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Software programs already "unpatentable" | 758 comments | Create New Account
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Software programs already "unpatentable"
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, October 15 2012 @ 05:49 AM EDT
Under UK Law (sorry, degree of overlap with EU practice not known) the "four step approach" to check that an application is patentable (references already in thread) says:

(1) Properly construe the claim;
(2) identify the actual contribution;
(3) ask whether it falls solely within the excluded subject matter;
(4) check whether the actual or alleged contribution is actually technical in nature.

The third (and fourth) step both help with forbidding computer programs, as the exposition and precedents in the later sections show:
eg "Substance over form
... constructed using the principles of normal claim construction. If the contribution identified in step two of the “four step approach”of the invention as claimed lies solely in an excluded field, the claimed invention fails at step three of the “four step approach” and is not a patentable invention. In the judgment in Aerotel/Macrossan, Jacob LJ elaborated on step two, saying “What has the inventor really added to human knowledge perhaps best sums up the exercise. The formulation involves looking at substance not form- which is surely what the legislator intended”. He went on to say “If an inventor claims a computer when programmed with his new program, it will not assist him if he alleges wrongly that he has invented the computer itself, even if he specifies all the detailed elements of a computer in his claim. In the end the test must be what contribution has actually been made, not what the inventor says he has made”. When assessing this contribution, examiners should not consider prior art falling in the section 2(3) field.

... Court of Appeal, where application of the second step in the four step approach identified the inventor’s contribution as an interactive computer system involving no new hardware, and application of the third step put this invention solely into an excluded category. Similarly, in Bloomberg LLP and Cappellini’s Applications [2007] EWHC 476 (Pat), [2007] FSR 26, Pumfrey J stated that “a claim to a programmed computer as a matter of substance is just a claim to the program on a kind of carrier. A program on a kind of carrier, which, if run, performs a business method adds nothing to the art that does not lie in excluded subject matter”. In Peter Williams’ Application (BL O/038/07), although the claims related to a method of providing personalised transactional benefits over a network using a code symbol reader, the substance of the claims was determined to be the practice of shielding a consumer’s identity from a retail establishment. This was held to be no more than a business advantage, and as such the invention was excluded under S.1(2)(c)."

Brief commentary and questions about relevance to US problem
The other sections are more specific but does this idea of substance over form help with software as mathematics - placing in the domain alongside those classes of unpatentable ip?
There is surely acknowledgement and acceptance of mathematics as a formal language. It can be used to formulate how to do things but does not change the substance of the device (would a comparison with, say, "sets of controls that can be "hard-wired" rather then programmable, be a help or a hindrance here?) Just as a scientific theory can underpin (and allows) the way a device works but cannot itself be patented. However, neither is the formulation of the theory necessary to make it work - just that it does! Comparisons here with heuristic algorithms (my understanding of heuristic comes from the philosophy of science so I might be totally off track)?

A novel (unpatentable) scientific theory or discovery (expressed and understood in some sort of language) can substantiate itself through an invention which can still only be patented if it is novel but the underlying theory remains in the public domain - even if "coded" in "specialist" notation.

Whatever the merits and arguments above, how about arguing for the clear advantages of establishing agreement between major international trading blocks? Does anybody know how far UK practice reflects EU Laws and practice and how it differs? Hopefully, we can argue that everybody should converge to something like the '4 step approach' with agreed "excluded subject matter" that includes software.

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