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Authored by: indyandy on Sunday, May 20 2012 @ 03:19 PM EDT
1 This appears to be weekly activity reports from Andy McFadden from the day he joined Google until May 5 2008.<br>
2. pdftotext and copy/paste from Evince both introduce many typos (sometimes 'd' becomes 'c', 'J' becomes ']', some words disappear altogether... <br>
I have tried to correct all these but if anything looks wrong the error is probably mine.<br>
3. The reason for entering this into evidence is probably this line:<br>
- Removed various incarnations of the &quot;J word&quot; from the SDK.<br>
May 5, 2008<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Changed a bunch of labels in mterp so gdb can unravel the stack<br>
when an instruction breaks.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Fixed throw of incorrect exception when trying to use a class that<br>
failed to initialize. Spent some time chasing after the class<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Added an alternative form of assert() that is visible on the device.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Added a DDM message that keeps the DDMS thread list in sync when<br>
thread names change.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Added additional JNI checks, for static vs. virtual calling.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Cleaned up dexlist output.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Chased down a bug in JDWP exposed by IntelliJ 7.<br>
- Wrote up some notes about the Dalvik bytecode verifier.<br>
- Three interviews (two phone screens, one on-site).<br>
This week:<br>
- Continuing with the misc fixes.<br>
Apr 28, 2008<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Finished up the &quot;circular buffer with last N allocations&quot; feature.<br>
&nbsp;Over to xav for UI work.<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed some issues found by security team.<br>
&nbsp;- Moved VM's Zip implementation into libdex to remove dependencies<br>
on C++ and libutils.<br>
&nbsp;- Various minor fixes.<br>
-Tracked down a problem with stat() in wrapsim that, for some reason,<br>
only surfaced now.<br>
- Spent a day as the chairperson of a slotting/promotion committee.<br>
This week:<br>
-Mise features/bugs.<br>
- Interviews.<br>
Apr 21, 2008<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Got part of the &quot;circular buffer with last N allocations&quot; feature working.<br>
&nbsp;- Changed the &quot;backward branch&quot; test a few times to deal with<br>
trivial infinite loops. (The trick was to get correct behavior<br>
without reducing performance.)<br>
&nbsp;- Spent a bunch of time figuring out how to get gdb backtraces to<br>
work correctly with the asm interpreter. Largely succeeded.<br>
&nbsp;- Tried to do something clever with DEX-truncation bus errors;<br>
failed due to limitations in debuggerd.<br>
- Fixed a race condition in the simulator's system property handling.<br>
- Prepped for promotion/slotting committee.<br>
This week:<br>
- Promotion/slotting committee (chairperson)<br>
- Finish up &quot;last N allocations&quot; feature.<br>
Apr 14, 2008<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed some JNI issues (tighten arg checking in CheckJNI, ensure<br>
class init for alloc calls) .<br>
&nbsp;- Corrected mterp {float,double}-to-int behavior for inf/-inf/NaN.<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed some bugs in &quot;mterp&quot; that danfuzz found when he split<br>
HelloWorld into regression tests.<br>
&nbsp;- Added &quot;-Xdexopt:none&quot; mode.<br>
&nbsp;- Added threadCpuTimeNanos for Noser performance evaluations.<br>
&nbsp;- Various minor fixes (simplify &quot;interrupt should throw&quot;, ignore<br>
HeapWorker watchdog when debugger attached, follow execution-mode<br>
property in TouchDex, etc) .<br>
- Helped various people track down various bugs.<br>
This week:<br>
-Work on &quot;recent allocation display&quot; feature.<br>
Apr 7, 2008<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Finished up deadlock predictor. Announced availability.<br>
&nbsp;- Added validation of UTF-8 strings to CheckJNI.<br>
&nbsp;- Worked on an array annotation bug.<br>
- Investigated app native heap usage (for jparks).<br>
- Worked on performance reviews.<br>
This week:<br>
- Fix bugs.<br>
- Cause trouble.<br>
Mar 31, 2008<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- More code reviews and performance checking for DEX format changes.<br>
&nbsp;- Spent a bunch of time helping others track down bugs. Filed a few.<br>
&nbsp;- Worked on deadlock prediction.<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed a long-standing bug in JNI field access.<br>
&nbsp;- Corrected bytecode verifier's register merge code.<br>
- One interview.<br>
This week:<br>
- Finish up bytecode verifier.<br>
Mar 24, 2008<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Spent a couple of days keeping pace with danfuzz' changes to the<br>
VM. Wrote additional performance and correctness tests.<br>
&nbsp;- Enabled allocation limit feature. Added a global allocation limit<br>
feature for regression tests.<br>
&nbsp;- Made a little progress on the deadlock prediction feature.<br>
- Explored the relationship between memory access patterns and<br>
benchmark inconsistency.<br>
- (Away on vacation Friday)<br>
This week:<br>
- Continue with deadlock prediction.<br>
Mar 17, 2008<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Added a DDM message that retrieves the stack trace of an arbitrary thread.<br>
&nbsp;- Hunted down an issue involving relative paths in the bootstrap class path.<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed thread safety issues in Java.lang.Thread<br>
&nbsp;- Tracked down and fixed a bunch of minor bugs (annotation lookups<br>
on generated classes, improper throw of InterruptedException,<br>
HeapWorker thread release, non-EABI long handling, verification of<br>
null array references, ... ).<br>
&nbsp;- Worked with danfuzz on DEX format changes.<br>
- Helped track down a library loading issue.<br>
This week:<br>
- (End cf M6, start of SC1.)<br>
- Work on deadlock detector.<br>
