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Corrections Thread
Authored by: bugstomper on Friday, May 04 2012 @ 10:36 PM EDT
Please summarize in the Title box error->correction or s/error/correction/ to
make it easy to scan to see what errors/corrections have already been

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Off Topic threads
Authored by: bugstomper on Friday, May 04 2012 @ 10:40 PM EDT
Please stay off topic in these threads. However feel free to liven up your post
with fancy HTML formatting and clicky links.

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News Picks Thread
Authored by: bugstomper on Friday, May 04 2012 @ 10:43 PM EDT
Pick your News here. Please type the title of the News Picks article in the
Title box and include the link to the article in your comment, as a clicky HTML
link if you can, for everyone's convenience.

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Lawyer software engineers?j
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, May 04 2012 @ 10:43 PM EDT

It amazes me that the judge is asking lawyers to answer these questions. Does he expect them to have more of a clue than he does? An intro to Java book would have answered many of his questions. It is too bad he didn't ask both sides to agree on a few books that he could use as a reference. Of course, Oracle would have probably insisted the J2SE spec is the only valid reference even though it iis not a particularly good way to learn the language.

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Comes transcripts here
Authored by: bugstomper on Friday, May 04 2012 @ 10:45 PM EDT
Please post your transcriptions of Comes exhibits here with full HTML markup but
posted in Plain Old Text mode so that PJ can easily copy and paste them.

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Dear Judge Alsup
Authored by: pem on Friday, May 04 2012 @ 11:06 PM EDT
Schwartz is much more qualified than Lindholm to know what was going on, and
Oracle has relied extensively on Lindholm's (ahem) legal qualifications.

Best regards,

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Google Seeks to Muzzle Lindholm
Authored by: rsteinmetz70112 on Friday, May 04 2012 @ 11:08 PM EDT
Wouldn't this same brief apply equally well to the Lindholm email?

Rsteinmetz - IANAL therefore my opinions are illegal.

"I could be wrong now, but I don't think so."
Randy Newman - The Title Theme from Monk

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Oracle Seeks to Muzzle Jonathan Schwartz in Patent Phase & Judge Asks Two More API Qs ~pj
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, May 04 2012 @ 11:10 PM EDT
Schwartz has always been an extremely likeable guy, effective at getting a
message across in an understandable way. Even one of his worst detractors could
only come up with "My Little Pony". With the image of glitter and rainbows, is
that even an insult?

I can see why Oracle would prefer to not see him on the
stand again. He's been devastating to their case.

Sure, he's no saint or even a
rainbow colored pony but I chuckle at the thought of his role in assisting the
court to arrive at the truth in this matter after what he suffered at the hands
of Oracle.

Karma and all that...

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Thanks for this
Authored by: FreeChief on Friday, May 04 2012 @ 11:21 PM EDT
I saw the article in the newspicks, and thought the author must be a week late. What is the point of trying to get a witness excluded when the jury is already deliberating?

It seems that Oracle is a week late.

Is there any chance that this will be accepted? I don't know what are rules 403 and 701 are. Can it really be that they say that the testimony of the CEO is irrelevant and inadmissible? If so, why didn't they mention it last week?

 — Programmer in Chief

PS: Once again, Groklaw has answers where other "reporters" don't even have questions.

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... because it is devastating to my case!
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, May 04 2012 @ 11:29 PM EDT
You honour, I object ...

Life imitates fiction, or in this case, the Simpsons

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The judge's questions...
Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, May 05 2012 @ 12:00 AM EDT
... are poorly posed.

"14. Inheritance does not exist among packages, only within a class. True?
If not, why not?"

Inheritance does not exist among packages. It could be thought of as existing
within a class, but to my thinking, it exists *between* classes. Class B
inherits from class A - class B can't inherit without there being another class
that it inherits from. (This may be splitting hairs, because class A doesn't
have to do much other than exist and not be final. It doesn't even need to know
that class B exists.)

"15. Inheritance is a characteristic of a class that results from the
superclass-subclass feature of the Java operating systems. True? If not, why

Inheritance is a characteristic of a class that results from the
superclass-subclass feature of the Java *programming language*. There is no
"Java operating system". By "results from", I mean that the
Java programming language has this feature for inheriting (making a class a
subclass of another class), and if you use it, then you get inheritance. No
feature of any operating system is involved.

I'm a little bit perturbed that the judge is asking questions that don't have
even the basic terminology right at this point in the game...


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Oracle is really worried...
Authored by: Gringo_ on Saturday, May 05 2012 @ 12:02 AM EDT

...that Google is going to reveal that his blog was corporate and thereby impeach Oracle's witness. (I already forgot his name!)

