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Open source Java moving to Linux, AIX on PowerPC | 225 comments | Create New Account
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Regarding PJ's comment on Hello World tweet/news pick
Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, May 10 2012 @ 02:11 PM EDT
I'm sure that the "expert" knows all about hello world apps and knows
its not a game. I think *all* programmers have seen hello world examples - for
new programmers, its probably the first thing they ever did.

I'm guessing its just taken out of context in the tweet.. I wish we had more to
go on.. Last week was much more exciting! Maybe we can get someone to write
mirror_slap a note so he can take the rest of the week off from work? :)

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Oracle Expert Mitchell on the Stand: Re Hello World
Authored by: tknarr on Thursday, May 10 2012 @ 02:26 PM EDT

What's funny is that "Hello, World" really isn't about teaching programming in a language per se. It's more about the mechanics of the environment. It's the simplest program you can write that does enough that you can tell that it compiled and ran and did what you expected it to do. It's used to get students past the point of knowing how to get the development environment started, edit a source file, write the boilerplate needed to actually make a legal program, run the compiler and linker, run the resulting program and view the output. It's the programming equivalent of sitting down in a car and figuring out where all the controls are in this model, getting the seat adjusted so you're comfortable, adjusting the mirrors and getting the key turned and the engine running. If you can get it to run, you've gotten all the overhead dealt with and you're ready to begin learning to program.

As a speed test, it's like doing a drag-strip speed test of cars when the finish line is only a car's length from the start. The distance is so short that you aren't measuring how fast the cars are, you're measuring how fast they can start to move. "Hello, World" is so simple and short that it really spends no time at all running, all the time is spent in the overhead of getting the code loaded, getting the run-time environment set up, and then getting everything shut down after the program's finished.

And if Mitchell is any expert, he knows all this. It's standard practice when testing performance to run a large number of iterations to get a long enough run-time to get the errors and random variations down to an insignificant fraction of the total. Think flipping a coin. If you only take 2 flips, it's not uncommon for them to be both heads or both tails. In theory it should be a 50/50 split, but with only a few trials it's not unusual for it to heavily favor one or the other. Everybody knows that, so if you want to check whether a coin's fair or loaded you flip it a lot of times, fifty or a hundred. And even then you don't expect it to be exactly 50/50, if you flipped it a hundred times and got 51 heads and 49 tails you don't take that as a sign the coin's loaded in favor of heads. In testing it's not uncommon for me to set performance tests to run 10,000 iterations to get me enough run-time to produce a solid average, and when the code's really fast I've had to run millions of iterations to get numbers I'm confident of. Running a single iteration of the smallest program possible? That's like flipping a coin once.

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Google files to skip damages phase as it's not worth anyone's time
Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, May 10 2012 @ 03:05 PM EDT google-java- android-trial-damages-phase

Probably true even if Oracle win everything else with wilful infringement. It's still got to be less than the case costs.

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Open source Java moving to Linux, AIX on PowerPC
Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, May 10 2012 @ 05:25 PM EDT
Oracle declined to comment on the PowerPC-OpenJDK proposal.
So much for the collaboration between Oracle and IBM for Java huh? :p

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Oracle might only receive $150,000 in damages from Google
Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, May 10 2012 @ 05:32 PM EDT

Article link.

PJ: That's copyright damages. Patents are pending, if you will allow me to phrase it that way.

I actually read right passed the pun and got to the "allow me to phrase" before I realized what was said :)


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