Mar 10, 2008<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Added range checks to DEX code to help prevent malicious crashes.<br>
&nbsp;- Worked with danfuzz on method prototype representation changes.<br>
&nbsp;- Rewrote JNI call bridge to work with danfuzz's &quot;proto&quot; changes.<br>
&nbsp;- Updated a few forms of &quot;invoke&quot; to perform a null reference check.<br>
&nbsp;- Corrected Thread.sleep() behavior for multi-year durations.<br>
&nbsp;- Worked around a TouchDex issue.<br>
- (Out Friday)<br>
This week:<br>
- Wrap up M6.<br>
Mar 3, 2008<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Implemented various fundamental reflection calls using &quot;system&quot; annotations.<br>
&nbsp;- Examined finalizer activity.<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed a couple of surprisingly long-lived debugger issues.<br>
&nbsp;- Made JNI global reference limit concigurable.<br>
&nbsp;- Added per-thread allocation count limits for regression testing.<br>
&nbsp;- Added a JNI stack check.<br>
- Cleaned up android.os.SystemProperties.<br>
- Added offset and size range checks to Zip archive code.<br>
- One phone screen.<br>
This week:<br>
-Continue with M6 bugs and feature requests.<br>
Feb 25, 2008<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Enabled &quot;mterp&quot; as the default interpreter.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Finished implementing annotations.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Started working on class attribute reflection, e.g. method exception lists.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Updated specs and source comments to reflect change to 5-arg invoke.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Tracked down a bug that would cause a VM crash if you tried to<br>
allocate huge arrays with specific size values.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Wrote more tests for annotations and class attributes.<br>
- (Monday was holiday)<br>
This week:<br>
- Finish class attribute reflection.<br>
- Continue Dalvik feature creep.<br>
Feb 19, 2008<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Got a chunk of annotations working.<br>
- Changed Android runtime to get bootclasspath from env, removlng a<br>
bad hack in the process.<br>
- Chased after some system bugs, notably the &quot;ascii crash&quot; failure and<br>
the &quot;gdb frame base&quot; issue.<br>
- One interview and one phone screen.<br>
This week:<br>
-Finish annotations.<br>
Feb 11, 2008<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Integrated Dalvik instruction changes from the vacationing danfuzz<br>
into the main branch.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;-Updated &quot;mterp&quot; to handle new/removed instructions. Spent some<br>
time making the entry/exit code faster.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Finished the last bit of C-&gt;asm conversions for mterp. Announced<br>
mterp to the group, encouraging everyone to try it.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Fixed an interface class merge bug in the verifier.<br>
- Created some Java annotation test classes.<br>
- Spent a few hours chasing the &quot;ascii crash&quot; bug.<br>
This week:<br>
- Implement annotations.<br>
Feb 4, 2008<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Checked in mterp and the Dalvik &quot;exerciser&quot;. Ran performance comparisons.<br>
&nbsp;- Altered Thread.interrupt() handling to avoid inappropriate exceptions.<br>
&nbsp;- Added feature allowing test code to enumerate classes in a DEX file.<br>
&nbsp;- Added workaround for Eclipse debugger flaw.<br>
This week:<br>
- Update mterp to track recent changes in DEX.<br>
- Start on annotations.<br>
Jan 28, 2008<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed a race condition between System and ClassLoader.<br>
&nbsp;- Worked on mterp.<br>
- Select JDWP transport based on build configuration.<br>
- Two interviews.<br>
- (Monday was holiday)<br>
This week:<br>
- Wrap up mterp.<br>
Jan 22, 2008<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Implemented VM portion of Java.lang.reflect.Proxy.<br>
&nbsp;- Implemented Harmony-style VMStack.getClasses() and Class .getStackClasses().<br>
&nbsp;- Fiddled with asm interp.<br>
- Two interviews.<br>
This week:<br>
- Fix up stuff for M5.<br>
Jan 14, 2008<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Rearranged the way profiling is handled. Made instruction<br>
counting always available.<br>
&nbsp;- Worked with veenstra to get Java methods listed ln emulator traces.<br>
&nbsp;- Checked in some Dalvik VM<br>
&nbsp;- Added official Android copyright notices to all of the VM code.<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed implementation of &quot;not-long&quot;, one of our instructions that<br>
has apparently never, ever been executed.<br>
&nbsp;- Added for multiple JDWP transports, paving the way for<br>
- Fixed a couple of bugs in simulator wrapper.<br>
This week:<br>
- Implement Java.lang.reflect.Proxy.<br>
- Update OKRs.<br>
Jan 7, 2008<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik mterp.<br>
- One interview.<br>
- (Short week due to New Year holiday)<br>
This week:<br>
- Continue work on mterp.<br>
- Work with veenstra to finish up Java/native profiling integration.<br>
Jan 2, 2008<br>
Last week:<br>
- (Holiday vacation)<br>
This week:<br>
- Work on mterp.<br>
Dec 27, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Worked on &quot;mterp&quot;.<br>
&nbsp;- Corrected reflection access check on protected fields.<br>
&nbsp;- Did some more directory renaming.<br>
- One interview candidate lunch.<br>
This week:<br>
- (Christmas holiday + two vacation days)<br>
Dec 17, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Split DEX file access code out into a static library. Shifted<br>
lots of code around.<br>
&nbsp;- Added ability to run &quot;dexdump&quot; on a Jar/apk/zip with &quot;classes.dex&quot; inside.<br>
&nbsp;- Added &quot;dexlist&quot; utility to list methods found in a DEX archive.<br>
&nbsp;- Added API for Dalvik-level instruction counting.<br>
&nbsp;- Changed internal exception throws to use &quot;descriptor&quot; form of class name.<br>