If instead Mr. Schwartz’s testimony is understood as expressing a conclusion of Sun’s lawyers, it should be excluded because Google failed to lay any foundation for that testimony, and Oracle cannot disprove it, without waiving privilege to Oracle (and Sun’s) internal analyses of its legal claims.

Mr. Schwartz’s lawyers did not run the company. They reported to the CEO - our Mr. Schwartz!

Fourth, Mr. Schwartz’s testimony in Phase 1 concerned copyrights, not patents. Even if that testimony were proper and admissible – and for the reasons stated above, it is not – there is no basis in that trial testimony to conclude that Mr. Schwartz ever evaluated Sun’s patent claims or was capable of doing so, that he had made any effort to do so, or that he ever made any decision whether or not to sue on those particular claims.

Why don't you just wait and see what his testimony will be in Phase 2 and 3, Oracle? You had a chance to depose him, so you should be prepared for his testimony.

Oracle seems so very weak and desperate here. I think they already know they are going down!

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does anyone at BSF proofread this stuff???
Authored by: nsomos on Saturday, May 05 2012 @ 12:36 AM EDT
I find the following sentence telling ...
"Further, the suggestion that Oracle had decided not sue is
clearly against the weight of the evidence presented in this case."

Did they mean "suggestion that Sun had decided not to sue" ??
If that is what they meant ... clearly history has proved
that assertion to be correct. Sun did NOT sue. It is not
a suggestion. It is a fact.

Did they mean "suggestion that Oracle had decided not to sue"?
That was not suggested at all. Oracle is now indeed suing.
Unless somehow BSF brought the suit without Oracle wanting it.

Oracle does not get to re-write history, no matter how much
they might wish they could.

And they make a big deal about 'we'. Haven't they ever heard
of the 'royal we'. Someone who can make decisions for the
company talks about how 'we decided' this or that. While it
is indeed they who made the decision, they made it in the
capacity of being head of that company.

This after just a minute of reading, but it sickens me to
read what BSF write. I may not finish reading it.

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Technically, who trumps who?
Authored by: IMANAL_TOO on Saturday, May 05 2012 @ 05:32 AM EDT
Technically, who trumps who? Schwartz vs McNealy?

Is there an objective way to tell right now?



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14. Inheritance does not exist among packages
Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, May 05 2012 @ 06:07 AM EDT

14. Inheritance does not exist among packages, only within a class. True? If not, why not?
To quote from Chapter 7 of The Java Language Specification , Third Edition, by James Gosling, Bill Joy and Guy Steele (which I believe is the edition that applied to the Java SE 5 in this trial),
The hierarchical naming structure for packages is intended to be convenient for organizing related packages in a conventional manner, but has no significance in itself other than the prohibition against a package having a subpackage with the same simple name as a top level type (§7.6) declared in that package. There is no special access relationship between a package named oliver and another package named oliver.twist, or between packages named evelyn.wood and evelyn.waugh. For example, the code in a package named oliver.twist has no better access to the types declared within package oliver than code in any other package.
I would agree that "Inheritance does not exist" because nothing is inherited.

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Inheritance is a characteristic of a class that results from the superclass-subclass feature
Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, May 05 2012 @ 06:08 AM EDT

15. Inheritance is a characteristic of a class that results from the superclass-subclass feature of the Java operating systems. True? If not, why not?
"Java operating Systems" is the wrong term. Substitute "Java programming language". But, yes, a class inherits from its superclass and superinterfaces. To quote from Chapter 6 of the Java Programming Language, Third Edition by James Gosling, Bill Joy and Guy Steele (which I believe is the edition that applied to the Java SE 5 in this trial),
The members of a class type (§8.2) are classes (§8.5, §9.5), interfaces (§8.5, §9.5), fields (§8.3, §9.3, §10.7), and methods (§8.4, §9.4). Members are either declared in the type, or inherited because they are accessible members of a superclass or superinterface which are neither private nor hidden nor overridden (§8.4.8).
The members of a class type are all of the following:
  • Members inherited from its direct superclass (§8.1.4), if it has one (the class Object has no direct superclass)
  • Members inherited from any direct superinterfaces (§8.1.5)
  • Members declared in the body of the class (§8.1.6)

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Contrary to the assertion, the techs are in absolute agreement..
Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, May 05 2012 @ 07:26 AM EDT
Every one who uses an API in their work knows what it is.

It is those who hear it/read it that cannot comprehend it.

It is non-technical folk who refuse to accept the definition, because they do
not understand how you can treat a mental construct as something concrete.

