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Sorkin says Jobs movie won't be straight biography | 319 comments | Create New Account
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TED and inequality: The real story -- And a question, how do we reduce inflation, fairly?
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, May 18 2012 @ 02:03 PM EDT
Inequality: The real story - is only a point of view! Is it that simple? When we apply the Socratic Method, anything can be debated, and any discussion has it's value. So yes, it is a help to have this as part of the debate, but being true to the Socratic Method, should we stop there, or should we take the education to another level? Should we remove all the pure capitalists, and pure socialists from the coversation? And instead, canvas average folks for an answer. As those absent an extreme economic belief, are in the end, those that might be who we can trust to fix the problem.

Read "Candide" by Voltaire
Think about the last line...
"Alas dear Pangloss, we must tend our own garden"

Voltaire, addresses both the depths of poverty, and the heights of wealth, and any realitivity between. We end up, were we all should end up.

Where we end up, is with an Metaphor. Where personal responsiblity, and environmental sensitivity, is the mantra of all people living on this earth.

It is too easy to follow some philosphical economic detour (been there, done that). Yep, The problem with the current economic thinkers, is that they focus too much on the "simile" (which in truth, when you apply the Socratic Method, then via physics, we see that we don't know enough about time, space, where we can validate anything but the smallest of snapshots, and admit that change is happening, and we need a system that can adjust, and be fair. So, we need to look at all the history, and all the current data trends, stand back and understand instead, the "Metaphor". And work with it. What do we need to know? Words have meanings? What are the important words to know?

What is an Economy?
Local Commodity based transactions derived from a per-capita need. In a barter economy, it is the same transaction of a thousand years ago. Today, with money in the transaction, we have overt taxes, and covert taxes (inflation's affect on everything, including government costs, and what folks need to live, eat, and house themselves and their families).

What is inflation? A picture is worth a thousand words. Picture of woman pushing a cart load of German money to a market to buy a loaf of bread (post WWI Germany where they printed money into a superinflation problem).

The current economies that are at risk now, are those that had massive "false" growth (with equal inflation rates) under the false premis that real estate was an important foundational part of an ecomony. It is not, it is a consequential part, with the real foundations for the past few thousand years, being either Agriculture, Manufacturing, or Mining. Not retail sales either. If you looked at a "Western Ghost Town" then, when the silver mine dried up, retail, road building, and home building did not keep the town alive. Tourism has brought those towns alive, as attractions. But, the tourists come from areas that have active and vibrant Agriculture, Manufacturing, or Mining Anchors to their Local Economies.

Many parts of the US and Europe, have had manufacturing leave, the stores are filled in both places with stuff from Asia.

The real estate false economy grew over the past 20 years while manufacturing went out the back door to Asia or elsewhere. Inflation was kept (in error) at a rate that matched the false real estate economy growth. Now, real estate prices are correcting, however it is very hard to take money put in to circulation and take it away from people around the world (to reduce the money supply to match the economic activity of today, so that we are not in the current hyper-inflation that we see today). How to you corret hyper or super inflation - without "bursting" the inflation bubble, but instead, somehow letting the air out slowly?

Question -
If anyone has an answer how to reduce the money supplies (reducing the inflation) to match up with what they should have been matched to (as huge parts of the anchor economic forces aka industry left), where the real economic line for local areas around US and Europe was, in reality declining (jobs leaving). How do we take money back from citizens, from Oil producing countries, from China, in a way to change the inflation factor we see hurting us all today? It's all about people !

If you will have the answer then to the problems facing the US and Europe today. We can fix the problem, we just need everyone educated about it, then all of us working together to execute a workable solution.

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Sorkin says Jobs movie won't be straight biography
Authored by: betajet on Friday, May 18 2012 @ 02:31 PM EDT

I think Sir Ben Kingsley should play Jobs. Those who revere Jobs can compare him to Gandhi (1982) while those who think of Jobs as a ruthless manipulator can recall Sneakers (1992) and Sexy Beast (2000). This way everybody's happy.

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Twitter no track and who to follow
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, May 18 2012 @ 05:05 PM EDT

Why do I get this weird sense of disconnectedness. Don't track me, but make
suggestions on who I should follow based on my browsing habits and history, as
well as the habits of others...

Sounds suspiciously like tracking.

Left hand, let me introduce you to right hand.

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