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Connectix was about API not ABI | 152 comments | Create New Account
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Connectix created their own API
Authored by: xtifr on Wednesday, May 30 2012 @ 03:53 PM EDT
Just to follow up: yes, Connectix may have also created an API, but it was
almost certainly their own, original API, since they didn't have any way to know
what the original API looked like. So Connectix copied the ABI and created an
original API, while Google did the opposite. But it's still two sides of the
same coin. The only significant difference is where you look for compatibility.
And Oracle's looking in the wrong place.

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Connectix was about API not ABI
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, May 30 2012 @ 05:03 PM EDT
An API is not a collection of ABIs.
True. In fact "the ABI" usually means "the whole set of rules used for this whole platform"... the usage of the term to refer to a specific function's mechanical details (the way we all seem to be using it here) is somewhat uncommon.
An API is a source-level interface that typically gets coverted to an ABI by the compiler. It's an extension to the programming language.
Sort of true.. Source-level interfaces are definitely APIs, but other types of interfaces (including binary interfaces) are sometimes called APIs too. Its a broad and mushy terminology. Anything that a programmer could use to interface to existing code (whether in high-level source code, or in assembly code or machine code or whatever) tends to get called an API.
The API is used in the construction of the program. Once the program is built--is a binary executable--it uses the ABI instead. (We'll gloss over interpreted languages, with just a brief comment that they forward information from the API to the ABI dynamically.)
I would argue that it doesn't stop being an API after the program is compiled. It might be a little harder to point to, but its still there -- both the mechanical ABI details, and the conceptual "what does it do?" details are embodied in some way, in the compiled code.
If ABIs, which consist of concrete, compiled code, aren't copyrightable, then APIs are even less so, being merely language elements. APIs are used for expression, but are not expressions themselves, and are no more copyrightable than a random set of words you can use in writing a story.
I completely agree with you here.
Now APIs and ABIs are very similar, and closely related, and I find it hard to imagine that there's any serious legal difference between the two. They're like opposite sides of the same coin. But Oracle keeps complaining about a lack of binary compatibility, which completely misses the point of an API, which is to provide source compatibility. APIs are frequently used for platform independence, which is exactly what Google used them for. Oracle is getting confused between Java-the-language, which includes the APIs, and Java-the-virtual-machine, which has ABIs, not APIs. The JVM ABIs aren't anything like Dalvik's, so Oracle's ABI-related arguments (binary incompatibility) are utterly irrelevant. Google didn't copy the ABI!
I would say that Java-the-virtual-machine has both APIs and ABIs, but in general I agree with everything you say here. We're really stretching the meaning of "ABI" here. But with this stretched meaning, I suggest that Dalvik's ABI is actually the same as Java's before the program passes through the dex tool; then it gets transformed into a different, but similar, ABI.
Google included the APIs for compatibility, and, insofar as they're the same as Java's APIs, they offer 100% compatibility, even though there's zero binary compatibility.
I completely agree with this.

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