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Since everything can be described by mathematics, it really doesn't matter. | 758 comments | Create New Account
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Since everything can be described by mathematics, it really doesn't matter.
Authored by: PolR on Tuesday, October 16 2012 @ 01:32 AM EDT
This is a deep question. I am not sure I understand the nuances of what you have in mind. But to start the discussion I will share some notes I have prepared for a future article. This is still a draft, a lot must be done before I can release this to the intention of laymen, so please bear with me. I show this to you because I think the relationship between algorithms and logic is the proper starting point for this discussion. If some points are obscure fell free to ask questions.
How do algorithms solve real world problems if they work without referring to the meanings of the symbols? Algorithms are a form of logic. It is possible to use algorithms to make logical inferences about the data. Well chosen logical inferences can solve practical problems.

This use of algorithms requires the programmer to define an additional set of conventions about data types. Consider the following series of statements.

  1. "Abraham Lincoln" is a character string.
  2. "Abraham Lincoln" is the name of a human being.
  3. "Abraham Lincoln" is the name of a politician.
  4. "Abraham Lincoln" is the name of a president of the United States of America.
Each of them is attaching a data type to the character string "Abraham Lincoln". Most computer languages are only concerned with the data type in line 1. This is all they need to generate executable code. But logicians have been interested in more elaborate forms of data typing. Each of the statements mentions a valid data type in this logical sense. Logicians have noticed that data types corresponds to what they call "predicates" which are templates to form propositions. For example "is the name of a president of the USA" is a predicate. If you apply it to "Abraham Lincoln" you are stating the (true) proposition that "Abraham Lincoln" is the name of a president of the USA. And if you attach the same predicate to "Albert Einstein" you get a similar but false proposition.

When writing a program, programmers must first define their data. They don't just define the syntactic representation in terms of bits. They also define what the data will mean. A logician would say they define the logical data types, the predicates which are associated with the data. These predicates are documented in the specifications of the software, in comments included in the source code or in the names they give to the program variables. This knowledge is essential in understanding a program. However these predicates are not used for generating machine executable instructions. The predicates are not used by the computer for the manipulation of the symbols. During execution the predicates are implicit. They are defined by a convention the reader must know in order to be able to read the symbols correctly. They are for human understanding and verification that the program indeed does what it is intended to do. And they are also for the user of the program as he needs to understand the meanings of the inputs and outputs in order to use the program properly.

Data types in this extended logical sense relate to algorithms as follows. If you expect the data to be of some type, then the data is implicitly stating a proposition. You can tell which proposition by applying the predicate to the data. If you expect a quantity of hammers in your inventory and the data you get is 6, then you implicitly have a statement that you currently have 6 hammers in stock. All data is implicitly the statement of a proposition corresponding to its type.

When the algorithm process the data it implicitly carries out logical inferences on the corresponding propositions because a correctly working program must always produce data of the correct type. For example if you ask a program for the birth date of Theodore Roosevelt and the program returns October 27, 1858, it implicitly states that this is the birth date of Theodore Roosevelt because this is the proposition corresponding to the expected data type. The definition of correctness for a program is that it produces a logically correct answer. Programmers are well aware of this correspondence between predicates, data and correctness. They use it to design, understand and verify their programs.

Logicians have defined a mathematically rigorous correspondence between algorithms and mathematical logic. This is called the Curry-Howard correspondence. It works like a translation, similar to translating between Russian and Chinese, except that the translation is between two mathematical languages. If the algorithm is expressed in the language of λ-calculus then the Curry-Howard correspondence translates the algorithm into a proof of mathematical logic expressed in the language of predicate calculus. The translation works also in the other direction. Proofs of mathematical logic may likewise be translated into algorithms. In this sense an algorithm is really another expression for rules of logic. The difference is a matter of form and not substance.

As an alternative, when the algorithm is written in an imperative language instead of λ-calculus it may be assigned a logical semantics using Hoare logic. Poernomo, Crossley and Wirsing argue that Hoare logic is what the Curry-Howard correspondence becomes when it is adapted to imperative programs.

I have some questions for you. Is logic useful? Why would putting operations of logic in a computer make them patentable?

In my opinion, the utility of a stored program computer is analogous to the utility of a printing press. It does not depend on the contents. There is a mathematical basis to the notion that an algorithm is a form of logic. Also there is a technological basis to the notion that the hardware is independent from the contents. Perhaps this address your question?

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