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The UN is nothing but a hot bed of corruption, nepotism, and hypocracy. | 239 comments | Create New Account
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Request to ITU Chief
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, December 14 2012 @ 02:53 PM EST

The article quotes the following:

Member states should endeavour to take necessary measures to prevent the propagation of unsolicited bulk electronic communications and minimise its impact on international telecommunication services.
"Bulk" is a non-meaningful term for this purpose. If someone sends unsolicieted emails to a full mailing list they have of 10 people, this is considered bulk processing and therefore falls within the definition of bulk.

Spam - or unsolicited electronic communications - come from many sources.

As a consumer, I view the unsolicited business offers I receive from my telecommunications provider as Spam! These come in the form of both emails and text messages.

As a result, my request:

    For those Countries who have signed the treaty: Please immediately enact legislation that prevents Telecommunications companies from:

  1. Sending unsolicited communications!

  2. Working around the Law via such means as terms in their contractual agreements, terms of service, etc. that allows unsolicited communications being sent from the telecommunications provider to their customer!
Thank You!


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ITU chief claims Dubai meeting 'success', despite collapse of talks
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, December 14 2012 @ 06:16 PM EST
Unfortunately the article didn't give a link for the Statement from Dr Hamadoun I. Touré . While it is the usual plate of mealy-mouthed platitudes, Dr Touré was compelled to use the word NOT in bold caps, twice. It'll take me a while to go through the Final Acts (pdf 30pp), IOW the Resolutions of the Plenary Session. One might be excused for thinking the non-signers didn't want to be involved with useful work like
that it is important for travellers to be aware of a single well-known number to access local emergency services,
invites Member States
to introduce, in addition to their existing national emergency numbers, a globally harmonized national number for access to emergency services, taking into consideration the relevant ITU-T Recommendations.

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The UN is nothing but a hot bed of corruption, nepotism, and hypocracy.
Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, December 15 2012 @ 04:53 AM EST
I used to have a relative who worked in the UN, so I am fully aware of what exactly the UN is and how it functions. Others should be made aware too.

Basically, jobs in the UN are given out on the basis on who you know in the UN, and they are given out on the basis that you will support the votes and causes of their sponsors - hence the nepotism and corruption. There is a huge amount of effort and money put into the UN by countries which are run by dictators, war criminals and human rights violators to corrupt the UN in this way to their benefit, by seeking to place stool pigeons and those will trade votes, and agree to block vote in a way that favours them, and the UN is wide open to such corruption. Think OOXML committee and multiply that a hundredfold.

The UN is an undemocratic organisation which is accountable to nobody. For an example of how the UN operates, just look at the UN human rights council - it is packed full of the world's worst human rights violators who repeatedly block the UN's own rules and mandates with the council. Why is this? Because the countries abusing human rights have the most reason to get their stool pigeons and block voters into the council - countries that observe the UN's rules and mandates on human rights don't make a particular effort to get their people into the Human Rights Council, and are not prepared to engage in corrupt practices to do so, and once the members are in the council, they can do whatever they want - there is no way of holding them accountable or challenging them on decisions or votes, no matter how perverse or obviously unreasonable or in breach of UN mandates they are. They simply cannot be challenged.

The voting in the UN is also completely undemocratic. In the council chamber, Sri Lanka and Bukino Faso have one vote each, and the US and India also have one vote each, and the worlds population has no vote - only representatives appointed by the member states. This means that not only is it demographically undemocratic, but the poorer countries trade block votes with dictatorships in return for favours. The UN security council is also undemocratic with the five winners of the last world war being granted veto powers simply on the basis that they won a war that took place about 70 years ago. This may have been a reasonable measure for keeping the peace in the immediate post WWII scenario, but how long this can be maintained in future is questionable.

This is of course nothing new - the UN has been doing this for years, so why is this a problem now? The answer is that since the "War on Terror", the US and other Western governments have agreeing to invest more and more power in UN institutions in the hope of getting quid pro quo support on the War on Terror, particularly in declaring that the UN trumps national law which member states are obliged by treaty to comply with ( background 1, background 2). This should be ringing alarm bells, because by doing this we are putting in place an unaccountable world dictators club which trumps the accountability and protection that is built into our national law, and the wider the powers granted to the UN, the worse things get. On top of that democratic and corruption free countries are always going to lose out in the UN because although we are bound by our national anti- corruption and accountability rules, the worlds various dictators and human rights abusers are not, and it is them that will dominate and control the UN and its voting. The UN also gives the wannabe dictators human rights abusers and receivers of graft in western countries great opportunities for acting in the UN ways that are not permitted in their own home countries through their political power to appoint people to the UN and direct them how to vote. They can be held accountable for what they do in their own countries through their national government, but they can't be held accountable for what they do to their own countries via the UN and its ability to trump national law. This is a huge new opportunity for corrupt politicians. For example a US politician can receive payment to a Swiss account from a foreign company or foreign government to use their position in the US administration to instruct their representative to cast a vote in the UN to pass a resolution which would fail in the US Congress/Senate - for example on copyright - and which will trump national government.

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