They've drunk the Oracle Kool-aid and decided that an API *is* something, the
reasoning appears to be, it *must* be something because otherwise Oracle would
not be suing Google for copying it.

It is not.

The role of a Developer/Programmer is essentially to coherently manipulate ideas
and concepts using symbolic representations of said ideas and concepts.

That is why it can be difficult to understand technical people, they spend all
their time dealing with stuff that doesn't exist.

Pay attention, read every word, and digest this, this is crucial for your

An API is a concept.

Using the US dictionary (Miriam Webster.)

Look at definition 2..

2 an abstract or generic idea generalized from particular instances

In the case of an API those specific instances are the following items..

1) A Computer Readable (binary) program, compiled from...
2) A Source code Implementation of some <thing> describe in
3) A Book describing some <things>
4) A User/Developer program that wishes to use <thing> in 1)

Each one of these individual items is a "writing" in copyright law
with item 1) being a narrow one as a representation of 2), but each part get's
it's own protection.

This is why it is a well established fact (that Judge Alsup knows) that names
are not protected, those names are required for interoperability.

Each of these items is joined by a name.
java.nio.IntBuffer is an example of one of those names.

That is it.

No more.

No less.

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the stuckness of a question prevents the "whole work" from issue
Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, May 05 2012 @ 07:43 AM EDT
1) Does Googles implementation infringe
no, it is not substantially similar,
~7000 lines in
~400 classes in
~37 sub packages,
sounds like it might be a lot, but it isn't
when you have to compare it to
~2.5Million lines in
~3800 classes in
166 sub-packages.

2) The Documents are not virtually identical.

3) A 9 lines out of 900=de minimis
3) C 4 lines of commentary out of ? = de minimis.

3B) is the sticking point,

YOu can find find for Google all the way through, but the way the jury
instructions are worded, you have no choice but to find for Oracle on this

The "work as a whole" for 3B is the individual file in the Jury
instructions, it cannot be de-minimis, it *is* a copy of the file, Google
admitted it.

For damages, the copying *is* de-minimis, the few files in question are small
test files (tiny parts of Android) that *never* shipped in a phone.

IM(NS)HO this is where the Jury is stuck, someone wants "Google not
guilty" all the way down the list but 3B will not let them have it, because
"the whole work" needs to be reconsidered at the damages phase,

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Why Judge Alsup's new questions are really, really wonderful questions
Authored by: bugstomper on Saturday, May 05 2012 @ 08:06 AM EDT
Ignoring the painful errors in terminology, Judge Alsup has asked some insightful questions that go to an important point.
14. Inheritance does not exist among packages, only within a class. True? If not, why not?

15. Inheritance is a characteristic of a class that results from the superclass-subclass feature of the Java operating systems. True? If not, why not?

I think that with these two questions he is dealing with the idea that the only real structure in the SSO of the API is in the inheritance hierarchy of the classes. The package structure has no functional significance. The filing cabinet metaphor is spot on in regards to the packages, in that the package hierarchy only serves as a naming convention.

On the other hand, inheritance is something that is applicable to classes, and is a word that describes the results of a superclass-subclass relationship between classes. The set of inheritance relationships between classes does describe a structure that has functional significance. It is also true that class inheritance is a fundamental feature of the Java language (not the Java "operating systems", whatever he may have meant by that).

I see these questions as a positive indication that Judge Alsup is splitting apart the ideas that Oracle has been conflating, which can only be a good thing.

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"Setting the record straight": Anticipating Oracle's shifty tricks.
Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, May 05 2012 @ 08:15 AM EDT
We know that Google did not anticipate that Oracle would bring in witnesses such as McNealy who would lie for them under oath. Naturally, the cross-examination did not end up being very incisive.Could be worthwhile to analyze this new statement of Oracle's and guess at what Oracle is planning this time around...
Oracle can prove Mr. Schwartz’s testimony false, and is prepared to do so, by offering testimony from other Sun executives, including executives who were not previously disclosed as witnesses.
More witnesses prepared to lie under oath. Who could these be? Let's see. (a) Lawyers who worked for Sun when Schwartz was there and who now work for Oracle. (b) Personal friends of Larry Ellison a la. McNealy, who would just anything for him. (c) Someone who was in Sun when Schwartz was, in a position of power, but was a big friend of Oracle's, possibly even helping them buy Sun. (d) More members from the board of directors who hold similar lying powers as McNealy
If necessary, Oracle may have little choice but to make a partial waiver of privilege.
Hmm.. this indicates that it has to be a person who was involved in legal counsel/discussion with Schwartz.
That is not the result Oracle seeks, nor would it avoid prejudicing Oracle. But if Google persists with the strategy that it used in Phase 1, Oracle must be allowed at least that much opportunity to set the record straight
Google's strategy being facts? And Oracle's strategy being what, lying under oath? I wonder who was involved in the talks with Google (the ones that failed). Is it possible that Oracle is trying to recruit people who were in those failed talks to drum up more lies about how "it actually went down". If yes, can Google be prepared to handle and shoot down these lies by calling their own witness who was ALSO present in the talks that failed?

