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Can do vs. Will do | 1347 comments | Create New Account
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Can do vs. Will do
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, June 12 2012 @ 11:42 AM EDT
But you are equating an on/off switch with the internals that make it work.
Software is not part of any "internals that make it work". It's a machine, the general-purpose computer CPU in it is part of the machine. The fact that the general-purpose CPU only does what you want it to if you switch it into a specific state first, makes no difference to what it is capable of doing. My lawn mower is capable of cutting grass, but it only does what I want it to if I switch it into the "On" state first. Computers just have way, way, way, way more possible states, and the process of putting it into an intended state is much longer and more complicated. But there's not really a fundamental difference there.
The metal box with microwave guts and a microprocessor didn't do anything until someone wrote a program to connect the keypad to a timer to the microwave unit.
Close, but not quite. The keypad and timer were already "connected" to the microprocessor when the machine was built. Loading and running software has nothing to do with this. It might affect what the machine actually does, but it does not affect what the machine *is*, and it does not affect what the machine is *capable of doing*. Those are physical properties of the physical machine that was built. It had those properties long before power was applied and software was loaded into it, and it will have them even after you unplug it and it "forgets" its current memory state.
I'm not saying that's patentable, but the ability to turn something on and off has to come from somewhere.
True. It comes from a combination of the capabilities of the machine, plus whatever state that the machine is in. It happens that general-purpose CPUs need to be fed a lot of state, before they can do things that we find useful (and discovering what that state should be is a very complex and difficult process that humans have to do; the process is called "programming"). But the tradeoff is that they are capable of such an incredibly wide variety of possible behaviours. They are designed quite literally to perform almost any computation we can think of (any computation that is actually computable within the machine's resource limitations). When connected to other hardware (input and output devices), this enables us to do a broad variety of useful things.
Otherwise, my computer would magically run spreadsheets and word processing without an operating system, and we know that's not going to happen.
Right. Computers are like a very dumb worker who doesn't understand a problem domain and only knows how to strictly follow instructions. Programmers have to map their real-world problems into mathematical analogues and break down the problem into a sequence of instructions that tell the computer *exactly* what calculations to do.

But just because I had to do hard work, and discover novel algorithms or think up new ideas, in order to come up with a sequence of instructions that make the computer do what I wanted -- that doesn't mean my instructions should be patentable. They are copyrightable. And it also doesn't mean my computer has a new "capability". It means I have discovered a set of instructions that makes it exercise a capability it always had.

Computers have the capability to help us do almost anything, and we are constantly discovering new things that we can do with them that we didn't previously know how to do. These discoveries do not spontaneously convert our computers into "new machines". The new capabilities don't spring into existence -- they always existed. We just didn't know how to access them.

Totally unrelated note:

If you have a free hour sometime, I invite you to watch this documentary about an amazing computer-based art form and subculture (the demo scene) that very few people are aware of.

Even after decades, those crazy programmers are still discovering new things they can do with old machines like the Commodore 64 and Nintendo Gameboy. The machines were always capable of doing these things, but it took *decades* of effort by the programmers to discover how to instruct them to do it!

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