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One thing that I would like to clarify. | 234 comments | Create New Account
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One thing that I would like to clarify.
Authored by: Kilz on Thursday, April 19 2012 @ 01:02 PM EDT
Before getting to the questions you have lets make sure we understand one thing. "Copyright" protects someone from making a "Copy" or a "Duplicate" of what you have written, drawn, or photographed. It doesnt stop someone from writing on the same topic, drawing something on their own, or taking a photo of the same thing. It doesnt protect ideas, concepts, thoughts, etc.

So, if I copy someone else's unauthorized copy I have no legal responsibility (not specifically saying harmony was not authorized, just asking about the principal of your statement)? The specification document was always under copyright, right?
The list (specifications) may have been protected under copyrights. There is a problem though with the assumption of an "unauthorized copy". The problem is that the copyright on the specifications only covers that exact "copy" or the exact fixed wording of the specifications as written by Sun/Oracle.
A close analogy could be a news story on a specific event. One newspaper writes a story about what happened at the court yesterday. They list who was called to testify, who the judge was, and why everyone was there. A second newspaper can write a story using the same facts but different words. The second newspaper is not violating the firsts copyright. Though the stories are about the exact same event and using the same facts.
In exactly the same way, a specification can use the exact same requirements and as long as company 1 does not use the same fixed wording it would not violate copyrights. One important thing to remember in all this. Copyrights cover the fixed expression in words, drawings, photos, ect. It does not cover the ideas expressed in the writing, drawing, or photo. That would be covered by a patent.
More seriously, we are talking about thousands of classes and methods. These specs are very specific about the naming, parameterization, and how the method executes.
First off Names can not be copyrighted. Possesses can not be copyrighted. The only thing that can be copyrighted is the fixed expression, like a description of how to use the specification. But someone else can write a different description on how to use the same thing and copyright does not protect it.
It describes stack behavior, types of floating point math, and exceptions to post conditions.
The problem with that is that you cant copyright a behavior. You can copyright the code that causes that to happen. But only the exact expression in its fixed state. Others can create a different piece of code that brings about that exact behavior. If you want to protect the behavior a patent would be needed.
This API spec is not like saying 3 bedrooms. It more similar to saying 3 bedrooms called Alvin, Simon, and Theodore,, with doorways having exact dimensions, made from teak and cedar, whose led lights come on every morning precisely at 6 am. At what level of specificity does the design become unique and protectable?
Copyright would only cover the design of the building, not what was made from it. Copyright doesnt cover names, or ideas like when lights come on. Does that level change if it is shown that the defendant studied the design in question? I am not sure, because the design or specifications can lead people to create things that are very close because there are few ways to do them. Copyright would be the wrong protection because it only covers the fixed expression of the design, not the end product made from it.

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One thing that I would like to clarify.
Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, April 19 2012 @ 09:38 PM EDT

So, if I copy someone else's unauthorized copy I have no legal responsibility (not specifically saying harmony was not authorized, just asking about the principal of your statement)?
The specification document was always under copyright, right?

The issue at trial isn't whether Google made a bunch of copies of the specifications document. If you took out only the code in the specifications document, you wouldn't be able to make it work, anymore than you could build a birdhouse given a list of all of the parts needed to make a birdhouse.

At what level of specificity does the design become unique and protectable? Does that level change if it is shown that the defendant studied the design in question?

There is no level of specificity where the idea itself becomes unique and protectable under copyright. It is only the expression of the idea that is protectable, and there is nothing about method calls that is a unique expression (artistic or otherwise). Many of them are along the lines of "drawLineOnScreenGiven (point x, point y)". Good APIs are transparent, unambiguous and not very creative.

So, if you're asking whether the API is valuable or not by itself, then the answer is "yes it is valuable" but only if you have also have supporting code that does the things the API advertises. Otherwise, it is useless and in any case, it sould be as difficult to enforce as, and only slightly more than, the copyright on a parts list for a 747.

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