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Java Primer
Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, May 05 2012 @ 08:40 AM EDT
The judge and lawyers need a Java language primer. Why
doesn't Groklaw build one?

It needs a little general history of programming, a moderate
amount of history of Java, a page on the basics of
programming - e.g. if x then y - some discussion on syntax
and semantics, discussion about types, a discussion on Java
structure - methods, classes, and packages and the
relationships between them. For each of those it needs the
motivation behind the feature, and discussion about the ways
in which it can be manipulated. For instance how the names
of the parameters of a method are irrelevant to its
interoperabilty, but the order and semantics of its types
aren't. It needs some discussion on the structure of the
Java API - what different packages contain. And finally it
needs some discussion on the technical options available
with respect to creating a clone of Java. It might also do
to have some discussion on the implications of copyright
over interfaces, but this should be separate from the
technical aspects.

What important bits have I left out?

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On the squishiness of an SSO...
Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, May 05 2012 @ 09:38 AM EDT
ISTM we can all acknowledge the observation by Judge Alsup that 'he can see
Oracles point' (paraphrased).

There is a selection of classes organised around a structured hierarchy.

Google even basically admit that they used it.

SO maybe Judge A is hoping the the Jury decide "yes" they infringed
for everything except the BFM, then he can happily rule on what is protected.

Look at the Jury questions again carefully, Google has already admitted it's
position and what it has copied, and its defenses are fair use, we didn't copy
that bit, de minimis, and no we don't need a license to do what we did.

so a Jury Verdict of

Followed by a ruling on protected parts versus unprotected parts, then goes to
appeal with a Jury verdict that confirms and agrees with evidence entered.

(IANAL) Does that make the appeal easier from a judicial perspective?

Then mostly the question for appeal (and for the Judge very soon we hope) is the
tricky quantification of the SSO.

Oracle continue to assert that the SSO is the names, and that if the names are
numerous enough and the organisation distinct enough, then it is something that
could and should qualify for protection.

I happen to agree with the 'could and should' when it is put in its proper
context of a literary work (such as a philatelic catalogue)

However software, while treated in many respects as literary work, is not. It is
often made from many small files that are combined in different ways to produce
executable programs. Structure and organization are often consequences of
functional requirements, there are many non-expressive components, there are
also components which while they may be original and even possibly creative are
not protected, this includes names and parts where there is simply no other way
to express what is desired.
All of this is well established in copyright law.
Filtration is a requirement before you can start analysis.

Personally, I hope the judge feels the same.

When this analysis is applied to source code, the nebulous SSO which is easily
discernible in such a thing as a Philatelic catalogue, or perhaps even an API
Specification, or a Big Fat Manual simply vanishes or alternatively explodes in
a cloud of unprotected concepts encapsulated with unprotected elements while
simultaneously being buried in a massive 2.5Million line noisy crash of
programmers expression (which Oracle concede is not copied)

I am not surprised the Jury has taken this long. Their sense of duty you would
hope would make them want to be 'right' in their answers, accepted that there
would be some emotional reaction, but it only takes one person out of twelve to
want to make sure the question is answered with the proper regard.

What is that?

The Big Fat Manual is definitely a Big and Fat Manual, about 4000 pages, and
no-one actually told the Jury what the API Specification was much beyond
"look at this website, now look at Googles website, it's a copy
right?" "yes the structure is the same";

So how much do you have to read before you can properly and comfortably conclude
to a standard of virtual identity?

The source code is 166 packages(directories), ~4000 classes (files), 2.5 Million
(some of those directories may be shared, so it might be a bit less...or more?)

It is not immediately clear from evidence/transcripts/briefs/instructions what
exactly the "copied SSO" is, rather it has been inferred, with the
exception of showing the inheritance diagram and Oracles brief showing an
inheritance tree for something to do with java.nio.Channels

The Jury has the job of 'capturing the essence of the SSO' of 37
packages(directories) in 400 classes(files), scattered throughout the much
larger work.

How many files do you look at? How do you decide if what Google did is
substantially similar, when it is (AFAICS) not particularly clear which part of
Android source code you are looking at to find the similarities?.

Much of the SSO is actually articulated in directory names and filenames on
which the Jury has been instructed they are not protected, except when they are
part of the SSO.

