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So, how to get our thoughts into an amicus brief?
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, October 09 2012 @ 03:44 PM EDT
It's not that simple.

If you think it's all "just math" then give me the password and user
identifier to your banking website.

I assume you have a bill paying service? Most folks do nowadays.

I will make a quick and practical demonstration that software is more than
"just math" and I will do so without as much as the issuing of any
tangible, paper check.

How much is in your account right now?

The problem here is that computers are eventually tied to the real world. They
just don't sit in the corner, generating tables of logarithms.

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Not Quite
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, October 09 2012 @ 03:46 PM EDT
It is a matter of fact, not refutable or ignorable by the courts, that software is pure mathematics.

I don't think this has actually been proven. At least I've never seen a proof. Most people point to a Turing Machine and claim that's good enough. Turing Machines don't include things like network, hard disks, keyboards, and displays. Even the random number generators built into modern CPUs violate the Turing model (at least they do if they are real random number generators.)

The key thing all of these things introduce into the equation is all sorts of unpredictability. Even something as simple as accessing a hard drive has to take into account effects of where the platter is rotationally, how long it takes the hard drives computer to respond to a command and so on.

Networks need to take into account misdirected packets, corrupted packets, and so on as well.

I think it is possible to build a mathematical model that encompasses all of this, I've just never seen one. So if you really want to show all software is math, build a model that includes all of the above. I think something like a Turing Machine with ports that connect it to other Turing machines, or people, might be enough. They key thing to encompass is all the randomness and things that could go wrong.

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The court must see a Digital 101 class video... Brian Cantwell Smith (CSPAN-Library of Congress)
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, October 10 2012 @ 09:05 AM EDT
Preface - go to: Answerin g Gene Quinn, Patent Attorney - Updated
Friday, November 14 2008 @ 09:04 PM EST
To read comments to this article, go here

Then, consider:

1st - the court must see this Digital 101 class video...
Brian Cantwell Smith (C-SPAN) Library of Congress... DIGITAL FUTURE: MEANING OF DIGITAL

Mr. Smith combines degrees in computer science and philosophy and is an expert on the interdisciplinary convergence brought about by digitization. His lecture, titled "And Is All This Stuff Really Digital After All?" explored the meaning and notion of "digital" and argued the term was often a misnomer, referring to delivery mechanisms rather than the information itself. Mr. Smith was the author of On the Origin of Objects, published by Bradford Books. The series "Managing Knowledge and Creativity in a Digital Context" examined how the digital age was changing the most basic ways information is organized and classified. The goal was to educate the public on what the digital age meant to their lives. This event took place in the Mumford Room in the Library of Congress Madison Building. The featured speaker was followed by a panel discussion, and a question and answer session with the audience at the venue, as well as C-SPAN television viewers who submitted questions by electronic mail.

HERE are some very interesting transcript excerpts that were posted in former related Groklaw comment)

Let me add this quote found at 1:08:00 point (here is an example of where he gets into the answer to an interesting question - related to patents for sure, as then we ask where is the real invention)?

(not exact, but close to exact quote):

"I have been searching for what is special about computers...
I will announce this...
You have been misled."

(go to that point and the excerpt points in the above link for a very interesting insight of this wonderful talk).

All JUDGES and LAWYERS should view this video, before they even think any more about what is a computer is, or is not... as, it will present them with more questions that they must ask, where they will end up at one final resting place called MATH.

Also, Of interest (brought forward from previous Groklaw comment):

So, start here, and end at all the other comments above and below:
The chip design dictates what software can run (so by design, software is obvious). - Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, October 31 2008 @ 04:21 PM EDT

" Simply put ---> Digital is pure trickery of the highest form.

Those who perform magic can understand this concept quickly. For others, it might take until the next generation (who will never need to talk of the internet like they were full pipes), to understand. Hopefully, in the future, the next generations will not laugh too hard at us, our lawyer, and our judges. The courts could prevent this future laughing now. We shall see what the next level of the court can see the forest thru the trees and what they do with with this ruling next? Will they show their age (and be tricked by the digital myth), or will they show some wisdom?