&nbsp;- Added additional access check on protected field access through reflection.<br>
- Stripped out some more simulator cruft.<br>
- Started learning Python.<br>
This week:<br>
- Work on asm version of interpreter.<br>
Dec 10, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Finished up filename remapping in simulator.<br>
- Added &quot;fake&quot; device entry for /sys/android_power entries.<br>
- Removed last bit of sim-specific stuff in libhardware.<br>
- Added touch-screen support to simulator.<br>
- Added system property to enable Java language assertions in Dalvik.<br>
Added support for class/package name in -ea/-da.<br>
- Fixed a bug in Dalvik that could try to execute code in an<br>
uninitialized class when throwing an exception from JNI.<br>
- Started on Dalvik instruction count reporting<br>
This week:<br>
- Finish up instruction count mechanism.<br>
- Start on asm interpreter for Dalvik?<br>
Dec 3, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Fixed a bug with multiple re-initializations of a class that fails to load.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Fixed a bug with null references in reflection code.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Corrected float-to-int conversions.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Investigated &quot;can't create 764 threads&quot; issue.<br>
- Created an alternative implementation of system properties for simulator.<br>
- Worked on transparent filename remapping in simulator.<br>
- Renamed a couple of maJor directories in the source tree.<br>
- (one interview)<br>
This week:<br>
- Finish sim filename remapping.<br>
- Work on Dalvik stuff.<br>
Nov 26, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Got basic set of fake drivers (display, input, logging) working with<br>
simulater. Also implemented &quot;vibrating notification mechanism&quot;.<br>
- Removed a bunch of sim-specific code.<br>
- Fixed a bug in JNI local references<br>
- Chased down an incorrect exception thrown from native code when<br>
''inflate'' sees bad data.<br>
- (Out Thursday/Friday for Thanksgiving)<br>
This week:<br>
- Continue work on sim, notably system properties and filename remapping.<br>
Nov 19, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Celebrated the public launch of the Android SDK.<br>
- Read an unhealthy number of blogs, news articles, and press releases.<br>
- Worked on simulator evolution:<br>
&nbsp;- Moved simulator communication channel out of runtime and into preload lib.<br>
&nbsp;- Got ''fake device'' infrastructure working.<br>
&nbsp;- Got most of /dev/graphics/fbO, /dev/ttyO, and /dev/input/eventsO working.<br>
- Chased after the &quot;Binder thread explosion&quot; bug.<br>
This week:<br>
- Finish up /dev/input/eventsO.<br>
- Write /dev/log/*.<br>
- Start on filename substitution.<br>
Nov 12, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Reviewed patent application.<br>
- Removed various incarnations of the &quot;J word&quot; from the SDK.<br>
- Began simulator overhaul: launch runtime in separate xterm, with<br>
LD PRELOAD wrapper. Removed &quot;ui-hardware&quot; classes and interfaces.<br>
- Fixed ''ls -R'' behavior.<br>
- Fixed bug in dmtrace (nee jtrace) profiling.<br>
- Various minor changes to prep for SDK launch.<br>
This week:<br>
- Continue simulator work.<br>
Nov 5, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Spent some time configuring a MacPro as a Linux build machine.<br>
- Worked with ]parks and mathias to get the Linux simulator working agaln.<br>
- Stripped out some simulator cruft.<br>
- Started fiddling around with planned simulator updates.<br>
- Last-minute stuff for M3.<br>
This week:<br>
- Continue work on simulator evolution.<br>
- Read lots of news articles.<br>
Oct 29, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Added binary event log output to &quot;logcat&quot;. Fixed the binary logging<br>
implementation. Added a log tag map.<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Reduced overhead when calling into the interpreter.<br>
&nbsp;- Rearranged EXPORT_PC handling so we do less work.<br>
&nbsp;- Made the main VM thread more generic, so that it's possible for<br>
other threads to join() on the maln thread.<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed bytecode verification when finding the best superclass of<br>
two array classes.<br>
&nbsp;- Show more detail when a finalizer throws an uncaught exception.<br>
&nbsp;- Ensure existing processes blow up if you replace one of the core<br>
Java classes.<br>
- Added bytecode disassembly to &quot;dexdump&quot; tool.<br>
This week:<br>
- Continue with Dalvik stuff.<br>
- Look into making the simulator build more device-like.<br>
Oct 22, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Resurrected stand-alone benchmark test app.<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Improved verification of invoke-super. Removes need for a runtime test.<br>
&nbsp;- Changed verification to switch off of a propery, rather than an #ifdef.<br>
&nbsp;- Reduced thread-local storage lookups by passing a pointer around<br>
in performance-critical areas. Sped up JNI and synchronized blocks.<br>
- Pushed for (and got) a decision on how we're fixing our IPC mechanism.<br>
- Participated in a promotion &amp; slotting committee (29 candidates).<br>
This week:<br>
- Continue Dalvik performance &amp; correctness changes.<br>
Oct 15, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Wrote up proposal for Binder driver replacement. Discussed with a few people.<br>
- Helped track down some JNI global reference leaks.<br>
- Pursued the &quot;slow classloader&quot; problem (identified, partially<br>
addressed with a ZipEntry change, redirected to core Java lib) .<br>
- Purused the &quot;uncaught exceptions don't work&quot; problem (identified,<br>
redirected to framework) .<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Refactored the ''instanceof'' cache into a more general mechanism.<br>
&nbsp;- Used the cache to speed up interface calls.<br>
&nbsp;- Correctly handle virtual calls to abstract methods (for<br>
out-of-sync Jar files).<br>
