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Here's What Ocean Park Advisors Has Been Doing
Wednesday, December 09 2009 @ 01:36 AM EST

We find out now what Ocean Park Advisors has been doing on SCO's behalf since they were hired by the Chapter 11 Trustee Edward Cahn. Submitting a bill for $196,002.50. Gulp. For six weeks' work. When you see the breakdown of their bill, in the attached Exhibit A, you'll see that they have been going over the company with a fine tooth comb.

Their job is to try to save the company, and let's face it, that's a job for Superman. But you know what? If paying professionals could save SCO, it would have happened already. SCO is Kryptonite, y'all. And indeed, by my reading of the bill, there is no salvation in sight just yet, despite all their hard work. I guess the advisors and hand holders will just have to keep their noses to the grindstone, trying to crack this nut, until every last penny SCO has is gone. After all, we don't want to give up on SCO too soon.

Here are the filings:

12/08/2009 - 985 - Monthly Application for Compensation // First Combined Monthly Fee Application of Ocean Park Advisors, LLC for the Period of September 15, 2009 Through October 31, 2009 Filed by Edward N. Cahn, Chapter 11 Trustee for The SCO Group, Inc., et al.. Objections due by 12/28/2009. (Attachments: # 1 Notice # 2 Exhibit A # 3 Exhibit B) (Fatell, Bonnie) (Entered: 12/08/2009)

On page 4, we see the bill broken down by Ocean Park employee. $51,340 is the total for Bruce. Guess what $22,000+ was for? "Prep/Participate in Company management calls and meetings." It seems there were daily calls. I'd want at *least* that much to spend 52.3 hours doing that in six weeks, wouldn't you? Talk about Dante's Inferno.

I see 15 hours of "Non-working Travel Time". $6,375.00 for non-working travel time. I'm telling you. Bankruptcy court is the slushiest hog trough I have ever seen. It's perfectly legitimate, of course. It means they only charge part of the time spent traveling, and as you'll see, some of these guys had to leave LA to go to Salt Lake City and do meetings with Ralph Yarro and Ryan Tibbitts, and you know what a thrill that would be. That's one guy's bill.

Oh my. What about Mark? His bill is $86,360.00. Of the total, most of Mark's time was working on the restructuring plan. A restructuring plan. Any restructuring plan. It had better be golden. Mark is charging $45,305 for 106.6 hours of that, and Bruce spent 23.1 hours on the plan, so he is charging a mere $9,817.50. He is charging for 24.1 hours in those blasted management calls and meetings at $10,242.50. He did spend time trying to line up DIP lenders.

OMG. There's another guy, Vinod, pondering SCO's survival and working on the details of how to accomplish it, at a total bill of $46,000. He spent most of his time analyzing and preparing budgets and reports. The true nitty gritty. I assume he intends to show his work product in the great bye and bye. Vinod also reviewed "the Norris proposal". And then died laughing, I expect. Are these dudes out of their ever-loving minds? The Norris proposal? The one the judge said wasn't offered in good faith? That one? It does seem to have disappeared by the end of the six weeks, although you can't be certain. Sharks don't leave the waters. They just circle around.

And then there is Michael, who modestly is billing at $12,302.50, mostly on budgets and reports. But he also says he spent time reviewing "7.23.09 Board Minutes". Somebody is working on a press release. I have an idea for what it might look like: "SCO Now Really Bankrupt At Last." The text will read something like this:

The SCO Group, which entered Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection with millions and millions [PDF] in cash in the bank and in assets, has finally achieved total financial meltdown after spending more than the allotted time in bankruptcy protection and all their money on professional advisors, and now really, no foolin', hasn't a dime left to give to anybody. Nyah, nyah, Novell.

"I guess we'll have to sue some Linux end users or something," said Edward Cahn, SCO's Chapter 11 Trustee. "Or find some clueless dopes who really hate Linux enough to buy a big hopeless lawsuit, someone who thinks it's of value to pretend Linux is infringing for a little while longer. Otherwise, we're really sunk."

Relax. Just kidding around. Sorta. Let's get serious. Maybe someone besides us chickens needs to pay just a little more attention to the fundamentals, though. Like tech fundamentals. Like the actual history of Unix and Linux. Like how the GPL works. Nothing else matters if you don't do that, frankly, because that is what any trial will be about. I see 2.8 hours on "Emails and analysis related to liquidity and restructuring plan." Ah, that's better. Liquidity. Maybe 20.8 hours on that would be better still. Chapter 7 anyone?

Mark spent 8.5 hours interviewing all the New Jersey office personnel and then discussed a restructuring plan with New Jersey management. That's the first sensible notation I've seen. New Jersey guys actually work. I see Mark also met with Ralph Yarro. I can just imagine that conversation. "Sue, baby, sue. To our utter destruction." From his lips to God's ears, as they say. So far, I'd say they are right on track.

