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A few more points | 1347 comments | Create New Account
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Thanks for this feedback!
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, June 13 2012 @ 03:01 PM EDT
Thanks for the feedback in this post, and thanks again for engaging and
discussing with us for the past 2+ days.

A lot of us here see the patent system as currently "running amok",
especially where software patents are involved. Anything that helps steer it
back onto a sensible course will be beneficial.

(I personally think the best thing would be to scrap the patent system
completely, but I realize that is not going to happen. Minor tweaks will be far
less effective, but are still worthwhile in the sense that they might still do
some good somewhere for somebody).

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Thank you once again
Authored by: PolR on Wednesday, June 13 2012 @ 03:31 PM EDT
I have enjoyed the discussion a lot.

I feel this sort of discussion helps us toward a better understanding of issues.
I can feel real progress on the "new machine" question.

I also take your feed back as series of homeworks. More focus on process claims
and more focus on where abstractness ends. But I think the homeworks should be
bilateral. It is not true we haven't thought of these topics. We didn't discuss
them as deeply as the new machine issue but this is because we didn't spend the
time to go into the details. personally I have a lot more to say than what has
been discussed and when we spend the time you will hear my answers about the
questions you raise.

I agree that abstractness analysis overlaps with novelty and probably
obviousness as well. This is clear from Flook and Prometheus. I think this
notion of doing the 101 analysis on the claim as a whole doesn't work for

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A few more points
Authored by: PolR on Wednesday, June 13 2012 @ 04:42 PM EDT
I know you won't have time to respond, but since you will likely read this I will communicate some of the most important points that were untold so far.
I think the hardware line is not clear. Most commenters don't seem to have a problem with Diehr. That's fine - the computer drives the rubber mold and timer. Now what about a robotic arm. Still physical. What about machine vision? That seem's physical, but is more abstract. What about touchscreen apps? That's handling input from physical devices. What about monitors? The bits sent to the monitor are no different in theory than those sent to the robotic arm or the rubber mold machine, so why should they be considered any less physical?
Bits are never physical. But they are related to the physical like the contents of book is not physical but related to the physical paper and ink. Bits are symbols which convey meanings. Here is a question: in the claim, is the meaning of the bit actually used? Or is it only referred to?

We may to some extent relate this to utility. Does the alleged utility directly result from practicing all the elements of the claim? If yes we may cross the boundary of abstractness depending on which practical application is considered. If the claim is drawn to actually move the robotic arm or the curing of the rubber the line is crossed. If the claim is drawn to the computation just to get the answer without doing the actual work, the claim is abstract. So we may narrow down the range of problematic situations in this manner.

But I am reluctant to do everything with utility alone because language is useful and at the same time it may be abstract. Language may be used to communicate or to reason logically, or to present information that has practical utility. Fundamentally the math of computing are part of the math of mathematical language. There is such a thing as mathematical reasoning about the language of mathematics and the theory of computation is part of it. So we really have to understand when a patent is on the language of mathematics itself and when it is on an application of math which is more than mentioning the math and say apply it.

This is a problem similar to patents on printing presses and printing methods. You can have a useful dictionary or a new and nonobvious exposition of reference material. This is useful. But you can also have processes for printing on plastic or machines for printing newspaper with ink that won't dirty your fingers. Where do we draw the line? If I understand the printed matter doctrine correctly there is this concept of no patentable weight given to the printed matter which looks very much like a subject matter exclusion except that it is treated like an obviousness issue during 103 analysis. If we think along these lines I suspect we will get something that will work much better than doing 101 analysis on the claim considered as a whole. This is going to work because the theory of computation is all about manipulation of symbols according to the algorithmic rules. The issue is fundamentally one of recognizing a patent on language itself as opposed to an application described by the language or a patent on the physical substrate that is used to manipulate the language.

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Food for thought
Authored by: PolR on Wednesday, June 13 2012 @ 08:58 PM EDT
I checked the article on the new machine thing. I was surprised. I didn't know it was possible to claim a machine based on function alone.