Yet no reasonable person would suggest there should be any kind of
"infringement" on anything as basic as a directory structure.

ISTM That Judge Alsup underestimated the gravity and complexity of the questions
put to the Jury, partly because in his own mind the decision is made by him, the
jury verdict does not decide, it only asserts and confirms, the decision is his
as to what those assertions and confirmations mean in the context of actually
protected elements.

If they *only* take six days to diligently consider the first 3 questions, is
that long enough?

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Oracle shoots itself in the foot
Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, May 05 2012 @ 12:19 PM EDT
I still couldn't understand why Oracle wants to drive everybody (developers,
companies etc) far away from its (ex Sun) Java libraries.

The hard part of developing Android/Harmony/Classpath has been:
- writing the code
- writing the drivers and Dalvik (Android)
- making the libs compatible with Java

I am sure that a couple of months (let say 6) would be enough to replace the
Java libs API with a completely different SSO, by means of any good automatic
code translation tool and few good engineers.

This could be applied also to the Classpath and Harmony implementations, driving
EVERYBODY far away from the Oracle Java libraries.

Why on Earth do they want to shoot themselves in both their feet this way?

That's really crazy

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Rebut vs. Object?
Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, May 05 2012 @ 01:20 PM EDT
To a non-lawyer, the gaping hole in their argument appears to be the failure to object at the time the statement was made. Oracle could have objected that Schwartz was going beyond the bounds of the question, but they did not. This looks like they are trying to fix their clear error in letting the statement through unchallenged the first time.

Google could not have asked the question directly without establishing a foundation, and they probably couldn't have established a foundation without violating Sun/Oracle's lawyer-client privilege.

They are asking the judge for a second chance to fix their mistake. Judges aren't usually generous with second chances, are they? Perhaps they know it isn't likely to get them anything, but they are so desperate that will try anything.

We don't know whether this one statement is that important to them, or if they are trying to keep him off the stand because of something else they think he might say.

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Logic is crying, and you made her cry.
Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, May 05 2012 @ 02:48 PM EDT
<blockquote>First, Mr. Schwartz’s testimony is simply
untrue, to the extent that it is offered to suggest that
Sun, the company, had made an affirmative decision not to
sue Google over Android.</blockquote>

Sun was demonstrably aware of Android. Sun was demonstrably
aware of Java, and their role in creating Java. Sun has a
competent legal team who understands how to protect
property. Sun new Android was derived from Java. Sun did
not (at the time) sue Google.

How is that NOT an affirmative decision not to sue? Was Sun
not aware that you can sue people if you think they violate
your property right?

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Oracle Seeks to Muzzle Jonathan Schwartz in Patent Phase & Judge Asks Two More API Qs ~pj - Update
Authored by: Ian Al on Saturday, May 05 2012 @ 03:14 PM EDT
Jonathan Schwartz did not reveal any legal advice that he got from General
Council. He told of the company decision that may or may not have been on the
basis of the legal advice given.

If this is prohibited, no CEO will be able to contract for anything with anyone
or any other company.

Ian Al
Software Patents: It's the disclosed functions in the patent, stupid!

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Oracle Seeks to Muzzle Jonathan Schwartz in Patent Phase & Judge Asks Two More API Qs ~pj - Update
Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, May 05 2012 @ 08:48 PM EDT
No doubt Judge Alsup will sense the fear in Oracle's request
to exclude Schwartz further testimony during the patent phase.
So no doubt he may be thinking Google's attorney's want to ask
him a few more questions about his communications with Scott
McNealy to clear up the disparity between their testimonies?

I doubt they were in their own little Worlds... not talking
with each other about this failed Google Java deal. In a
battle of impeaching these two witnesses.... no doubt Schwartz
would come out ahead anyway. Then what is Oracle going to do
about Google's impeachment of their Prize Co-founder witness?

Bring in some surprise rehearsed former Sun legal counsel to
impeach Schwartz? I think Alsup would be more inclined to see
that and believe Schwartz in that case and hopefully the jury
would too. Some lawyers are better liars anyway. But sometimes
their own witnesses aren't very good liars either. Like in the
case of McNealy and BSF in this case!!!

Google and Van Ness have been showing more integrity than the
Boys and Girls of BSF and Oracle have thus far. I hope the
judge and Google take 'em up on their challenge (bluff)!!!
lol... "We'll huff and We'll puff and Blow Your House Down",
Oracle's saying..., but I don't think Oracle and BSF have
enough Hot Air to do that!!! :D

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Inheritance: Identity not Geography.
Authored by: BitOBear on Sunday, May 06 2012 @ 03:56 AM EDT
Again, BitOBear strongly suggest the reader start analyzing a term by pretending
that the idea of "a computer" (as in the electronic device) does not
exist... and in this case ask yourself what "package" and
"inheritance" mean out here in the real world.

