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Authored by: PolR on Sunday, October 21 2012 @ 07:37 PM EDT
I think that is precisely relevant to the topic of the article. Invention is all about synthesis, not analysis.
I am not sure where you are going with this. As far as I know a patent is not granted on the manner by which an invention is derived. Subject matter is the work product, it is the machine, process, composition of matter or article of manufacture, or it is the improvement thereof. What if the work product of your synthesis is math? What if the work product is abstract? You need analysis to find out whether this is the case. Whether the the engineer has derived the invention by analysis of synthesis is not the issue.
Thus, this problem perfectly fits into your paradigm. It's all about mapping one set of symbols into another and back to the original.
Point taken. I have missed that on the first reading of your comment. I have left a better answer in another comment.
The invention of algorithms that perform such mappings is where synthesis and invention takes hold. No amount of analysis can come up with perfect codes, and you can't say that these codes occur in nature. They are invented by humans. And that is where your adoration of the Turing machine ceases to be relevant, and the point at which your arguments about why computer programs should not be patentable cease to be persuasive.
First I don't adore Turing machines, I use them in arguments when I think they are relevant.

Second my argument in this article doesn't rely on Turing machines. When you say my argument is not persuasive are you really discussing the argument in this article? If you assume the article relies on Turing machines you and I may not discussing the same argument.

Third why should it matter whether the algorithm is developed by analysis or synthesis? This is not the test for subject matter patentability. The manner the invention has been derived is not relevant.

Fourth abstract mathematics doesn't occur in nature but it is still abstract. This whole paragraph about algorithms apply as is to other form of contents. You are not distinguishing algorithms about symbolic codes from contents.

But there is absolutely nothing in any theorem that tells you what algorithm to use for the mapping.
Why is that relevant? Besides there should be a theorem showing a particular algorithm will work as expected and other theorems showing they work at such and such degree of performance. To the extent that theorems are relevant your statement is misleading. It leaves an impression that there are no theorems about the algorithms when this is not the case.
Moreover, the particular algorithm may not be useful if it takes longer to perform the coding and decoding than is available to transmit and receive the data.
So what? There are infinitely many values of pi. It takes forever to compute them all. But if you compute the volume of a cylinder, say an oil drum, you need to use pi because the formula refers to it. If you want the calculation to be useful you must use only a finite number of decimals of pi. That doesn't make an arithmetical calculation using an approximate value of pi non math. The same could be said of any algorithm.

Finding out the volume of an oil drum is useful. Utility doesn't distinguish math from non math. It doesn't distinguish contents from non contents.

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