Then I see a review of "salary reductions". Ah, the reality principle. Meanwhile Bruce began working on a spreadsheet about the restructuring plan. Let me guess. Excel.

Poor Mark had to go to Salt Lake City and work there a while. Must have felt like Spencer Tracy in the movie The Desk Set, where everyone treats him like a disease because they have heard he's trying to decide who to fire. And indeed that does seem to be exactly why he's there. He reviewed emails while waiting for the plane. Well, what would you do? He was daydreaming, I am guessing, that he was already back home. At last.

Again I see a notation about a press release about the restructuring plan, but the date is October, mid October, and we're in December now, so where is it? I guess it must be the one about Darl being terminated.

Uh oh. "Continued working on restructuring plan with focus on employee terminations." See? Vinod gets the most interesting task."Reviewed Fringe and Benefit Analysis sent by Company." I'm sure that was eye-poppingly interesting. Suggestion: look into who gets what if there is a settlement, like with AutoZone. Anybody get any bonuses for that? Like Boies Schiller, for example? Any execs? You might find it interesting to look at this history of an earlier litigation involving benefits. Or is this the new leaner and meaner SCO? Mark worked with debtor on "issues with terminated employees." Like, "Hey, Darl told us we were going to win. What happened?" Meanwhile, they're working on a cash flow model and a "SCO action item list". I'm trying to restrain my sense of humor, so as not to be mean, but my mind is humming with ideas for SCO action items for a to do list.

Let me be serious. I see Mark spent 6 hours reviewing emails relating to further "restructuring of sales and europe". That's a good idea, actually. Like, anybody have an explanation for the funds that ended up at the foreign offices? Like Japan, for example? Or how Hans Bayer and "Mike Olsen" signed the corporate form in Germany, Bayer and Olson as co-CEO of SCO Germany? Didn't Darl tell the bankruptcy court under oath that Bayer was just a sales guy, definitely not an executive, who wasn't authorized to speak for SCO? Oops. Can anybody explain that disparity? Not that the bankruptcy court seems to care what whoppers get told. But were these two ever CEO of SCO Germany? If so, how come they don't know how to spell Olson properly? And he left SCO in October of 2007, no? I may have dropped a stitch, I suppose. Or maybe they forgot to tell us something?

I notice there is an amended filing, signed by Ken Nielsen instead, now said to be CEO of SCO Germany. I hope he has an accountant to help him, after his performance at the last bankruptcy hearing he testified at. Wasn't he the guy who admitted on the stand that the cash burn of the company was actually $100,000 higher per month than his submitted numbers?

Seriously, about Germany, go here, choose English, then search for SCO Group, then look at the list, and compare the two items on the list with the red typeface, and look at the signatures on the two filings. Google Translate can do the rest for you. Seriously, when was Hans Bayer the CEO? And why didn't anyone tell Darl? Maybe that is why the next notation on the Ocean Park bill is "Preparation for and participation in a call with Ch. 11 Trustee and legal advisors." Or maybe I'm misinformed that there is a fine for falsely signing such a form as CEO if you are not actually the CEO?

At the end of October, I see Mark is working on "cultivation of alternative funders." So something didn't work out. And Vinod is going over all the Boies Schiller bills "as requested by BR." I believe X marks the spot if anyone is looking for why SCO ended up in bankruptcy throwing out old computers and trying to sell fork lifts. There is also an "AR Collections Report" -- whatever that is. Sometimes it's spelled "A.R. collections." Accounts receivable?

Hmm. Michael spent a half hour calling the company "re stock transfer agent; research about same". Research? Nobody knew who he was any more? Maybe he fell into the Bermuda Triangle, like SCO's MIT deep divers, who Darl said proved his case and then disappeared into thin air. Check Blepp's briefcase.

In mid-October, Vinod analyzed a revised "Fringe and Benefit Analysis" sent by SCO and "created comparison to status quo." Then you see multiple entries about revising various models and then a meeting with "company personnel re non-payroll expenses" followed by a review of employee cell phone "details" for employees. Happy days are not here again for SCOfolk. "Followed up with Company on cell phone terminations." Argh! Not the cell phones! Then there's a discussion with HR about benefits. And more notations about reviewing funding for foreign subs. Are they getting the picture yet? More revisions on a new 13-week cash model. "Review of board member options." Ouch.

But you know what? If only someone had done this long ago, maybe SCO could have paid its pizza bills at least, if not Novell.

Wait. What's this? On October 1, I see a notation: "Settlement proceeds analysis within capitalization table." Is that dreaming of IBM beellions someday or did AutoZone say they'd pay something? Then this: "Review of UK tax history and issues." Issues. What issues?

