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Get over what? | 98 comments | Create New Account
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get over it
Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, August 02 2012 @ 10:38 PM EDT
Remember when big ol' clunky CRTs had knobs and dials all
over 'em? And the screen was set off-center to accommodate
those controls?

Remember when cheap IR receivers and transmitters made it to
market and all those dials and knobs disappeared because
those controls were removed to the appropriately named
remote control? But TVs were still big and clunky and often
were contained in odd wood cabinets with drawers and other
storage bins beneath, but now the screen was the main focus
of the device and set right dead in the center.

Remember when liquid crystal displays stopped costing
$45,000 per panel and started costing $4,500 per panel?
Remember when they started costing $450 per panel? Remember
when TVs started to incorporate those displays? Do you
remember who sold the first LCD TV? No, because it doesn't
f'g matter. Every single LCD TV sold today looks exactly the
f'g same. Why? Because the utility of the device is
maximized when the screen size is maximized, the bezel size
minimized, the weight minimized, and the power consumption

But how do all these TV makers compete with each other if
all TVs look the same? With compelling features, of course.

Sound familiar? Wait, it doesn't, does it?

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get over it
Authored by: cjk fossman on Thursday, August 02 2012 @ 11:00 PM EDT
Apple reinvented the cell phone

So what?

Remember VisiCalc? First with the spreadsheet but couldn't keep up with Lotus 1-2-3 and Excel.

Being first with a widget does not entitle you to rest on your laurels and block competition, especially when you are relying on design patents, as is Apple.

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Get over what?
Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, August 02 2012 @ 11:14 PM EDT

"Folks - Apple reinvented the cell phone. That much is clear and

Horse manure.

All cellphone companies, including the one that invented the cell phone are
always "reinventing the cell phone". All companies (including Apple)
are looking at what the competition is doing (don't argue it, Apple already
admitted it).

Just Google "The Evolution of the Cell Phone". Notice anything when
you do it?

Goodness me, was Motorola's first cell phone really that big with merely an LED
and no LCD screen? That's was the first portable cell phone, introduced in the
early 80s. That's the invention of the cell phone. (At least the first
commercial one.)

Are you suggesting that for over two decades that's where the development of the
cell phone ended until, as you say, "Apple reinvented the cell

There weren't ANY improvements on the cell phone between the early 80s and the
advent of the Apple iPhone?

So, all those intervening cell phones I see in that time line are figments of
some deranged persons imagination? Improvements weren't being made, the screens
didn't change to color, the screens weren't getting bigger, they absolutely
could not connect to the Internet before "Apple reinvented the cell
phone"? Is that what you're saying?

Sure, in your delusional, Apple lovin' world, but in the world of reality cell
phones were and still are being "reinvented" all the time.

In fact, the Apple iPhone is getting its lunch eaten by Samsung because Samsung
is continuing to reinvent. Apple has kind of gone stagnate.

Samsung and Apple's other competitors have been increasing the size of the
screen and Apple has been sitting on their hands, thinking (I suppose) their
size is the "perfect" size -- no one needs a bigger size. (Well maybe
they don't, but it doesn't mean people won't buy a bigger screen if someone
makes it.) And boy are they -- Samsung, by themselves, sold twice as many smart
phones as Apple did last quarter.

There is hope for Apple though. Finally, Apple got a "duh" moment and
figured it out "Hey, guess what, people want -- give up -- bigger screens
-- we'll give 'em one with the iPhone 5". You think so, Apple? Really?
(I guess that's why they have that "Genius Bar".)

So accept the fact that Apple's monopoly days are over. People are figuring out
that there are some pretty damn good phones out there that don't have Apple's
name on them.

Apple really needs to stop litigating and start competing. That's just the way
it is, that's reality, so get over it.

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get over it
Authored by: JonCB on Friday, August 03 2012 @ 12:06 AM EDT
By and large, phone before iPhone were half- screen and with keyboards. Samsung and others were experimenting with other ideas but nothing came together.

Christ not this rediculous theory again. If you'd like to actually understand the space you're talking about instead of just believing the hype i'd suggest you look at the line of smart phones that were produced by HTC. In particular if you look at and find the legacy devices section, look for the images of the :-

  • HTC Wallaby
  • HTC Blue Angel
  • HTC Himalaya
  • HTC Alpine
  • HTC Magician

Generally speaking, if it's a windows mobile based smartphone it looked like a palm pilot (which was what the original HP design was derived from) which didn't have a physical keyboard.

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get over it
Authored by: DieterWasDriving on Friday, August 03 2012 @ 12:41 AM EDT

Apple people looked around and saw what everyone else was seeing. Touch screens
could replace switches and keyboards.

The iPhone came out after the explosion of GPS units with touch screens. Most
were only modestly bigger than the screens, with the bezel shrinking every
generation. Almost all ran as foreground tasks on top of a single tasking
executive, WINCE. The saved their state when the user switched the foreground
task, which was almost always to suspend.

Humans have a curious creeping ownership view that doesn't always mesh with the
world around them. You can use something long enough, like a street parking
spot, that you believe you have a property right. You can take an idea from
someone else and work on it hard enough you start to believe that it's yours.
Apple thinks that because they early to the market, they should have control of
the preexisting and obvious ideas, that they somehow became owned because they
"made them popular".

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get over it
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, August 03 2012 @ 05:01 AM EDT
really? how about the O2 Orbit XDAiis released in 2004? OK
there are a few buttons on the front but it was easy then to
see the direction things were heading. Large touch screen,
minimal buttons. Doesn't look like there was 'that' much of a
reinvention to me.

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  • get over it - Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, August 03 2012 @ 08:55 AM EDT
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