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It's not nonsense. | 758 comments | Create New Account
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It's not nonsense. All of it.
Authored by: mbouckaert on Monday, October 15 2012 @ 04:26 PM EDT
Software is math. Because it IS, rather than because of what
it does. Software programs, as text, do nothing.

For anything to be patentable, there MUST be interaction
with the physical world. Then come the tests of obviousness

Now an *execution* of a software program is a different
animal from the software itself. At the very least, the
execution interacts with two types of physical commodities:
Time and some physical representation of where the symbols
being acted on are kept.

Telling ad nauseam that software is math is insufficient.

One must also show that, in most cases (see below), the
execution of software does not, in itself, raise to the
level of patentability.

A few examples.

* Java code, compilers, language and interfaces are not
patentable. That part of Java that is software is math; the
documentation is text. Both are copyrightable. Executing
"Java" (e.g. running javac) does not, in itself, interact in
any patentable or nonobvious manner with "time" and
"memory". From that angle (economy of the physical
resources needed for the symbol manipulation to complete),
there are tons of prior art. Yes, even for JIT.

* The well-discussed rubber-curing system, which includes a
process control computer and its software algorithm, is as a
whole patentable, thanks to the software. That software had
to be economical in time resources to provide results in
time to alter the curing process. An army of human
computers wouldn't do. Now, the scope is limited, and the
execution of software may be using sortcuts or other
heuristics in the math ( = software = text ) that drives it,
and may be a borderline case for such heuristics to be
called in the patent as a limiting factor (i.e., using
different heuristics as a way not to infringe.)

* There are cases where the "economy of (physical)
resources" may be enough to raise to patentability matter,
for the execution of software-described algorithms (math) on
specific hardware (with known clock speed and memory
resources). Public-key crypto is an example. While it is
*possible* for an algorithm to break any public/private key
relationship, the physical time constraints (with current
and foreseeable hardware) makes it impractical. The math
says one thing (you can do it, here is how), the physical
world another (what good does it make to break that cypher
two thousand years from now?)

I think this should be injected in your document somehow.
Software execution comes from the marriage of math and
physical reality. It has the genes from both parents, math
and real-world.

By the way, what is heuristics except more math ?


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It's not nonsense.
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, October 15 2012 @ 04:39 PM EDT

I have a technical degree, too -- a B.S. from what I understand to be a fairly prestigious institution. If I mentioned it, you might recognize it. It was obtained at a time when you actually had to take a serious concentration in mathematics. Indeed, the degree is a combined EE/CS degree, with a concentration in analog hardware. Part of the degree includes learning a lot about software. I've actually used the software part of the degree to earn a living in the past writing both some pretty hairy real-world simulations and parts of several large real-time software control systems.

To preserve my anonymity, I will not go any further but to say that I also have an MS degree in a similar subject area but in a particular field of the subject area that required a heavy concentration in mathematics -- both discrete and continuous.

Did your CS degree require more than three or four years worth of mathematics starting with calculus, differential equations, complex functions, modulation, coding, detection and synchronization theory, etc., etc.?

What I have that you don't have is extensive experience in both technical and legal matters. I understand how patents work. I understand the difference between an embodiment of an invention and an abstract idea. I also understand the difference between something that is unpatentable subject matter and what is obvious. And I understand that to confuse obviousness and unpatentable subject matter makes patent law a complete mess. It is also a sign of fuzzy thinking (as opposed to fuzzy logic). Or, as Professor Kingsfield once said in The Paper Chase,

You come in here with a skull full of mush and you leave thinking like a lawyer.

It took me a long time after graduating law school to rid myself of that mush. But I did it, and now I can see fallacies and logical traps on both sides of this issue. And the idea that you can somehow cure "software patents," whatever they are, by eliminating them by defining them as a new class of "unpatentable subject matter" is indeed one of those fallacies. If they are obvious, they are obvious, and patent law can handle that. If they are not an embodiment of an invention, they are unpatentable under a different section of patent law, and the law can handle that, too.

If you define a new class of "unpatentable subject matter," you are just going to be litigating what that means for decades to come. And even after you decide what that means, you'll still be litigating particular cases about whether a given invention falls into that category for perhaps a hundred or more years to come. And what you will wind up with is a conflicting patchwork of laws decreed by politicized court appointees or written by legislators bought and sold by lobbyists. If you don't like uncertainty now, just wait and see what you will get then. (Just for yucks, why don't you check out some of the current Republican members of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology?)

Also, go read Jennifer Kahaulelio Gregory, The Troll Next Door, 6 J.MARSHALL REV. INTELL. PROP. L. 292 (2007), especially section (III)(B), Fear of Too Many Patents and Rampant Enforcement, at page 307. You just might learn something.

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