Bruce did a meeting with Ralph Yarro and a "potential DIP lender" on September 25. I see that listed for Mark also. Vinod had dinner with Ryan Tibbitts. Three days later, there's a meeting about "the general state of business and strategic options" for the company. I'm sure that was fun. At the end of October, there were meetings with two potential DIP lenders and a conference call with one.

And still we wait. Where is the restructuring plan? And the big question: exactly when is SCO's time up in Chapter 11?


Here's What Ocean Park Advisors Has Been Doing | 310 comments | Create New Account
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Corrections here
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, December 09 2009 @ 02:03 AM EST
salvation in sight.

[ Reply to This | # ]

O/T Here
Authored by: Steven W on Wednesday, December 09 2009 @ 02:04 AM EST

[ Reply to This | # ]

Corrections here
Authored by: Steven W on Wednesday, December 09 2009 @ 02:05 AM EST
Sorry forgot to log-in in first.

[ Reply to This | # ]

A.R. collections
Authored by: Steven W on Wednesday, December 09 2009 @ 02:24 AM EST
Accounts Receivable.

[ Reply to This | # ]

Prepared first draft of Generic SCO Teaser to be sent to pontential DIP Lenders
Authored by: Steven W on Wednesday, December 09 2009 @ 03:19 AM EST
That would have to be one heck of a "teaser".

[ Reply to This | # ]

this history of an earlier litigation
Authored by: Steven W on Wednesday, December 09 2009 @ 03:38 AM EST
That link says it's to an Administrative part of the site? -- I tried to log-in
wasn't able to.

[ Reply to This | # ]

    When I was a lad...
    Authored by: MadTom1999 on Wednesday, December 09 2009 @ 03:46 AM EST
    it does remind me of a public company that I worked for that was taken private.
    Most of the employees in the company thought the prospectus was completely
    laughable and the company would never make 10% of the money for the shareholders
    that it promised.
    Then the truth came out - contract accountants were hired to look at everything.
    In our area they managed to spend £100 in fees for about every £5 they
    monitored. Nobody seemed to question their worse than pointlessness. I guess if
    you're the one that invited them in you either don't want to look stupid or you
    have some other interest.

    [ Reply to This | # ]

    Here's What Ocean Park Advisors Has Been Doing
    Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, December 09 2009 @ 03:49 AM EST
    Can anyone provide a latest projection on the remainder of SCO's millions. Are
    they not getting really close to the big fat zero yet?

    phantomjinx (not logged in)

    [ Reply to This | # ]

    "DIP Lender"?
    Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, December 09 2009 @ 04:19 AM EST
    What's a "DIP lender"? Someone who gives money to SCO?

    [ Reply to This | # ]

    Newspick discussion here please
    Authored by: tiger99 on Wednesday, December 09 2009 @ 05:31 AM EST
    For some reason we don't have the full set of canonical threads yet. Most

    [ Reply to This | # ]

    Hurry, operators are standing by
    Authored by: grouch on Wednesday, December 09 2009 @ 07:46 AM EST
    Don't miss this amazing opportunity! You, too, can be a highly paid temp at Swindlers and Con Operators Group! People who can ride airplanes, read email and listen (or pretend) to former company execs and employees are urgently needed -- no previous experience required! If you can write a number, "hours", and some cryptic phrase or buzzwords that seem to indicate some kind of activity, you're qualified! Delaware bankruptcy court and Mr. Cahn want YOU to help with some Gross mismanagement before the cash gusher dries up or gets capped!*

    * Limited time offer; the cash can't last forever. Void where law or the public care or notice. Applicants must be willing to split the take with superiors. Incompatible with ethics.

    -- grouch

    GNU/Linux obeys you.

    [ Reply to This | # ]

    Crises management
    Authored by: Gringo on Wednesday, December 09 2009 @ 09:04 AM EST

    I don't consider the bill unreasonable, considering these guys are crises management specialists. At least their hourly rates are not as much as some of SCOs lawyers we have seen. It seems they are doing what is necessary, considering the monumental task they are faced with. We have a team charging no more than the salary normally earned by a single CEO during that 6 week billing period.

    The more pertinent question is, why is SCO in a crises in the first place? They certainly weren't when they declared bankruptcy almost two years ago. Since then, who's responsibility was it to oversee SCO? Answer that question, and we will see who is responsible for the need to pay a team of crises management specialists.

