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Bring more guns to schools?! | 302 comments | Create New Account
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Bring more guns to schools?!
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, December 19 2012 @ 02:32 AM EST
I think it goes along the lines of "security works in layers." A
single layer will only stop someone if they quit trying.

It's one thing to try to create an environment where people aren't able to just
walk in a school building, toting an assault weapon. I think he's looking past
that single layer and asking, "What happens if and when that layer is

It's the same type of thing that a person has to look at when he's securing a
computer or a network. Keeping your software patches up to date won't keep you
protected, but it will help. A firewall won't keep you protected, but it will
help. Scanning utilities (virus scanners, tripwire, etc) won't keep you
protected, but it will help.

In the end, it always comes down to the individual (admin, teacher, police
officer, civilian, etc.). He's the one responsible for protecting that golden
egg, whether it be defined as data, money, dignitary, self or child.

Being that I live out in the country (a good half-hour from the city), I can't
reasonably expect the police to be there on the flip of a dime (and that's
assuming I'll have the chance to call for help). I can understand the concept
of ("Waiting for help won't work.")

In the case of these rampages, it would certainly make sense for teachers or
staff to be able to defend themselves as well as the children. It makes more
sense than being slaughtered without any hope of defending myself.

(And what kind of coward attacks a crowd, that he knows can't defend themselves,
wearing a bullet-proof vest, anyway? He was obviously afraid of something.)

I have a lot of respect for teachers that are willing to die for their students.
These teachers deserve recognition for that, and I don't belittle such a
selfless act in any way whatsoever, but I would much rather hear of a teacher
willing to fight to the death for the students.

But that's just me. My personal take on it is that, if I'm willing to die for
something, you can better believe that I'm willing to fight for it.

That said, I don't like the idea of guns in the schools, but I think I have to
agree with him. There needs to be some means of immediate response if and when
that external perimeter is breached. There's way too much that can happen
between the emergency call placed and the arrival of emergency services.

Taking away their ability to protect themselves only takes away their hope to
survive in such an incident.

sigh. It's a crazy world.

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Bring more guns to schools?!
Authored by: JamesK on Wednesday, December 19 2012 @ 08:28 AM EST
It seems to me that this sort of problem is caused by obsession many Americans
have with guns. I have nothing against guns and even owned a rifle at one
point, but what legitimate reason is there for a person to own an assault rifle?
Why did that kid's mother own at least 3 guns, including that assault rifle
that was used to kill all those kids? It surely isn't self protection. In
fact, it was one of those guns that killed her. Also, as I understand it, the
purpose of the 2nd amendment was to provide for the formation of militias. How
many U.S. gun owners are in a militia? While there may have been court rulings
to the contrary, that amendment clearly ties gun ownership to militias.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

I don't see anything that shows people can have guns just for "fun".
Any judge, or anyone else, who thinks such gun ownership is not for creating a
militia is mistaken.

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Bring more guns to schools?!
Authored by: celtic_hackr on Wednesday, December 19 2012 @ 11:43 AM EST
I actually approve of this idea. allowing well trained people to carry in
schools would be a huge addition to security.

Allowing just "one" to carry is simply painting a target.

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Fighting fire with fire is __________? However, removing elements of fire, puts fire out.
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, December 19 2012 @ 01:23 PM EST
Fighting fire with fire is __________?
However, removing elements of fire, puts fire out.

1 Element - Crazy people (HLN Dr Drew show has a woman call up 2 nites ago, said she had son like this shooter, only her kid keeps telling her he is going to cut her throat... and she has gone to many agencies, and none can help her... immediately the guest panelists on the show all stated that when they shut down the "state mental hospitals" this meant that the crazy lived on the street or in families homes, causing all kinds of problems in both places. THAT today, there is no option for the woman who called in but to keep living in fear.

Another element - why is this happening now in history. We need to look at potential cause and affect. ALL potential elements. For example (just one or two can be found at the following web sites). Is there merit to a discussion about these:

- e-story-of-ssri-stories/
that is an interview with woman who created this site:
(a site listing 4800 SSRI's gone bad stories - that all are just as crazy as NewTown CT & Arora CO - where it seems that some percentage of the population, not all, as SSRIs benfit many, ...some, just can't handle the pills, or when they get off the pills, they react in ways that can for both situations, is nothing less than MANIC behaviors harming people in most all the stories).

- Justice for Joy video on YouTube
(where certainly one thinks of slander and lible as he is talking, so why is he doing that video, as he said he can PROVE what he is saying about the Autism epidemic being trackable to a certain date, and a certain reason

IF EITHER of the above are TRUE, then we can only begin to fully understand the headlines of the future... as, no matter what... is done to the tools used, we still have the same minds to deal with. Where mothers are living in terror.

Meaning, that we as a society have to do not one thing, but many things to get this problem so such tragedy does not happen again.

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