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Where is the analysis that determined software makes a new machine? | 1347 comments | Create New Account
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Mark Risch, your credibility is on the line
Authored by: halfhuman on Monday, June 11 2012 @ 04:12 AM EDT
Unless you respond to this honestly, addressing the issue raised by PoIR, we at
groklaw should dismiss you as simply a more sophisticated troll.

Thanks again, PoIR, your posts are timely, accurate and detailed, and this is
one more.

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Where is the analysis that determined software makes a new machine?
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, June 11 2012 @ 05:44 AM EDT
Hi PoIR,

First, let me thank you for your past articles explaining why software is
mathematics. I read all or parts of several of them. I don't claim to have
groked or retained it all, but I did learn some things. And it was

As far as software making a new machine goes, I agree with you that, understood
literally, that is nonsense. For all the reasons you have stated. But when I
have seen that argument put forth I suspected the author might have been
speaking metaphorically or by analogy rather than believing it was literally a
new machine. My apologies if you have already considered this. I don't
remember seeing such in anything of yours that I have read. (And since IANAL I
would not hazard a guess about the legal implications of a literal vs
non-literal use of such a phrase.)

Again, thank ou for the effort (which appeared to be considerable) you put into
those articles.

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How do you suggest we get rid of software patents?
Authored by: Kilz on Monday, June 11 2012 @ 07:34 AM EDT
You have gone into detail why you dont think we should have
them. That is not my question. But how do we go from millions
of patents to none.

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It is in the details
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, June 11 2012 @ 12:17 PM EDT
We need to distinguish changes which are the normal operation of the machine and changes like replacing the engine which genuinely alter the machine structure.
Exactly the main point from the article. Stop focusing on what already exists and focus on what is the new idea that is implemented.
The CCPA argument in Bernhart lacks the explanation of why a change in computer memory is a change in computer structure. Memory is changed billions of times per second. Computations can't proceed without changing the memory contents. If Bernhart is right no computer runs any program because as soon the memory is modified it is no longer the same computer.
Any computer is in a different state when the memory has been changed and, thus, it is a different computer. Similarly, loading an previously empty car makes it a different car. While physically you might not see any different but the car now has a totally different mass. That extra mass can potentially cause completely different handling.

Superchargers, turbo-chargers, nitrous oxide injectors etc., are all ways to modify the car engine that is running. So [a] running program can be modified in memory while it is run is no different. So if superchargers etc., can be patented, then a modifying a program in memory while running can also be patented. Thus, ksplice, see for example Ksplice provides updates without reboots, is patentable invention especially since the outcome is more than the sum of the whole.

But there is one huge provision, which also is the theme that both Mark and you agree on, the change has to be sufficiently meaningful. Thus, the really hard part is avoiding the idea and focus on the actual invention. Talking about function of the CPU is only relevant to CPU patents not software patents. As we found with Oracle vs. Google, the details such as symbolic vs. numeric references were sufficient for a jury to distinguish that Google's implementations did not infringe Oracle's patents.

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Alappat and Benhardt are factually wrong.
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, June 11 2012 @ 01:04 PM EDT
That's one of the serious problems with patent law. Those two cases featured
the judges attempting to rule on questions of fact (not questions of law!) and
getting them WRONG.

They have to be thrown out as cases of "clear error of fact". That
would solve a lot of the mess we currently have.

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Well, since my credibility is on the line...
Authored by: mrisch on Monday, June 11 2012 @ 03:07 PM EDT
I'll try to address these comments. 1. Yes, you're right from a theoretical perspective. No dispute. 2. From a practical perspective, I disagree. If I replace my phone software with software that disables the cell antenna, it is practically and functionally a different machine. And if I add navigation software to my phone, it also becomes a navigation device and it wasn't before. Yes, all the parts are there, but the use of the machine is far different. Alappat follows this view: "a general purpose computer in effect becomes a special purpose computer once it is programmed to perform particular functions pursuant to instructions from program software." The court is applying a practical difference, not a theoretical one. 3. Even without that distinction, I am not understanding the fixation on a new machines for two reasons: a. Processes are patentable, so new software in a machine means we can use it for a process we could not before, and that has nothing to do with this "new machine" distinction; b. Patent law has never required that every patent cover a new machine. Instead, it has required that the capabilities of machines be new. That's why we have a gazillion patents on plows, flour hoppers, and other such stuff. Plows may have all the same pieces, but if they are made if different materials, made in different ways, or have the parts configured slightly differently, they can be patentable. Software is being treated the same way - in practice.

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