- Updated some developer docs.<br>
This week:<br>
- Promotion/slotting committee.<br>
- Continue with Dalvik stuff.<br>
- Get IPC replacement figured out.<br>
Oct 8, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Added feature in VM that copies stdout/stderr to log file.<br>
- Made a couple minor changes to help others debug problems.<br>
- Switched to IPC rewrite full time.<br>
&nbsp;- Wrote some code for the previous design (not checked in) .<br>
&nbsp;- Became concerned about scheduling and started thinking about<br>
alternate plans.<br>
This week:<br>
- Finalize what we're doing with IPC.<br>
Oct 1, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Added some static tests to Java verifier. Rearranged failure<br>
logging to reduce output size.<br>
&nbsp;- Enabled the Java bytecode verifier.<br>
&nbsp;- Generalized the reference table mechanism. Use the &quot;expandable&quot;<br>
mode for JNI global refs and some GC heap stuff.<br>
&nbsp;- On thread detach, release all monitors entered via the JNI<br>
MonitorEnter function.<br>
&nbsp;- For JNI compliance, fail if somebody tries to detach a thread with<br>
Java frames on the stack.<br>
&nbsp;- Added JNI GetObJectRefType method. We should be JNI 1. 6 compliant now.<br>
- Followed up on digit's TCP_NODELAY discovery by running some<br>
experiments and then disabling Nagle in DDMS and VM JDWP.<br>
- Spent some time with crazybob talking about the IPC implementation.<br>
- Helped some people figure out issues uncovered with -Xcheck:Jni.<br>
- Followed up on a couple of pioneer issues (&quot;bad&quot; APK hosing boot<br>
process, ServerSocket not closing properly).<br>
- Finished peer reviews.<br>
This week:<br>
- Investigate interface call speedup.<br>
- Clean up some stuff in the VM.<br>
- Help out with memory leak issues.<br>
Sep 24, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Implemented some slower but EABI-correct register-access<br>
primitives in interpreter.<br>
&nbsp;- Implemented a &quot;fast path&quot; in the AR11 native JNI call bridge to<br>
make things faster under EABI.<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed initialization of Java.lang.Class.<br>
&nbsp;- Tweaked thread dumps to help with system debugging.<br>
-Fixed some minor stuff in Java libs.<br>
- Forced &quot;check JNI&quot; to be enabled. Dealt with the ensulng hilarity.<br>
- Chased after a couple of memory leaks.<br>
- Read through some &quot;new IPC&quot; stuff from crazybob.<br>
- Worked on performance peer reviews (six).<br>
- Mentor for Andy Stadler.<br>
- (Got caught up after vacation)<br>
This week:<br>
- Finish peer revlews.<br>
- Work with crazybob on &quot;new IPC&quot;.<br>
- Deal with whatever comes up.<br>
Sep 17, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- (out on vacation)<br>
This week:<br>
- Get caught up on current events.<br>
- Enable verification.<br>
- Write static verification tests.<br>
- Work on perf review stuff.<br>
Sep 10, 2007<br>
Add snippet<br>
No snippet submitted<br>
Sep 4, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Made &quot;-Xverify:{none,remote,all}&quot; do what they should. Got<br>
verification working end-to-end.<br>
&nbsp;- Rearranged optimization to respect &quot;-Xdexopt: {all,verified}&quot;.<br>
- Added some code to force optimization+verification of class files<br>
when the system first boots. This reduces the delay seen on first app<br>
- Worked on performance revlew.<br>
- (Out Friday)<br>
This week:<br>
- Monday was holiday, in Tuesday, away Wednesday-Friday. Mostly<br>
trying not to break things.<br>
- Out all next week too.<br>
Aug 27, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Rearranged class loading to perform verification on<br>
non-pre-verified classes.<br>
&nbsp;- Enabled &quot;lite&quot; verification; code flow analysis still too slow.<br>
&nbsp;- Corrected handling of package-scope access checks during opt/verify.<br>
&nbsp;- Added page access guards on LinearAlloc regions to help track down<br>
an EABI memory corruption bug.<br>
&nbsp;- Expanded set of JNI calls you're allowed to make with an exception<br>
pending (1.6 spec).<br>
&nbsp;- Updated Jni.h to remove some fancy new warnings.<br>
&nbsp;- Added flags to disable signal catching.<br>
- Partially restored the stand-alone performance tests.<br>
- Took some measurements with and without mkf's SSA optimizations.<br>
- Spent some time examining the performance of JDWP to the device and emulator.<br>
- Attended the Android coming-out tech talk.<br>
This week:<br>
- Work on performance revlew.<br>
- Improve performance of verified code flow analysis.<br>
- Add some static verification tests.<br>
Aug 20, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Finished development on bytecode structural verifier. Added more<br>
detailed checks on short integers. Corrected common superclass <br>
determination. Reduced memory usage and improved speed.<br>
&nbsp;- Blocked optimization and pre-verification of classes defined ln<br>
multiple DEX files.<br>
&nbsp;- Eliminated VMThrowable class, folding it into Throwable.<br>
&nbsp;- Added logging of exceptions thrown from finalizers.<br>
&nbsp;- Added printLoadedClasses to help with Zygote performance examination.<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed a bug that would cause Eclipse to break on caught exceptions<br>
that straddled a native call.<br>
This week:<br>
- Continue static verification work. Enable (warn-only mode) in live system.<br>
Aug 13, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- (away on vacation)<br>
This week:<br>
- Get caught up.<br>
- Finish bytecode verification.<br>
- Address some memory profiling analysis needs.<br>
Aug 6, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Continued work on verifier. Code-flow analysis is complete, but<br>
we've decided to extend it slightly beyond what the spec requires.<br>
&nbsp;- Fiddled with exception logging to help track down excessive<br>
exception activity.<br>
&nbsp;- Aligned array objects for EABI.<br>
This week:<br>
- Out on vacation all week.<br>
Jul 30, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Made good progress on bytecode verifier.<br>
