass production you can bring the recurring cost down but you can't get it to zero.

Software is different. With software the recurring cost is naturally extremely close to zero. Following the reasoning in your post, an argument can be made that the recurring cost of GPL software is actually negative because you get more bug reports and code contributions, and sometimes even developers.

An argument can be made that the cost of selling software is much higher than the income you get from the sales. You have to worry about DRM and keeping the source secret and setting up payment systems, etc. All of these are frictions that limit the flow of your software out into the world. These frictions effectively create a recurring cost where there was none before. For material things like tanks and light bulbs, you need to add them or else you will go broke because you have essential recurring costs that you cannot reduce to zero. In addition, since you already have essential non-zero recurring costs, adding the costs of a sales force and advertising and marketing and so forth, are just a fraction of your total costs.

If you want to distribute software under a FOSS license, you just post it somewhere. As Linus said:

Only wimps use tape backup. REAL men just upload their important stuff on ftp and let the rest of the world mirror it.
It's a bit like super conductivity. Selling material goods is like sending electricity down a normal copper wire. The wire naturally has resistance, which is a friction. Adding some other resistor to the circuit in order to meter the electricity doesn't really change things much because, you can make the added resistance much smaller than the intrinsic resistance.

Distributing FOSS (or any free software) is like sending electricity down a perfect superconductor. You can send as much current as you want with zero cost (friction, resistance). The resistance can actually go negative if there is enough current flowing through the wire which reflects the added help you get from downstream. When you add the resistive element of metering the software then all the benefits from superconductivity disappear.

To some extent, this phenomenon is what is causing the big corporate media companies to wage war on their customers. Their job is to help produce and distribute content. It used to be that the natural friction of their distribution model was so large that they could insert their meter into the distribution wire and use the added resistance to fund their entire enterprise This is called "getting a piece of the action".

Their mindset, their reality, was just not prepared for superconducting distribution. It scares them because if the natural resistance is zero then how can they fund their enterprise with a small fraction of zero? The only solution they see is to add resistance to the circuit to keep it out of the superconducting state and to sue into oblivion anyone who tries to make use of this new-fangled superconductivity.

The reason this upsets their customers is because it is the exact opposite of their original job description! Their job used to be to reduce the friction of distribution as much as possible and then take a small cut out of the resistance that remained. Now that the natural resistance is zero and they haven't changed their mindset, they think their job is to increase the friction instead of reduce it. They want us to pay them so they can make our lives more difficult. This is the essence of the struggle between big content and everyone else in the world (and her dog). People are willing to pay for content but they are not willing to pay for added friction.

In a time of universal deceit -- telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
-- George Orwell

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Authored by: pem on Sunday, July 21 2013 @ 07:48 PM EDT
(ASIDE: BSD style licenses are free-of-cost at both ends; the amount of growth of BSD system is demonstrably lower. Draw your own conclusions there.)

If you literally mean BSD, I agree with you. But you start off by saying "BSD-style". If by that, you mean "permissive", at least a few observers completely disagree with your conclusions.

So if you have data and a methodology that shows a trend away from permissive licensing, please share.

My take on this is that a lot of people have realized that it can take a lot of time and energy to police the free-riders; energy that could be put into improving the software so that any free-riders who are maintaining completely separate databases have a hard time keeping up, and it's just easier to give back, even when not required by the license. We even see this in GPLed software -- people work really hard to get their software back into the main tree, so they don't have to keep merging changes just to keep up with the pace of development. The GPL may force you to "give back", but it doesn't force anybody to accept or even care about your changes, and the kernel devs are quite picky (with good reason) sometimes.

(Not to say that the GPL hasn't been useful in dealing with trolls like SCO, but from the perspective of most code contributors, I think that's an edge case.)

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