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The documentation can be treated as a separable component of the source code
Authored by: PJ on Friday, April 27 2012 @ 09:04 PM EDT
Say, could you please repost this without the
swear words so I could link to it?

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The documentation can be treated as a separable component of the source code
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, April 27 2012 @ 09:36 PM EDT
I don't think that you understand what "creative" means in the context
of copyright: it simply means original, not copied from elsewhere. The old
requirements to meet the threshold of originality were skill, judgement, and
labor. Labor got dropped in Feist, so now what you need is simply to exercise
skill and judgement in the creation of the work.

So if you document your class in javadoc format, you have copyright in that
comment, outside of anything that is formulaic or functional or copies from

Example comment #1:
This method takes an int and returns the value multiplied by two wrapped in a
Integer object.

May or may not be copyrightable - it may not be expressive enough in that it
recites fact that can only be expressed in a few ways that are all substantially
similar. It is certainly in an expected format: states input, function
performed, and output.

Example comment #2:
This method takes an int and performs some very obscure black magic to reuse any
existing Integer object that has been finalized but not yet garbage collected,
avoiding the cost of allocating and initializing a new Integer object if
possible. If no Integer object exists to be reused, a new one will be
initialized. The int value multiplied by two and wrapped in the new or reused
Integer object is returned.

This comment is original as long as I didn't copy it from everywhere else since
it does more that just fit the format above.

I'm sure I could have come up with a better example, but I think that should be
clear enough.

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The documentation can be treated as a separable component of the source code
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, April 27 2012 @ 10:02 PM EDT
Swear words removed, clarified a bit, CC added. Same poster, IP address logs
will confirm this.
You're trying to say that the entire work was of "Harry Potter" was
fed into a program, and what came out was a derivative work! That's ridiculous
in this context! What comes out of the JavaDoc tool is merely the Facts ABOUT
the story: In your analogy, javadoc would say this about Harry Potter:
It's a Book about young Witches and Wizards. There are 3 main children this book
is about. They fight against forces of evil at the school they attend. None of
them die.

To put it another way: Javadoc extracts ONLY the data that would be in a Header
File! API is equivalent to saying "Header Files" in other languages.

This is SCO all over again. Oracle is saying: You can't use the names in our
header files. That's nonsense. I've seen Java develop over the years. They
didn't architect the API as a creative work -- The header files changed over
time as a BYPRODUCT of wanting to add or remove implementation details to the

By your example, you're basically saying that I can't write a totally different
story about young wizards if it follows the aforementioned recipe?! The kids
fight evil, they don't die... That's the SSO! That's what this is all about.

You CAN extract information from a work without it being a derivative work. The
API is ALMOST like a table of contents in a book -- Except that the chapter
titles in a book are creative. The names of the methods classes and packages in
an API are NOT creative -- They're facts about the "chapters".

Java.text API:
Defines constants that are used as attribute keys in the
AttributedCharacterIterator returned from DateFormat.formatToCharacterIterator
and as field identifiers in FieldPosition.

The class also provides two methods to map between its constants and the
corresponding Calendar constants.

This explanation is so non creative! It's just like saying: Here's a book about
wizards, there are two boys and a girl, they fight evil, and use spells. This
books provides several chapters of text which are used to convey the meaning to
a reader, it invents new words which are mapped to new meanings.

Also: It would be VERY hard to describe the Implementation details any other
way. It's a plain reduction to mere facts. To add a textual date formatter to
the Java language you would need to put it in the java package. And, it formats
text, so you'd put it in the text package. This particular "Field"
belongs to the DateFormat object, so it must be placed in the DateFormat
namespace -- THE FIELD IS NAMED FIELD!?! You can't get any less creative.

Point being: the API is NOT a creative work! It's a collection of FACTS about
the Implementation. That is all.

Also: the API means Application Programmer's Interface -- It's an associated
document that defines the interface.

Per GPLv2.0, which Java is now licensed under:
"The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making
modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all the
source code for all modules it contains, PLUS ANY ASSOCIATED INTERFACE
DEFINITION FILES, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation
of the executable."

(emphasis mine)

API == programmer's interface. GPL2 gives us express permission to use the
"Java API" without any additional license. You don't need any
additional license to use the Java API. Even if you did: SCO was wrong. Linux
doesn't infringe Unix. Thus, Android doesn't infringe on Java's copyright.

Copyright 2012 Timothy Landers
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
with the following exception:
You are not required to attribute the work to the author in any manner, and are
expressly allowed to attribute the work in any way that suggests that I endorse
you or your use of the work.

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Think table of contents
Authored by: jjs on Saturday, April 28 2012 @ 07:53 AM EDT
You generate your book with headers, etc. A special markup
marks them (SGML, XML, etc). Then a program comes through
and generates the TOC. Does that TOC have a copyright?
Could I not take that TOC, write my own book with the same
chapter names, but different contents? At what point does
the creativity end?

Note that "sweat of the brow" is NOT a standard for
copyright, despite what some may say. It's the creativity
that is important. Is the creativity in the writing of the
book, or the generating of the table of contents from the

(Note IANAL, I don't play one on TV, etc, consult a practicing attorney, etc,

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it is exactly those English specifications that nobody argues Google copied.
Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, April 28 2012 @ 11:36 AM EDT
seems everyone missed that bit

The documentation is a separate work.

If you don't mind being a flagrant copyright violator (or you fancy your chances
while its undecided) just download the android SDK.

You can find all the HTML for the android developer specification sitting in a
reference directory with the other docs.

You can see all the equivalents on Oracles website

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