&nbsp;- Moved uncaught exception handling for the main thread into the<br>
thread-detach code.<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed Class.newinstance to do access checks properly (Noser).<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed some reflection exception handling problems exposed by jython.<br>
- One phone screen.<br>
This week:<br>
- Continuing on with the verifier.<br>
Jul 23, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Worked on bytecode verifier.<br>
&nbsp;- Changed the way internal exceptions are initialized to match<br>
expected behavior.<br>
&nbsp;- Added JNI vfprintf() and abort() hooks.<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed up some stuff from the Noser integration.<br>
- Filed several bugs on improper use of JNI NewGlobalRef in our sources.<br>
- One interview.<br>
This week:<br>
- Continue work on verifier.<br>
Jul 16, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Continued work on Java bytecode verifier<br>
&nbsp;- Found last week's heisenbug (gcc-4.2.0 bug)<br>
- Worked with others to chase mise bugs (cheese-scrolling throw-fest,<br>
spinning Spinner, Bitmap heap trasher, sluggish Mac sim, nuance<br>
- (away on vacation Friday)<br>
This week:<br>
- Continue Java bytecode verifier<br>
Jul 9, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Worked on some classfile verification stuff.<br>
&nbsp;- Added -Xverify option.<br>
&nbsp;- Changed thread startup from spin-wait to condition wait. Took<br>
some thread startup timings.<br>
&nbsp;- Enabled __ memcmp16() and fixed some bugs in String.compareTo()<br>
- Removed JamVM from the build.<br>
- Spent a bunch of time chasing a Heisenbug (771329).<br>
- (Wednesday was a holiday)<br>
This week:<br>
- Continue chasing the Heisenbug.<br>
- Work on Java class verification.<br>
Jul 2, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Various improvements to JDWP debug support (simplified startup, &quot;server~n&quot;)<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed a bug in stack overflow exception handling.<br>
&nbsp;- Changed frame depth calculation to improve single-step execution<br>
&nbsp;- Added some additional tests to -Xcheck:jni.<br>
- Fixed a stall in DDM initialization.<br>
-Fiddled with LD_ASSUME KERNEL for our goobuntu systems.<br>
- Worked on my OKRs.<br>
This week:<br>
- Start work on Java classfile verifier.<br>
Jun 25, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Finished EABI-compliant JNI call bridge (in ARM assembly).<br>
&nbsp;- Aligned long/double fields on 64-bit boundaries by reshuffling field order.<br>
&nbsp;- Wrote replacement 64-bit arg decoder for internal natives.<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed a rare bug that hit when a debugger attached at the wrong moment.<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed a bug that could lock up a VM if DDMS was left connected for too long.<br>
&nbsp;- Reduced class lookup-by-name calls by caching a reference to [Foo in Foo.<br>
&nbsp;- Experimented with a JDWP speed improvement (which didn't work).<br>
- Fixed an fd leak in DDMS.<br>
- One interview.<br>
This week:<br>
- Work on Dalvik.<br>
- Figure out some OKRs.<br>
Jun 18, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;-Reduce native heap usage in Zip archive support.<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed some VM startup ordering issues that were blocking Noser.<br>
&nbsp;- Wrote a simple linear allocator to hold bits and pieces of class files<br>
&nbsp;- Made the VM-internal hash table load factor adJustable, and<br>
tweaked it for better performance.<br>
&nbsp;- Allocate Java thread stacks with mmap () instead of malloc () .<br>
&nbsp;- Started work on ARM EABI support.<br>
- Chased down some JNI problems for Nuance that turned out to be a bug<br>
in our dynamic linker.<br>
- One interview.<br>
This week:<br>
- Finish ARM EABI support in Dalvik.<br>
Jun 11, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Added ZipFileRO, an extremely memory-conscious Zip archive access class.<br>
- Replaced all device-side usage of ZipFile/ZipEntry classes with ZipFileRO.<br>
- Evaluated correctness &amp; performance of mathias' __ memcpy16.<br>
- Remove system class loader from app loader call sequence.<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;-Implemented Java.lang.reflect.Method.getExceptionTypes(), now that<br>
we have exception lists in DEX.<br>
- One phone screen.<br>
- (Out Thursday/Friday on vacation)<br>
This week:<br>
-Continue with some Dalvik memory footprint reduction and performance stuff.<br>
Jun 4, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
-Moved to a new office.<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Improved spin-on-suspend handling.<br>
&nbsp;- Added support for Java thread priorities. Added missing pieces of<br>
&nbsp;- Added AccessController and ProtectionDomain features, notably the<br>
getStackDomains() method, for Noser security work.<br>
&nbsp;- Explored alternative stack allocation methods.<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed a JDWP bug.<br>
- Two interviews (one cancelled shortly before it started) .<br>
- (Monday was holiday)<br>
This week:<br>
- Work on reduced-heap Zip support.<br>
- (On vacation Thursday/Friday)<br>
May 29, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on DalvikVM:<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Sped up native calls.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Wrote inline versions of String.equals() and String.compareTo()<br>
&nbsp;(6-40x faster than Java).<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Changed DEX file section alignment to 64-bit for pending EABI changes.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Added &quot;-Xss&quot; flag, use it to set default stack sizes.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- Rearranged the wait-for-suspend code.<br>
- Added TRACE_ALLOC_COUNTS flag to jtrace. If set, the allocation<br>
counters are written into the key file.<br>
- Added some misc fields (total calls, syscall benchmark) to jtrace key header.<br>
- Met with patent lawyers.<br>
- One interview.<br>
This week:<br>
