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Please avoid telling me what I'm thinking and why I'm thinking it - that's uncivilized | 302 comments | Create New Account
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Please avoid telling me what I'm thinking and why I'm thinking it - that's uncivilized
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, December 19 2012 @ 03:36 PM EST

To tell someone else what they are thinking/feeling and why is totally inappropriate in civilized discussion - my humble opinion. It's also grounds for loosing respect when you're trying to express your opinion.

You don't like the verdict, so you're trying to fit what you believe into the standards that exist.
It is just as inappropriate for you to say what my intent is as it is for me to try and claim I know your intent better then you.

I am making it clear:

    My feelings towards the verdict has nothing to do with my analysis of Mr. Hogan's own public activities!
Perhaps you are both a Practicing Attorney as well as a Practiced Psychologist/Psychiatrist - but even Psychologists/Psychiatrists can be wrong when they're attempting to interpret someone else's intent.

I don't claim to know Hogan's intent - just that what he has publicly stated, in my humble opinion, raises concerns about his actions as being improper. Whether that is agreed upon by any Legal minded person whether Attorney or Judge is a different matter. I quite often disagree with the Federal Circuit on their position of what constitutes Patentable subject matter. With that same opinion, I agree with the position of the Supreme's in Mayo vs. Prometheus who obviously do not agree with the Federal Circuit.

But what people here keep believing, contrary to the history of jurisprudence, is that jurors are blank slates.
I can't speak for others, but I can speak for myself: You are wrong! As a result - It is either you again telling me what my mind/intent is or it's nothing but a diversion. So let me be explicitly clear:
    I don't expect Juror's to be blank slates!
What I do expect:
    A: Juror's follow the instructions of Law as the Judge has provided!
    B: Juror's do not introduce evidence in the deliberations to other Juror's that was not part of the trial and was not provided to the Judge/Laywers for discussion on whether it's appropriate or not and how it will be presented if it's allowed!
As you can clearly see: there's nothing in my expectations about being a blank slate. That's another strike where you claimed to know my mind/intent.
If they had brought in a copy of Nimmer into the jury room, then an evidentiary hearing would be warranted. That's not the case.
Do you have evidence of this? Were you in the Jury room during deliberations so you can state that as a fact? If not: then you should stop presenting your opinion and/or conjecture as established fact. To do so is to be deliberately misleading.
"Well, the plaintiff's demand seemed high, so we cut down what they were asking for." That's... well, not exactly legal.
Isn't it? I guess this is another point where we disagree. The Jury instructions made clear that it was up to the plaintiff of the claim to prove, to a reasonable level, the actual damages. And to say that the plaintiff's demand seemed high is a reasonable indication that the plaintiff had not proven their actual damages. I do not have a contention with Hogan's statement on that part. I have never expressed contention on that part. Let me be perfectly clear:
    I do not have an issue with the Jury deciding that the Plaintiff had not proven what they were asking for in damages as the Jury Instructions make quite clear that was expected!
If you presented that as a point of discussion surrounding what my mind/intent was, that was even more wrong because you are injecting an opinion that I have never stated! If you didn't present it for that purpose, then it has no bearing on the concept I presented and is just misdirection again.
These aren't grounds for overturning a verdict.
I never said they were. If you can find a single instance of me saying so, I will apologize. If you can not - and I always sign my posts with RAS, so you can follow up to clear the record - then you are claiming to know my mind better then me which is inappropriate.

Bottom line: If you keep trying to represent that you know others posters minds/intent better then they do then you will continue to loose respect. Justifiably so. Just as Justifiably as if someone attempts to present your mind/intent such as claiming your sole purpose is as a troll. I do not claim this but use it as an example of why such behavior is uncivilized.

I don't profess to know why you choose to keep mis-representing what people are saying or why you keep wanting to inject misdirection into your posts. I simply point out why you are loosing my respect with regards the opinions you are attempting to express. It's not the opinions of "Hogan did nothing wrong" that I find a loss of respect for. It's your opinions of "I know your mind better then you" and "I will present my opinion as established fact" that are loosing you respect for your posts.


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