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To clarify my beliefs | 443 comments | Create New Account
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To clarify my beliefs
Authored by: pem on Tuesday, January 01 2013 @ 09:17 PM EST
I would not be unhappy if software, or software+computer, or adding
software+computer to something else, was legislated or ruled to be not subject
to patents, for the simple reason that most software patents are blindingly
obvious and are obviously a drag on the economy.

But I really don't believe you get there by arguing that software+computer does
not make machine equivalent to dedicated hardware, or cannot perform the same
process as dedicated hardware. You might nibble around the edges on the
business or screen bounce patents, but most of those should be covered by prior
art anyway.

Absent some stunningly surprising ruling by the Supremes that software patents
obviously don't promote progress, and absent some stunningly surprising informed
legislation, I think the best bets are:

- Focus on insuring that the thing that is patented is a particular

- Focus on insuring that patents are properly categorized, and are readable by
engineers, and that there is no penalty for engineers reading them.

- Focus on obviousness, starting with "+ a computer" was obvious to
anyone 20 years ago.

- Focus on prior art.

- Focus on methods that can help to hobble patent trolls, e.g. reduction to
practice, loser pays, etc.

There are more bad patents than just software, and this will help them all out.

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A few issues
Authored by: PolR on Tuesday, January 01 2013 @ 11:27 PM EST
But some of us believe that a combination of hardware and software can create a new machine, or perform a new process. I know you do not, and believe it is a fact that this is not true, but to me, your "fact" is still an opinion, and one that is not actually backed by solid logic. If a computer+program logically performs the same task in the same fashion as dedicated hardware, then if one is a patentable new machine, the other is an equivalent machine.
Just to be clear, I have not said a "combination of hardware and software" can't make a new machine or a new process. You can make a new anti-lock brake system or a new process for curing rubber in this manner. My point is narrower. I say programming a computer doesn't make a new machine. This is based on sound logic and on the principles of computer science but I have not developed the argument in this thread. I have provided a link where the evidence is presented.

Your equivalent machine argument is not sound logic because it discounts the possibility that the same functions could be achieved by means other than making a new machine.

I don't see any problem with leaving people free from performing the same functions using other means. Please do not conflate the circuit with the algorithm which could be read in the source code.
I do not. But I do conflate the circuit with an equivalent execution running on a computer, and so (so far) do most of the courts.
Where is the difference? You have argued an expression in Verilog could easily be translated in a programming language. Isn't this the expression of the algorithm computed by the circuit? When this algorithm is given to Verilog a circuit is made. When this same algorithm is given to a compiler software is made. This conflation you admit making is not different from equating the algorithm with the circuit. There is no difference that I can see.
But (IMO) a program running on a computer that executes the same function as otherwise patentable hardware, should equally be patentable.
Why? The function is not patentable. Why the possibility of making one patentable implementation imply that all implementations are patentable?
Nobody ever claims a new computer has been invented. What they claim is that a special purpose machine has been invented.
Where is the difference? The words you use are different, their meaning is the same. The courts have said a programmed computer is structurally different from one which is not programmed. That special purpose machine is a programmed computer. This is a new computer different from the unprogrammed computer. So yes, people are arguing a new computer is being made.
Which the Supreme Court backtracked on in Diamond (foreshadowed by the dissent in Flook).
No they didn't backtrack. They reaffirmed Benson and Flook in Diehr. They reaffirmed these cases again in Bilski and Mayo. The rubber curing patent was allowed precisely because there was more than just the calculations. It included the step of curing the rubber.
There were physical steps in the earlier cases too, though perhaps not pled well enough.
This is precisely the point I was making. Please recall, I have used these cases as examples of mathematical calculations that were held patent ineligible abstract mathematical ideas even though they were physically executed. This was meant to be a pair of counterexamples to your argument that actually doing the calculation is patentable "applied math".
This happens only if you insist that actually doing the calculation is "applied math". If you just accept the mathematical truth, that doing the calculation is just math and the application is whatever the number means in the real world then the "on a computer" magical pixie dust doesn't happen.
Exactly. Which is why it will be replaced wih the "and for any application that could make use of a similar calculation" pixie dust.
Is there really such a pixie dust? Putting this language is equivalent to admitting the claim is not on a specific application but on the mathematical calculation itself.

