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Since everything can be described by mathematics, it really doesn't matter. | 758 comments | Create New Account
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Since everything can be described by mathematics, it really doesn't matter.
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, October 15 2012 @ 02:34 PM EDT

You are referring to the representations of the symbols. What I meant to express is that the symbols are not their physical representations. I have explained why it is so in the article.

I'm not sure. I contend that as instructions are processed any symbols that may be present which are not an integral part of the computers hardware design are not treated differently from any other data. Manipulation of these symbols as a result of the software execution is something only programmer can intentionally cause.

If you refer to the voltage state of a memory cell, or register bit being a symbol, then I suppose computers do manipulate those specific symbols.

During execution symbols are written. The act of writing doesn't transform math into something concrete...

Are the voltage values in the memory cells not real representation of machine state that resulted from this execution, even if the symbolic aspects that a programmer introduced is merely coincidental?

... Also, writing doesn't create the meaning. The knowledge of how symbols should be read belongs to the reader independently from the act of writing.

BINGO! However the machine/software characteristics do assist the reader by performing some types of predetermined operations that assists the reader in associating his knowledge with the information (perhaps symbols) that have been processed by the software. The value of this organizational capacity that can be found in software is very real and provides value to the user.

Is it just me or your comment is a description of how people interact with devices having contents but without using the word contents? This kind of explanation gives the impression that the hardware does everything. But symbols are not hardware. There is such a thing as contents whether or not the explanation uses the word.

Interesting point. hmmm. The hardware only follows the instructions present in the software. For mathematic/algorithm based patents to be valid they need to be a part of a possibly real machine; they must transcend from the pure theoretical into the real. So my focus has been on how software is an extension or customization of the characteristics that the hardware can exhibit.

My understanding is that contents are likely never patentable, they may be copyrightable though. Hence my focus has not been in consideration of content. I don't believe software is to be considered as content as far as patents should be concerned.

If you refer to the representation of content onscreen as a result of some software process, I make a distinction between the software that processes the content to place it's representation on screen, and the original data that represents that content before processing.

Read again the part of the article about how the same boolean gate computes two different boolean functions. Also read the part about the adder circuit which does two different additions depending on the syntax used to represent numbers. In both cases one can't tell which meaning is intended by looking at the circuit alone. Knowledge of what is intended matters.

Thanks for the invitation. :)

The boolean gates which perform hardware operations are activated by the machine when the machine detects the instructions and one or two operands in the instruction stream (software instructions). The prior is an implementation required to fulfill the mathematics for such boolean operators.

I would not consider the operands for such instructions to be a component of materials you may categorize as contents all the time. It's very possible that these instructions may be called with operands that have been previously set by software during the execution of prior instructions. In this case, the operand is merely part of the existing machine state, and not a part of content.

To apply an equivalent of your boolean logic gates and boolean operator analogy to the abacus. Consider the operator first. If presented with the instructions:

IF (beads in row 1 == 10) THEN
right 10 beads in row 1;
left 1 bead in row 2;

First you load the instructions (read them in this example). Then execute. In this example the logic operator does not naturally exist in the abacus. So the user gets tasked with fulfilling the operation. The user needs to make a determination whether row 1 contains 10 beads. The equivalent implementation of such an equality operator in a machine circuit may make a cooresponding determination by comparing two registers, one set by a previous instruction to the value of 10, the other containing a previous machine state. So both possible implementation have an equal representation.

Neither the simplified abacus example or the automated computer example really give any evidence of any substantial that is patentable because the representations are intermediary values. And as far as your original posting, or any viewpoint I may hold, these intermediary representations don't contain real value to a user until the system as a whole can process/present enough information for such operations to become useful tools to the user. They are only elements of an idea. Not a complete idea.

I am not sure if this conversation will continue to be productive as far as how either one of us understands the patentability of software (algorithms). One of the reasons I brought the abacus, the user and the instructions (on paper) into my first post was to simplify the computing system and bring things to it's very basics so that what software does exactly may become more obvious.

I felt that you had complicated the issue, in doing so you seemed to have overlooked something. By introducing the idea that everything is mathematics, you seemed to have overlooked how those representations can be very useful to humanity. It's the mathematicians responsibility to find a way to make his trade useful to his society after all, is it not? And he knows that just because something is mathematical it should not surrender being real; and furthermore, a computer system modified by specific software seems to be a perfect example of how something with pure mathematical origins can manifest itself into the real, at least enough to be considered worth of patents IMO. Whether that statement is really true is debatable of course and has been the side issue of our topics in this conversations it seems.

Either way I hope you have enjoyed our conversations as much as I have. I'd like to thank you for expressing your views and entertaining my ideas though they may have contradicted some of yours. I really appreciate the effort you put into your work despite my vigor to defend my own views.

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