So we know that packaging, e.g. the action verb "to put in a package",
and the noun "a package", are both geographical concepts. A package is
something "preposition worthy", and any one thing exists in relation
to "a package" as a preposition. Remember the rule from elementary
school, a preposition is anything a mouse can be in relation to a box. A mouse
can be placed in, taken out of, above, below, inside, outside, next to, beneath,
or behind a box.

In computer science a package is a box. This means things can be in the box or
not. The box can contain other boxes. Things can be outside the box or inside
the box but they cannot really be both inside and outside the box at the same
time. Every occurrence of "box" and "package" in this
paragraph can be swapped one-for-the-other and this paragraph still makes

So since everything in a computer is a model of something out side the computer,
a package/box is a model of a box/package. These models are semantic models, so
they can contain anything semantic.

So if you have ever put anything in any box ever you know the bounds and limits
of boxing things. You even know that you can open a box, then open a box that
was within that box, and put something in that inner box, then close it all up
and the thing you put in that inner box is "inside" both boxes.

You also know that any one box may be packed with either great care and intent,
or not so much. for instance when I threw everything in a box because my office
space was being moved across the street, the box didn't require much
organizational thought or, because it was mostly files an books, much thought as
to padding. This was a vastly different experience than sending holiday packages
full of china and fragile gifts to my family across the continent.

So do boxes "inherit" anything from one another. If there are separate
three boxes on a table and I place something in one, can I then find it all
three? No. If two boxes are nested one within another and I put something in the
outer box, is it in the inner box as well? No. If I put it in the inner box and
close both boxes, can I retrieve the object by only opening the outer box? No.

Boxes are geographical. Boxes are all about "where" something is. They
are containers. They do not inherit their contents.

The previous paragraph is repeated here by reference with the word Box replaced
by the word Package. All the assertions remain true.

Now it is an odd fact that if the thing I am placing within a box can act
independently. Say if its a robot, or a mouse, or a person (for conditions
involving very large boxes) the independent actor can access the inner box and
the outer box without necessarily opening the outer box at all. Picture a guy
locked in a cargo shipping container along with boxes of rations, bottled water,
glow sticks and magazines, and a composting toilet. You should ship that guy
across the sea but when you got him out the contents of the box would be sorely
the worse for wear.

So in computer science all these thing and ideas persist unchanged. Computer
packages exist and can contain different kinds and types of objects, but they
are wherever they are. In some languages the boundaries of the packages may
limit access to some actors where a procedure or task may be very like the guy
locked in the shipping container. But in computer science there are no real
things, just semantic things, so everything in the box (including the guy) exist
as "possibilities" not "real things". The computer running
the program is the only real thing. When it activates the things in the boxes it
is really playing shadow puppets. The boxes are imaginary but they have their
imaginary rules. The boxes inside the boxes say things like "contains a
water bottle and an M.R.E." and the computer, like a child playing tea
party, pretends to have tea in the pot, the computer playing shadow puppets
pretends a man eats a packet full of chicken and rice while stuck in his
shipping container. (Computers are very high-concept like that.)

So boxes e.g. packages are about geography and a piece of land can not inherit.
It can not inherit traits. It can not inherit features. It can not inherit
money. It just can not inherit anything.

But a box/package can -be- inherited.

If I inherit a box from my dad, then I can access the box just like he could.
(Remember, in computer science things are high concept so dad never really dies,
so it's like how someone can get their inheritance from their living family. For
now anyway.)

Now that whole class thing again...

A class has identity. It is a -type- of thing. When the giant computer child
reaches into the metaphorical box of a package and finds the metaphorical
contents and pulls out the imaginary "water bottle" it has in its hand
something that has the properties of a bottle and of water. The child may
imagine drinking the water, or feeding the water to Polly Prissypants, and then
it may just un-pinch its fingers and its like the empty bottle just went away.
The child may also imagine pouring out the water and putting something in the
bottle and putting the bottle somewhere special to keep the something contained.
It may then reach back into the box and pull out another "water
bottle" and do something totally else with it.

-- ASIDE --

Every time someone goes back to the drawing board to create an Object Oriented
Language the declare how "this time they are going to do it right™"
and they always imagine that the whole "multiple inheritance" is
"unnecessary" and they make a "single inheritance" language.
Then, when the joy wears off and they discover that "single
inheritance" is far, far too limiting, they introduce multiple

When Sun did this exercise with Java, their model (unfortunately for them)
included the idea that everything must inherit from Object. This made multiple
inheritance -impossible-. So they invented "interfaces". Interfaces
have the empty shape of a class (e.g. a list of method signatures) but not the
contents of a class (e.g. no code).