- Dalvik VM performance &amp; correctness.<br>
May 21, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Experimented with fixed register assignments in interpreter core.<br>
&nbsp;- Tracked down and fixed a bug in debugger method invocation.<br>
&nbsp;- Added Java.lang.Thread constructor that takes a stack s1ze.<br>
Corrected size bounds in VM.<br>
&nbsp;- In DEX optimizer, replace calls to ObJect.&lt;init&gt; with instructions<br>
that are treated as no-ops in standard interpreter.<br>
&nbsp;- Added an &quot;inline implementation&quot; instruction. Wrote inline<br>
versions of String.length() and String.charAt().<br>
&nbsp;-Substantially rewrote &quot;efficient Java&quot; document. Reformatted entire<br>
document, edited existing sections, added new material.<br>
This week:<br>
- Continue performance work.<br>
May 14, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Enabled instruction rewriting in the DEX optimizer. Improves the<br>
speed of virtual method calls and accesses to instance fields.<br>
&nbsp;- Wrote a cache for the results of ''instanceof'' and ''checkcast''<br>
operations. Iterated until useful.<br>
&nbsp;- Moved DEX class name lookup from a heap-allocated hash table to<br>
shared-memory storage.<br>
&nbsp;- Changed a large number of functions from &quot;JValue blah ( ... ) to<br>
&quot;void blah ( ... , JValue* pResult). This works out better on ARM, and<br>
improves the performance of native methods returning void (of which we<br>
have many) .<br>
&nbsp;- Added some JNI performance and correctness tests.<br>
&nbsp;- Replaced the JNI native call bridge with a hand-coded ARM assembly version.<br>
- Continued the quest for Java readability.<br>
- One phone screen.<br>
This week:<br>
- Jury duty. Assuming I'm not called up:<br>
&nbsp;- Continue Dalvik<br>
&nbsp;- Add some instrumentation features requested by jparks/veenstra/etc.<br>
May 7, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Completed work on optimization of virtual fields and instance methods.<br>
&nbsp;- Reworked optimization mechanism to use fork+exec instead of just fork.<br>
&nbsp;- Added exception-wrapping to Java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke implementation.<br>
&nbsp;- Added an instruction counter to get a sense for which instructions<br>
are popular and which are going unused.<br>
&nbsp;- Made some minor performance tweaks.<br>
This week:<br>
- Continue Dalvik performance work.<br>
- Finish Java readability review work.<br>
Apr 30, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Reorganized DEX file loading so that generation and caching of the<br>
byte-swapped version happens generally (i.e. not merely as a<br>
side-effect of Jar extraction) .<br>
&nbsp;- Compute and store inter-DEX dependency information. Re-optimize<br>
files when a dependency changes.<br>
&nbsp;- Examined VM loaded-classes hash table performance.<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed a problem with debugger-initiated method invocations that<br>
throw exceptions.<br>
- Worked on DDMS:<br>
&nbsp;- Warp client selection when a VM is waiting for a debugger.<br>
This week:<br>
- Finish up Dalvik field/method access optimizations.<br>
Apr 23, 2007<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Removed most of the overhead associated with debugger support from<br>
the interpreter core, resulting in a ~30% speedup.<br>
&nbsp;- Made miscellaneous minor speedups (strict-aliasing, interpreter<br>
size recuction) .<br>
&nbsp;- Tried some performance enhancements that didn't work.<br>
&nbsp;- Made some improvements to the performance tests.<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM: - Removed most of the overhead associated with debugger support from the interpreter<br>
core, resulting in a ~30% speedup. - Made miscellaneous minor speedups (strict-aliasing, interpreter size<br>
reduction). - Tried some performance enhancements that didn't work. -Made some improvements to the performance<br>
Apr 16, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Spent a bunch of time fiddling with the performance tests to try<br>
to get a consistent set of meaningful numbers.<br>
&nbsp;- Improved performance by inlining part of class/field/method/string<br>
&nbsp;- Moved some low-use values out of the Method struct. Reduced heap<br>
usage by 12 bytes per method.<br>
&nbsp;- Reduced the situations in which we initialize a class to those<br>
specified in the VM spec.<br>
&nbsp;- Reshuffled VM source tree, moving headers next to sources.<br>
&nbsp;- Show debug info breakdown in &quot;dexdump -S&quot;.<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed a bug that prevented strings in Object arrays from<br>
displaying nicely in the debugger.<br>
- Worked on DDMS:<br>
&nbsp;- Changed &quot;Halt&quot; button to call Runtime.halt() instead of<br>
Runtime.exit (). Bypasses some of the exit processing.<br>
- Cleaned up some code for a readability review.<br>
- Wrote up OKRs.<br>
This week:<br>
- Continue Dalvik VM performance work.<br>
Apr 9, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Rewrote DEX file loading to maximize use of shared memory,<br>
reducing native heap requirements.<br>
&nbsp;- Fix a spin-on-suspend when a GC happens while a profiled thread lS<br>
waiting to exit.<br>
- Worked on DDMS:<br>
&nbsp;- Cosmetic touch-ups on heap stats.<br>
&nbsp;- Added a &quot;cause GC&quot; button.<br>
&nbsp;- Added space for native heap info.<br>
- Provided a work-around for slow log window performance under Mac OS.<br>
- Wrote a command-line Java performance measurement tool.<br>
- Attended daily &quot;aardvark&quot; release meetings.<br>
This week;<br>
- Continue performance improvements,focusing on DEX file optimization work.<br>
Apr 2, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Added &quot;inflate&quot; support to classes.dex loading.<br>
&nbsp;- Investigated debugger performance issues.<br>
&nbsp;- Corrected VM internal hash table implementation.<br>
&nbsp;- Quick-reJect debugger connection attempts when one is already connected.<br>
&nbsp;- When waiting for a debugger, return after it has connected and<br>
been idle for a set period (to allow it a chance to set breakpoints).<br>