Then there is a long section where you seem lost by my comparison of software with a book. I think this next quote goes to the heart of the miscommunication.

In a configured printing press and a programmed computer. the invention is defined in terms of symbols and their meanings. This is not the case with an injection molding machine.
Again, which are you talking about? The book is not an invention. Symbols are used in describing the patent for curing rubber, as they are in all patents.
The symbols I talk about are not in the text of the patent. They are the bits in the computer. If you read the textbook on the math of software you will find that algorithms are procedure for manipulating symbols. They solve problems associated with the meanings of the symbols. If you read textbooks of computer architecture you will find how the bits are used as symbols to represent numbers, boolean values and carry out operations of arithmetic and logic. And if you read textbooks on the foundations of mathematics, you will find the definition of the language of mathematics, its syntax and its semantics. The math of computing are derived from this basis.

The functions of a computer is to manipulate symbols, the bits, according to the rules of mathematics. The problems which are solved are associated with the meanings of the numbers, boolean values etc. I compare a computer with a printing press because they are both devices which manipulate symbols with meanings.

The point of the printing press analogy is to explain how semantical relationships work and how they relate to the functions of software. In a book, the normal semantical relationship is the ink represent letters and the letters have meaning. But a typographer can reverse this relationship. He takes the novel as the series of letter that must be printed and this described how the ink must be laid out on paper.

Something similar occurs with software. The normal semantical relationship is that the voltages represent the symbols, the bits, and the bits represent numbers. Finally the numbers mean stuff like payroll data or space shuttle speed and position. But in a patent this relationship is reversed, like for a typographer. The functions of software are disclosed and claimed. This is a recitation of the meaning of the data and the mathematical or logical operations which must be applied. This is the meaning of the numbers and boolean values. The programmer is supposed to write the corresponding code from this description. Then the compiler will generate binary code. All this is supposed to be a description of the process by which transistors are turned on and off to manipulate voltages. This whole thing is the digital equivalent of saying a mathematical formula is the description of a process for pushing a pencil on paper because the calculating procedure can be inferred from the formula. This reverses the normal semantical relationship.

Why does that matter? It is because this reversal of the semantics is not acknowledged by the law. If we transpose to a printing press to arguments made about computers, it it clear they are bogus. People react like you do, saying the book is not an invention etc. But when it comes to a computer, the reversed relationship is treated like the normal one. The algorithm is treated like a description of the computer similar to the laws of physics. But it is not similar to the laws of physics. A physicist uses the normal semantical relationship, from the ink to the symbols, from symbols to the numbers and from the numbers to the real world. A patent lawyer uses the reverse semantical relationship from the real world to the numbers, then from the numbers to the bits and from the bits to the voltages. This is why they are not the same. A programmer will point to that difference by saying the computer manipulates the symbols. They say software is math because this manipulation is math. It is not something described by math like the laws of physics.

The point of the printing press parody is to show that when we reverse the semantical relationship of a book, the same new machine argument can be made. And it is bogus for both the printing press and the computer for the same reason: the normal semantical relationship is not taken into account. If we do take it into account in both cases we find there is no patentable invention because the innovation is in the meaning of the symbols. It is not in their physical representation. I argue that this is a problem with the current case law. A lot of my points are much easier to understand if you keep in mind that in my view the normal semantical relationship is the normal one and patent law uses the reverse one. Logic flows very differently when this dichotomy is acknowledged.

As a final note I have seen you other post where you clarify your beliefs. It is quite possible that there are more problems with patent law than those I denounce. I am fine with people trying to fix these problems. I just insist that the problem that I see are addressed as well.

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  • A few issues - Authored by: pem on Wednesday, January 02 2013 @ 12:40 AM EST
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