In our example that means that you could inherit "water" but then have
to re-write "bottle", or you could inherit "bottle" and have
to re-write "water". Then they added "delegation" so that
you could inherit "bottle" and re-write water by delegating
(using/point-to) another class-and-instance to handle the water part.

--- END ASIDE ---

So look again at the inheritance language. Only -actors- can inherit. Thats
because actors essentially inherit actions. Some of those actions carry around
things as well.

A person breathes because all mammals breathe. We inherited that action. In
order to breathe we also got some equipment to breathe with such as lungs and
the pipes that connect the lungs to the outside world of air, and the rib cage
and diaphragm that lets us suck and push the air in and out of the lungs.

The difference between how I breathe and how my cat breathes is mechanically
trivial but substantively different. It works the same way, but if I could force
a whole breath into my cat he would suffer harm from over inflation. So when I
inherited breathing I did so with a unique value for how much and how often. My
much more athletic (and taller and younger) house mate breathes larger volume
still but far less often because he's in much better shape. So even though we
are both human male mammals his "instance data" for breathing varies
between us. Further there is no correlation between when my lungs are full and
his lungs are empty. Our state is completely disjunct.

The house, which is under construction (he lives here in exchange for his labor
as a contractor), is dusty a lot, particularly as he has the ceeling half out
because he is putting in my new heating/cooling system. This means the -air- in
the house is not as good as it should be right now. This instance data is
different than the air outside or the air in my neighbors house. But the air,
still being mostly normal, behaves identically to the air in all those other

And right now I am at home, and my house mate is out with his girlfriend.

So the air, contextually, for being possessed by my house, is a little
"meh". And the air, for being exhanged into and out of my house, is
getting and releasing a lot of detail data. And my housemate and I both
generally breathe the same air when we are here, and if we both were out right
now we would be breathing the same air there, but that similarity is broken by
our -current- -circumstance- of being many miles apart.

Still, neither of us could survive ten minutes with a plastic bag over our heads
and taped tightly about our throats because as "human males" (a class)
we are "human" (a more general class) and have inherited the need to
breathe "as mammals" (a class that is far, far removed and more
general/less specific).

So now here is a tricky part...

If you actually look at breathing it isn't re-implemented by each member of the
hierarchy of types. I breathe by -exactly- the same means as all the apes, and
cats, and such all the way back to "mammal". So I only got the method
of breathing from the class "hominid" by its identity as one of the
many subclasses of mammal. Somewhere way back there the whole mechanism of
breathing was worked out and we all just got it for free. It wasn't
re-implemented and it wasn't explicitly referenced at each stage of identity
from here to there.

But if you look at whales and dolphins, well they got a slightly different
version of the methods of breathing because they were re-plumbed with a
blow-hole. That happened in the class "Cetacea" then they got all that
unchanged. The different implementation was different for the plumbing and all,
but it still uses the lungs and diaphragm and ribcage and all that.

So inheritance is about identity by -type- of thing. Different types of things
may share their behavior because they got that behavior from a more general type
of thing that they also are.

Now wait for it...

All packages within any language are just one "type of thing" because
the type of thing they are is "a package".

That is, there is one body of code that defines how "a package" works.
Sure any one package contains a set of things that isn't in the next package.
But each package is packed up "the way we pack things around here".

As a matter of fact, if you look up "java.lang.package" there it is!
That is the body of code that controls -every- package.

So while a package contains lots of classes and the classes may (in fact, in
java they both -do- and -must-) inherit from other classes; the entire behavior
of any one package -does- and -must- conform to the code constraints of the
java.lang.package package. This is the box that contains all the instructions of
packing and unpacking a box. (I keep telling you, computer science is very
high-concept. 8-)

Why does the package tree have to look the way it does to work? Because when
something wants to find something in a package it will -always- result in a call
to java.lang.pacakge.getPackage(name_of_thing) so it always must be saved in a
way that java.lang.package.getPackage(name_of_thing) can understand. and
java.lang.package.getPackage("java.lang.math") is how the language is
going to find "java.lang.math.cos" for the cosine function.

So a package is -factually-, and in every way that can be measured just "a
box". The box happens to be full of code.

The decision of which box -each- piece of code belongs is only as good as the
decider making the decision.

The idea of putting the mathematical function cosine somewhere other than the
box called "math" makes about a much sense as packing up your baking
supplies in the box marked "Garage" and putting the rat poison in the
box marked "flour". You can do it, sure. But it isn't smart.