- Worked on DDMS:<br>
&nbsp;- Show tid, status, utime, and stime in the &quot;threads&quot; panel. Update<br>
&nbsp;- Chased after some adb-related problems.<br>
&nbsp;- Reviewed and updated developer documentation.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;Participated in &quot;aardvark&quot; status meetings.<br>
- One phone screen.<br>
This week:<br>
- Work on Dalvik VM<br>
Mar 26, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on &quot;ddms&quot;<br>
&nbsp;- Finished hooking up &quot;preferences&quot; items.<br>
&nbsp;- Added a color key to the heap map.<br>
&nbsp;- Don't try to scan the device if it's in the boot loader.<br>
&nbsp;- Started work on retrieving per-thread CPU usage stats.<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM<br>
&nbsp;- Prefer new pthread_cond_timedwait_monotonic() for ObJect.wait()<br>
&nbsp;- Allow global references table to expand.<br>
&nbsp;- Implemented JNI direct byte buffer calls.<br>
&nbsp;- Reduced the VM's debug-level log output.<br>
&nbsp;- Implemented Java.lang.reflect.Field get/set calls.<br>
&nbsp;- Fiddled with some VM options after the first ever Dalvik<br>
performance review. Toned down paranoia on ''release'' builds to<br>
improve device performance.<br>
Dalvik is now the default on devices.<br>
This week:<br>
- Finish per-thread CPU stats in ddms.<br>
- Dalvik VM performance work.<br>
Mar 19, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Work on DDMS<br>
&nbsp;- Added preferences screens with JFace. Implemented most of them.<br>
&nbsp;- Improved the network I/0.<br>
&nbsp;- Refactored client list. Added &quot;waiting for debugger&quot; icon.<br>
&nbsp;- Send the app name up when it changes.<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed some ordering issues when running Dalvik on the device.<br>
- Spent a day hunting down edge cases exposed by attaching &quot;Jdb&quot; and<br>
letting the system run.<br>
This week:<br>
- Finish wiring up the DDMS preferences.<br>
- Work on Dalvik VM (monotonic clock waits, global ref table) .<br>
Mar 12, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on DDMS:<br>
&nbsp;- Added it to the build. Got it working on Macs.<br>
&nbsp;- Added &quot;debug selected VM&quot; feature.<br>
&nbsp;- Added skeletal heap panel UI for dbort.<br>
&nbsp;- Changed reply routing to allow for generic &quot;fail&quot; packet.<br>
&nbsp;- Added device screen shot feature.<br>
&nbsp;- Added device command output capture; used with &quot;dumpstate&quot;,<br>
&quot;dumpsys&quot;,and &quot;logcat&quot;.<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed lots of little things in the UI.<br>
- Added Java &quot;assert&quot; statement support to both VMs.<br>
- In Dalvik VM: ignore breakpoints and other events while executing<br>
code on behalf of the debugger.<br>
- In Dalvik VM: treat JNI warnings as fatal errors (with a to-be-added<br>
command-line option to mellow them out) Made &quot;Check JNI&quot; the<br>
simulator default.<br>
- Spent some time at the &quot;Android boot camp&quot; dry run.<br>
- One interview.<br>
This week:<br>
- Continue work on DDMS.<br>
Mar 5, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Added thread creation/death notifications to DDM.<br>
- Started work on DDM server user interface. Spent most of the week on this.<br>
- Added an &quot;is debugger connected?&quot; feature and a &quot;change JDWP listen<br>
port&quot; feature to both VMs.<br>
-Participated in ''client team sourcing event''.<br>
- One interview.<br>
This week:<br>
- Contine work on DDM.<br>
Feb 26, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on DDM:<br>
&nbsp;- Got enough working to register Java &quot;hello&quot; message handlers on<br>
both sides and exchange data.<br>
&nbsp;- Updated debugger pass-through to recycle client connection when<br>
debugger drops.<br>
&nbsp;- Added DDMS support to JDWP code.<br>
&nbsp;- Added a couple of calls to our NIO implementation.<br>
- Helped reed/abliss chase after some resource leaks that presented as<br>
global reference table overflows.<br>
- One phone screen<br>
- (Monday was holiday)<br>
This week:<br>
- Continue with DDM server and client.<br>
Feb 20, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Fixed a number of bugs in Dalvik and JamVM.<br>
- Added file info to &quot;jtrace&quot; output.<br>
- Worked on DDMS. Currently shuffling packets around with NIO.<br>
- One phone screen.<br>
This week:<br>
- Continue work on DDMS.<br>
Feb 12, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Implemented per-thread and default uncaught exception handlers (in<br>
both JamVM and Dalvik VM) .<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Added support for -Xrunjdwp/-agentlib:jdwp- options.<br>
&nbsp;- Rearranged JDWP startup to allow &quot;suspend=y&quot;.<br>
- Worked on Dalvik Debug Monitor design doc.<br>
- Started on Dalvik Debug Monitor server (ddms). Added SWT to main build.<br>
This week:<br>
-Continue work on ddms.<br>
Feb 5, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Fixed bug in libffi that only manifested on Linux/x86 with<br>
optimizations enabled.<br>
&nbsp;- Implemented parts of ClassLoader.getResource().<br>
&nbsp;- Added DEX-in-Jar support to user-defined class loaders.<br>
&nbsp;- Corrected JNI AttachCurrentThread behavior.<br>
&nbsp;- Corrected JNI FindClass behavior to use system class loader rather<br>
than bootstrap. This allows CLASSPATH to be used for the initial<br>
&nbsp;- Check method return types in -Xcheck:jni.<br>
&nbsp;- Chased after misc bugs people found now that Dalvik is more widely used.<br>
&nbsp;- Added a few things that the &quot;mauve&quot; test suite wanted.<br>
This week:<br>
- Implement &quot;-Xrunjdwp&quot; args.<br>
-Get ClassLoader.getResource() working.<br>
- Continue to address Dalvik issues as they arlse.<br>
Jan 29, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Work on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Added support for loading DEX files from Zip archives to bootstrap<br>
class loader.<br>
&nbsp;- Added local-reference abuse checking to -Xcheck:Jni. Fixed a<br>
couple of problems it found, reported others.<br>