We can only ask this: Why is stuff that is digital (represented by software) so obvious? Why are so many tricked into thinking computers and software are some kind of NEW INVENTION (when it is trickery)? Yep - digital stuff... it is pure magic (however at the same time, what computers do... is not new, and is indeed obvious). Why?

Because! Remember it is all math, and math is not patentable at all! Yep - All that software does it take analog actions, covert them to a math process involving BINARY digital code to run on a certain chip (as chips get faster we get results faster), then outputs again (sooner than if done by analog but the result is the same). In a digital output (that is usable in only an analog representation) the input, now output, is again useful for humans (good only because what we did is done faster). So, what is done by the computer, is not different from the original human action (analog) in the first place, it just is done quicker!

READ THE REST OF THE LINK ABOVE and the links to that to get a full reading as to the WHY...

Smoke signals and Drumming on Logs, was binary! - Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, November 01 2008 @ 09:26 AM EDT If you are looking for prior art for any patent on the Method and Concept of "any digital communications patent at all" then look no further than primitive communication. It was all Binary then. What is different today? Well, what is different is that we use today, chips and electronics - aka the real invention. No new CONCEPT at all. No new Method at all. Encryption, why that is just as old as sending messages either written or by changing the secret code of the digital binary smoke signal, to a new way to scramble the message. Nothing NEW. Nothing magical. Prior art is thousands of years old.

So, these judges, need to understand what computing really is, and either take a computing 101 course in college, AND see the video linked to above...!
Where they can see that digital is a myth in the middle, and that the software is only subject to copyright, and the hardware is where the patents should exist, period.
Or else, if they don't understand, then as Brian Cantwell Smith also said (something like this" - "We might have to wait for another generation to grow up with them, before we as a society, understand"?

What is the difference between a discovery, and an invention? What is the Myth, what is the Magic (that current judges, lawyers, and USPTO examiners are all being fooled by)?

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So, how to get our thoughts into an amicus brief?
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, October 10 2012 @ 01:04 PM EDT
>b. In assessing patent eligibility under 35 U.S.C. § 101 of a
computer-implemented invention, should it matter whether the invention is
claimed as a method, system, or storage medium; and should such claims at times
be considered equivalent for § 101 purposes?

Proposed answer: there is no way that a patent, any patent, can be claimed on a
generic storage medium. The very presence of the patent itself on a CD would
violate the patent! -- which is nonsense.

However, if a patent is claimed that can be totally contained on a storage
medium--then the "invention" is by definition not patentable. THE VERY

This is consistent with the Supreme Court ruling, which said that software
(e.g., on a CD) NOT installed on a computer, did not infringe. It could not
infringe before it was installed on a computer.

Now, at what point does it begin to infringe? Is it when the CD is inserted into
the computer's coffee-cup tray? Is it when the data is copied to hard disk? Is
it the point where the entirety of the data is present in RAM (which is

When you attempt to answer this question, bear in mind that a program can be
executed without ANY of the above EVER happening. And, additionally, the essence
of patents is, they are freely distributable. WHEREVER the data describing the
patent is COPIED, there is no violation.

It is only when the patent is actually USED that there is a violation. And in a
computer, the ONLY non-insane meaning of "use" would be
"EXECUTION" of the program. Everything else, up to that point, is
constitutionally-approved propagation of the ideas in the patent.

Of course, we still get back to the separate point of asking what a computer
does by executing a program, that isn't hardware and isn't math (which I would
answer "nothing" for some of the many reasons given here.)

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Materials vs. Ideas
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, October 12 2012 @ 11:19 AM EDT
If there is no physical embodiment of the patent, it shouldn't be patentable. I
think that sums it up, but I leave it open for discussion.

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