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You're so wrong | 1347 comments | Create New Account
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You're so wrong
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, June 11 2012 @ 03:29 PM EDT
What does "from a practical perspective" even mean? It means

Computer science is a mathematical discipline. Theory IS practice. There is no

There is NO DIFFERENCE between a mathematician carrying out a calculation with
pen and paper, and a computer carrying out that calculation with little
electrical signals. Both are physical machines performing an abstract
mathematical calculation that manipulates symbols.

A general-purpose computer DOES math. It computes. That's the ONLY thing it
ever does. Putting new software into it does not make a new machine, that's
ridiculous! Forgive me, but it's the kind of ridiculous nonsense that only a
patent lawyer could believe. It just shows how out of touch with reality they

Software patents are bad for a whole host of reasons. They have almost
exclusively negative effects on everybody involved (except for patent lawyers,
and very large companies which can use them to crush their smaller competitors).
They are unconstitutional. They claim ownership of specific mathematical
ideas. They prevent other implementors from using those same *ideas* in
practice. They have huge chilling effects, putting all innovators at severe
litigation risk in exchange for virtually no societal benefit. Thousands of
them are granted every year, nearly ALL of which should be invalid even under
the current rules. (Under the current circumstances, the presumption of
validity is ridiculous, and highly prejudicial to anyone accused of

Please help us build a saner world. Ban software patents. And while you're at
it, please feed all patent lawyers to the lions. Help make our world a better

--programmer of 20 years.

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still unpersuasive
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, June 11 2012 @ 03:34 PM EDT
Setting virtual machines aside, no doubt the hardware is the machine and it was
already capable. The fact the software merely turn a feature on or off does not
change the machine. And whatever process there is the software is carrying out
is immediately obvious because it follows from the machine spec (for example, if
the antenna can't be turn off in hardware, no software will be able to do it).

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Well, since my credibility is on the line...
Authored by: PolR on Monday, June 11 2012 @ 04:36 PM EDT
I don't think your credibility is on the line. You are the legal expert and this discussion is much needed. I am happy to see you here.

I think the following might be the heart of the dispute.

I am not understanding the fixation on a new machines for two reasons: a. Processes are patentable, so new software in a machine means we can use it for a process we could not before, and that has nothing to do with this "new machine" distinction; b. Patent law has never required that every patent cover a new machine. Instead, it has required that the capabilities of machines be new. That's why we have a gazillion patents on plows, flour hoppers, and other such stuff. Plows may have all the same pieces, but if they are made if different materials, made in different ways, or have the parts configured slightly differently, they can be patentable. Software is being treated the same way - in practice.
Technical people think in terms of causality. If attorneys are going to tell us that new functions are evidence that a new machine is being made, we want to see what is done to the machine in structural terms to implement the new function. Otherwise we are in a regime where it is assumed that function can never be implemented without physically some new machine and this is technically incorrect.

Here is what we see in this practical approach to what is a new machine. We are in a regime where:

  • Every physical changes potentially make a new machine.
  • Physically identical changes sometimes make a new machine and sometimes they don't depending on legal context.
  • The causal relationships as understood in principles of computer science and electronic engineering are not considered relevant in this determination and are ignored.
  • The actual machine structure is not even looked at. Function alone is evidence that the new machine is made.
  • The possibility of implementing new function without actually making a corresponding physical structure which causes this function is ruled out by legal fiat.
  • The existing capabilities of the machine which have been built-in by the designer are ignored when determining whether the machine has a new capability. Only prior art counts in this analysis.
I don't see how this is different from a license for attorney to call a machine whatever they want, leaving prior art as the sole test to determine of whether this machine is new. We may as well read the word machine out of the statute and say new functions are what is patentable.

Software is very different from plows. These mechanical devices are not programmable. Sure there are commonalities from a plow to another but the differences in design are permanent features of the plow and they have a causal relationship with the improve function of the plow. In software the decision that a new machine is made disregards causal relationships and ignore the applicable scientific principles.

This view also disregards that it is possible to make sure the so-called structure which has a causal relationship with the function to be transient, that the structure in memory doesn't stay in place for the entire execution of the software. How could this circumstances be deemed irrelevant in practice? It suggests that the invention is not a machine at all, old or new.

This last paragraph is a major sticking point. We can't have a rational discussion on whether the patent reads on an algorithm with someone who thinks the invention is a machine even when no machine is actually made. This notion obscures what the invention is. In fact, it prevents any analysis of what the invention is because the invention is deemed to be something else by legal fiat.

This also obscures the discussion on what the process claimed in software is. The nature of this process is not the activity of transistors. But people who think software is a machine have this conception in their mind. Again this makes impossible rational discussion and analysis of what the invention actually is.

I observe that your article omits that it is mathematical algorithms that are not patentable. The reference to mathematics is important. But an analysis of whether the invention is the algorithm cannot be done correctly by someone who thinks the invention is a machine, or the activity of transistor. Having the facts of technology right is the first step. If you work from facts that are wrong, analysis is indeed impossible. But if you work from facts which are correct the analysis will be much easier.

I think that your approach is equivalent to saying function is patentable regardless of what is actually implemented and therefore analysis of implementation is not required.

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Well, since my credibility is on the line...
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, June 11 2012 @ 04:46 PM EDT
If I replace my phone software with software that disables the cell antenna, it is practically and functionally a different machine. And if I add navigation software to my phone, it also becomes a navigation device and it wasn't before. Yes, all the parts are there, but the use of the machine is far different.
By this reasoning turning on the headlights in a car turns it into a new machine. Just like flipping switches to turn on the headlights and turn off four wheel drive, all software is just the flipping of switches (i.e. the bits in memory). In older mainframes, a human would physically flip these switches. Now days, the switches are electronic and are set electronically.

Would you propose that every setting of the switches on an Enigma machine turns it into a new machine worthy of individual patent? Does flipping the dip-switches on a circuit board turn it into a new patentable device? The only differences between dip-switches and memory is how you set the switches (physically vs electronically) and scale (dozens vs billions).

Part of the difference of view may be that you (like many users) seem to view a computer in terms of tasks (e.g. web-browsing vs word processing). In that view, a computer looks like a different machine when being used for different tasks. However, the beauty of the computer is that it is like a chameleon and can appear like many different machines merely by flipping a few switches (activating pigmentation cells?). A new program does not turn a computer into a different machine, it merely makes it look like a different machine.

I am specifically not addressing the patentability of processes with this comment or whether software patents are a net positive for society. My point is that the courts' idea that reprogramming a computer makes it a new machine does not reflect the engineering reality, and I doubt (hope?) courts would make similar determinations on other devices (e.g. car headlights, Enigma machines, dip-switches, etc.). (A case on dip-switch setting could be a particularly interesting and relevant precedent.)

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so the family minivan ...
Authored by: nsomos on Monday, June 11 2012 @ 05:56 PM EDT
By that logic, depending on what route you drive,
and what cargo you might carry, the family minivan
becomes a different machine. What mighty magic is this?

If I carry computers for delivery in there, can I get
a patent on that. Maybe if I carry something in it,
that no one has ever carried before, I could patent
that use of that vehicle.

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You have not responded to the PolR's main point
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, June 13 2012 @ 06:46 AM EDT
Thanks for continuing to participate, prof Risch, but you have ducked the main
point: that current US law on software patents relies on fictional computer

I agree with PolR that you are the legal expert, and am happy to defer to you on
legal matters. But I maintain that unless you show the same courtesy to the
computer science experts on Groklaw, your credibility remains that of a patent

Please respond to PolR's comments about how computing machines really work and
why the current US law is factually in error.

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