&nbsp;- Added libffi, so we can use PowerPC macs.<br>
- Announced general availability of Dalvik at group meeting.<br>
- (Out sick most of Friday)<br>
This week:<br>
- Work on Dalvik VM.<br>
- Work on resource loading.<br>
Jan 22, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Finished work on initating class loaders in Dalvik.<br>
&nbsp;- Replaced the hold-all &quot;u8&quot; type with a union throughout the code.<br>
- Corrected some bugs in the JDWP implementation in both VMs. Added<br>
some missing features that IntelliJ required.<br>
- Spent most of Tuesday with visitors crom Korea.<br>
- (Monday was holiday)<br>
This week:<br>
-Roll Dalvik VM out to the soon-to-be adoring masses.<br>
Jan 16, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- Wrote a JNI calling convention converter. Ran it against our<br>
sources, which used C-style JNI calls in C++ code.<br>
- Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Reworked some VM class loader innards.<br>
&nbsp;- Did most of the work required to support initating class loaders.<br>
- Perf: write peer revlews.<br>
- One interview.<br>
This week:<br>
- Finish initiating class loaders<br>
- Meet with some Java people.<br>
- Work on Dalvik.<br>
Jan 8, 2007<br>
Last week:<br>
- More jni.h tweaks, mostly to make JNIHelp.h work with either C or C++.<br>
- Changed JamVM's RegisterNatives method to link methods immediately,<br>
rather than on first use.<br>
- Override the class loader in JNI FindClass while handling JNI_OnLoad.<br>
-Fixed a couple of bugs in the JDWP support.<br>
- Work on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Added basic class loader support to VM. Added DEX file loading to<br>
Java ClassLoader.<br>
&nbsp;- Added &quot;lazy&quot; JNI native method binding by signature.<br>
&nbsp;- Hooked up local variable table support for the debugger.<br>
&nbsp;- Improved debugger object registry (fewer registrations, more<br>
appropriate data structure).<br>
- One interview.<br>
- (four day week)<br>
This week:<br>
- Performance revlews.<br>
- Work on Dalvik VM.<br>
Jan 2, 2007<br>
Two weeks ago:<br>
- Enabled dynamic library loading in JamVM and Dalvik VM. Corrected<br>
ClassLoader handling in JamVM per spec.<br>
- Fixed some warnings found by -Xcheck:jni that I got tired of looking at.<br>
- Created C++ inline version of JNI calls. The thrill ride of the season.<br>
- (Friday was holiday)<br>
One week ago:<br>
- (off for entire week)<br>
This week:<br>
- Continue C++ JNI stuff.<br>
- Continue System.loadLibrary work.<br>
- Continue ClassLoader work in DalvikVM<br>
Two weeks ago: - Enabled dynamic library loading in JamVM and Dalvik VM. Corrected ClassLoader handling in JamVM<br>
per spec. - Fixed some warnings found by -Xcheck:jni that I got tired of looking at. - Created C++ inline<br>
version of JNI calls. The thrill ride of the season. - (Friday was holiday) One week ago: - (off for entire<br>
week) This week: - Continue C++ JNI stuff. - Continue System.loadLibrary work. - Continue ClassLoader work in<br>
Dec 27, 2006<br>
Add snippet<br>
No snippet submitted<br>
Dec 18, 2006<br>
Last week:<br>
- Worked on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Got basic shared library loading working.<br>
&nbsp;- Reduced DEX file memory requirements by deferring some pieces to<br>
load on demand.<br>
&nbsp;- Added initialization of static final string constants, and some<br>
reflection code needed to test it.<br>
&nbsp;- Cleaned up strict-aliasing issues.<br>
&nbsp;- Ran some performance evaluations to see how we were doing.<br>
&nbsp;- Added more tests to -Xcheck:jni mode.<br>
- Updated jtrace code to stall thread exits when a trace is running.<br>
This way we get thread names and don't re-use thread IDs.<br>
- Switched system from using Jam's &quot;jni.h&quot; to Dalvik's. Fixed the<br>
ensuing C++ type clashes.<br>
- Wrote self-review.<br>
- One interview.<br>
This week:<br>
- Finish up shared library loading (both VMs need work) .<br>
Dec 11, 2006<br>
Last week:<br>
- Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Reworked some mutex stuff to avoid GC race conditions.<br>
&nbsp;- Reduced memory usage by loading Positions, Locals, and Exceptions<br>
on demand only.<br>
&nbsp;- Added a threaded-execution mode to the interpreter.<br>
&nbsp;- Reserve some stack space so we can correctly handle StackOverflowError.<br>
&nbsp;- Added internal obJect tracking to ensure we don't GC obJects<br>
created by native VM code.<br>
- Enabled threaded execution in JamVM.<br>
- One interview.<br>
This week:<br>
- Performance self-review.<br>
- Continue work on Dalvik VM.<br>
Dec 4, 2006<br>
Last week:<br>
- Work on Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Added public/protected/package/private access checks on method<br>
calls and field accesses.<br>
&nbsp;- Added JNI local/global reference tracking.<br>
&nbsp;- Added JNI Push/PopLocalFrame.<br>
&nbsp;- Added debugger obJect registry.<br>
&nbsp;- Chased after a spin-on-suspend issue.<br>
- Added VM selection pop-up menu and a &quot;check JNI&quot; checkbox to simulator.<br>
- One interview.<br>
This week:<br>
- Continue work on Dalvik VM.<br>
Nov 27, 2006<br>
Last week:<br>
- Dalvik VM:<br>
&nbsp;- Added support for ''-Xcheck:jni'' and ''-verbose:jni''.<br>
&nbsp;- Check JNI thread affinity, verify field type in Set*Field calls,<br>
and watch for inappropriate activity between &quot;critical&quot; calls.<br>
&nbsp;- Added GetStringRegion/GetStringUTFRegion.<br>
- Spent a day digging into Wonka.<br>
- (Out Thursday/Friday for Thanksgiving)<br>
This week:<br>
- Add JNI local/global reference tracking to Dalvik VM.<br>
- Improve Dalvik debugger support.<br>
Nov 20, 2006<br>
Last week:<br>
- Spent some quality time with some newly-GPLed source code.<br>
- Performance profiling (JamVM + Dalvik VM) :<br>
&nbsp;- Updated jtrace to show class loader overhead.<br>
&nbsp;- Added memory allocation counting.<br>
&nbsp;- Added wall-clock elapsed time to jtrace &quot;key&quot; file.<br>
&nbsp;- Disabled clock_gettime() on Linux desktop -- doesn't really work<br>
on goobuntu.<br>
- Implemented a JDWP command that IntelliJ IDEA required.<br>

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