Now the question the judge asked, but slightly different, do we keep the rat
poison out of the box marked "flour" to be compatible with
"existing recipes" or to be compatible with "new cooks"?

That's a false dichotomy. We keep the flour in the box marked "flour"
inside the box marked "baking supplies" to make sure people don't die
from rat poison in their cupcakes. Cooking is very common but it is also
life-or-death when it comes to some mistakes. Mis-packing a kitchen can kill a

That isn't hyperbole. People rely on their phones to do life and death things
like call 9-1-1 (9-9-9 etc) and even lesser mis-directed messages can radially
alter a person's life.

Now consider all that and then understand my message to the court: Packages are
-meaningless- beyond their single utilitarian function of making things easier
to find. They have no features. The do not "inherit". They have no
real boundaries and in a very real sense they -almost- do not exist. You can
implement, and I -have- implemented, the equivalent of "packaging" in
a programming environment that lacked formal packaging by simply deciding things
like 'everything in the Transmit Framing Protocol package will be recognizable
because I will start its name with the four characters "TFP_"'.

All of Oracle's arguments are utter -bunk-.

They have made "word salad" and tossed it about the court with raised
eyebrows and feigned innocence. This entire case is a fraud against the court.

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Oracle Seeks to Muzzle Jonathan Schwartz in Patent Phase & Judge Asks Two More API Qs ~pj - Update
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, May 06 2012 @ 11:27 AM EDT
Can some one answer a question? Why didn't Oracle make the
case about Trademarks instead? There's already precedence for

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Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, May 07 2012 @ 10:57 AM EDT
For all the pretty words from Oracle, it's still fact that
he was still CEO at the time, and it's very hard for me to
see how the judge could possibly come to the conclusion that
the CEO's testimony was irrelevant for any reason
whatsoever. I mean, so he's not a lawyer or a patent
attorney - but he knew what the decision to set Java free
meant and why Sun made the decision, as did we all from
their statements, whereas J Random lawyer or attorney would
just have been doing what was required of him by the CEO.
And to the extent that Oracle can claim that the there is
some sort of infringement of copyrights, it means that the
lawyers did not do their jobs properly. I wonder why Google
hasn't called on Sun's lawyers, to see exactly what the
intent was.

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Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, May 07 2012 @ 12:10 PM EDT
14. Inheritance does not exist among packages, only
within a class. True? If not, why not?

Yes, it's true that inheritance does not exist between
packages. It only exists within classes.

Why not? We've learnt from the history of language design
that it's useful to have three mechanisms for organising the
sharing and reusing code.

The first is the class (or object in some other languages),
bundling related methods and data together, and sometimes
allowing the users of those classes to improve them in ways
that are relevant for their use. The class forms a semantic
unit. (Different languages confer different functionality on
the class/object unit.)

The second is the interface, which allows disparate classes
to implement and/or respond to a shared idea - for instance,
both paint and lightbulbs have color, but in almost all
other ways they share no similarities. However, if you were
going make a model of a room and needed to specify color,
you could do it using paint or light. Interfaces are glue
allowing classes to share syntactic elements.

The third is the package (in Java, but known by other names
in other languages). This is a way of grouping elements
without conferring semantic meaning. It would be possible to
group elements using classes, but because classes have
semantics attached, and typically have extensability it's
not usually desireable to group using classes. Packages also
typically confer namespacing, for instance allowing two
different classes called Judge to be used in the same
program, by enclosing the each class in a unit with a
different name. You often want to use a package mechanism
where several things are likely to be used together, but
there is no preconception as to how they will be used. For
example, windows and doors would probably be packaged
together because any building is likely to use both, but
there's nothing that says that a building must have windows,
and using this package doesn't imply or require that it

15. Inheritance is a characteristic of a class that
results from the superclass-subclass feature of the Java
operating systems. True? If not, why not?

The other way round. The point is to allow us to factor out
commonalities in work and data, and share and reuse them.
Inheritance is a language mechanism to do this. Superclasses
and subclasses are are a result of one style of inheritance,
working in a hierarchy.


But I have to say, this seems to me to be going in a
judgement of Solomon-cutting-the-baby-in-half sort of way; I
don't believe that inheritance rules are a good way of
deciding what is core and what isn't. I mean, the rest of
the world took Sun at face-value when it said that Java was
free. We did not think 'Oh, that means that this is Free,
but that's not'. We thought that they meant that everything
that you needed to clone Java was free, but that what was
not Free was the Java branding. It's perfectly
understandable separation. Except if you come along years
later and decide that you want some other rules because you
want a slice of someone elses pie.

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