Just for comparison here is a few software cases on the topic. The CCPA and the Federal Circuit pay attention to the structure issue. I wonder if pure functional claiming is permitted because there is a presumption that there is structure corresponding to function. Just asking.

in re Prater

In one sense, a general-purpose digital computer may be regarded as but a storeroom of parts and/or electrical components. But once a program has been introduced, the general-purpose digital computer becomes a special-purpose digital computer (i. e., a specific electrical circuit with or without electro-mechanical components) which, along with the process by which it operates, may be patented subject, of course, to the requirements of novelty, utility, and non-obviousness.

WMS Gaming, Inc. v. International Game Technology

The structure of a microprocessor programmed to carry out an algorithm is limited by the disclosed algorithm.

The instructions of the software program that carry out the algorithm electrically change the general purpose computer by creating electrical paths within the device. These electrical paths create a special purpose machine for carrying out the particular algorithm.[3]

[This refers to footnote 3 as follows]

A microprocessor contains a myriad of interconnected transistors that operate as electronic switches. See Neil Randall, Dissecting the Heart of Your Computer, PC Magazine, June 9, 1998, at 254-55. The instructions of the software program cause the switches to either open or close. See id. The opening and closing of the interconnected switches creates electrical paths in the microprocessor that cause it to perform the desired function of the instructions that carry out the algorithm. See id.

in re Bernhart

There is one further rationale used by both the board and the examiner, namely, that the provision of new signals to be stored by the computer does not make it a new machine, i. e. it is structurally the same, no matter how new, useful and unobvious the result. This rationale really goes more to novelty than to statutory subject matter but it appears to be at the heart of the present controversy. To this question we say that if a machine is programmed in a certain new and unobvious way, it is physically different from the machine without that program; its memory elements are differently arranged. The fact that these physical changes are invisible to the eye should not tempt us to conclude that the machine has not been changed.

Needless to say, these three cases make computer professionals' blood boil. None of them is technically correct and they don't bother to tell the same technical story.

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Immoveable position
Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, June 14 2012 @ 01:44 AM EDT
I feel that this was an extremely interesting exchange of worldviews, and I'm glad that PJ encouraged it.

However, I also feel that its productive value to the software community was actually close to zero, because from the final summing up, it is clear that Michael has not moved an inch. He claims that he fully understands our points, yet nothing has altered in his opinion no matter how many times and in how many ways people have explained why the software practitioner's worldview does not match his. Arguing the finer points of current patent law is quite pointless in this context if progress is to be made. Bandaids and ointments are not going to help when the patient is almost terminal.

This seems to be a general problem in this area. Nobody influential in law nor in politics represents the worldview of the software community, not even those who repeatedly claim to understand it and present themselves as friendly to our needs.

Although I found it a very interesting and courteous discussion, I am very saddened that there was not a single inch of movement. It is not up to us to move. Software is our domain, not the lawyer's domain, and we are looking for representation, not attenuation nor sympathy.

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And you don't seem to understand anything about the word ABSTRACT
Authored by: jesse on Thursday, June 14 2012 @ 06:49 AM EDT
If it is abstract it is not supposed to be patentable.

All of your items 3,4,5 (and their subparts) ignore that they all are ABSTRACT
SYMBOLIC MANIPULATION, which is also known as "thinking".

The devices that carry out that symbolic manipulation are patentable.

Since you ignore that, you must be willing to issue patents on computer
generated invention to computers. (Perhaps they should be owned by the
manufacturer of the processor... after all, they were the ones that designed it
to do the symbolic manipulation.)

We already know this is happening - much of the "gene patents" are
actually created by computers doing random (or guided by mathematical
prediction) genetic manipulation that is then filtered by standard, pre-existing
tests. Any that appear useful get patented - the rest get discarded.

Yet, they get issued to arbitrary people (project leaders that are just entering
data, and guiding the testing) and immediately transfered to abstract entities
called corporations.

And because the generation and filtering are not published, much of this
research is discarded - and lost to the world. This causes other people to have
to repeat the process... and not to verify the results.

And that is a total loss - and in turn RAISES the cost of research and the
resulting products (at a minimum it is double, more likely triple) as well as
blocking additional research.

What is being done is no better or different than what the legislature that made
the value of pi 3 did.

Unfortunately, it is causing the science of computers to move overseas.

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