    [ Reply to This | # ]

    Okay...where's an y billing for technical discussions?
    Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, December 09 2009 @ 01:30 PM EST
    Hokay dokey, have I missed it or have any of the submitted bills shown any
    records of any advisers sitting in on TECH meetings, discussions on the
    technical merits of the foundation of the whole legal campaign? If they would
    specifically identify the nature of financing meetings and discussions, reorg.
    discussions, where are the technical discussions about the code, the nuts &
    bolts, or were those done (maybe not specifically identified) at the beginning
    of the legal mess and everything that has happened since just running on the
    tracks laid down at the beginning? Am I being clear about what I'm asking (I

    [ Reply to This | # ]

    The Consultant Trap
    Authored by: Guil Rarey on Wednesday, December 09 2009 @ 02:02 PM EST
    Smart people get routine degrees and work in operating business (ones that DO
    things, not just own them).

    Really smart people get high profile degrees and get highly paid consulting
    gigs. Unfortunately, the path from school to consulting doesn't allow for the
    development of any real world experience in operating businesses. Strong on
    theory, weak on practical know-how.

    This shows up here where highly paid consultants are struggling to put together
    financial forecasts and MORs etc etc. Low-level details, knowledge of which can
    only be gained through experience, have derailed many a sophisticated forecast.

    It doesn't help that this is a hostile environment for the Trustee's
    consultants, nor that SCO probably deliberately kept lousy business records to
    facilitate Darl's obfuscatory nonsense.

    If the only way you can value something is with money, you have no idea what
    it's worth. If you try to make money by making money, you won't. You might con

    [ Reply to This | # ]

    "Is that dreaming of IBM beellions someday"
    Authored by: Yossarian on Wednesday, December 09 2009 @ 02:49 PM EST
    My reading is that IBM is the key. Novell will settle if
    fighting SCO will cost more than Novell can recover. But IBM
    is there for the kill. No matter how much it will cost, IBM
    wants its counter claims heard in the court.

    So the question is: "what can make IBM settle?"
    IMO there is just one answer: give IBM enough SCO's inside
    info to send some SCO's officers and members of the board to a
    nice vacation in Club Fed. It worths checking, and its worths
    paying good professionals to check what SCO can offer in such
    a trade.

    [ Reply to This | # ]

    Its an old song...
    Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, December 09 2009 @ 02:56 PM EST
    "You never give me your money" by the Beatles

    Novell sings the refrain:
    "You never give me your money
    You only give me your funny paper
    And in the middle of negotiations
    You break down..."

    Cahn comes in on the verse:
    "Out of college, money spent
    See no future, pay no rent
    All the moneys gone, nowhere to go..."

    [ Reply to This | # ]

    New filing #986 - task: Review Groklaw
    Authored by: Laomedon on Wednesday, December 09 2009 @ 06:04 PM EST
    In Blank Rome's first monthly fee application ($286,517.50 + 4,327.48
    expenses)on Exhibit A, page 29, Ms. Fatell lists .30 hours on Oct 21, 2009 for
    reviewing "Grok Law".

    Could there be hope she groks SCO's case, or lack thereof?

    [ Reply to This | # ]

    Sharks don't leave the waters. They just circle around.
    Authored by: SilverWave on Wednesday, December 09 2009 @ 09:11 PM EST
    Yes never a truer word spoken re sco and its fellow travelers.

    RMS: The 4 Freedoms
    0 run the program for any purpose
    1 study the source code and change it
    2 make copies and distribute them
    3 publish modified versions

    [ Reply to This | # ]

    Kryptonite, PJ? More like toxic waste...
    Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, December 10 2009 @ 08:57 AM EST
    I'm shocked the professionals even attempted trying to save them after all of
    this- it'd be like trying to handle nuclear waste with an oven mitt...

    [ Reply to This | # ]

    Mary-Jo Foley: Microsoft to testify at Oracle/Sun European Commission hearin
    Authored by: SilverWave on Thursday, December 10 2009 @ 09:32 AM EST
    Microsoft to testify at Oracle/Sun European Commission hearing

    RMS: The 4 Freedoms
    0 run the program for any purpose
    1 study the source code and change it
    2 make copies and distribute them
    3 publish modified versions

    [ Reply to This | # ]

    Marten Mickos, Oracle-Sun Deal: Why Oracle Won't Kill MySQL
    Authored by: SilverWave on Thursday, December 10 2009 @ 09:44 AM EST

    "Oracle-Sun Deal
    Why Oracle Won't Kill MySQL
    Victoria Barret, 04.20.09, 3:45 PM ET

    It's tempting to speculate that Oracle's bid for Sun Microsystems is a
    convenient way to kill off open-source database wonder, MySQL. But MySQL's
    former chief executive, Mårten Mickos, sees things differently. If anything,
    Oracle badly wanted MySQL.

    The reason: Microsoft. "

    RMS: The 4 Freedoms
    0 run the program for any purpose
    1 study the source code and change it
    2 make copies and distribute them
    3 publish modified versions

    [ Reply to This | # ]

    Mickos told Forbes. "Oracle can use MySQL to achieve a stronger developer community
    Authored by: SilverWave on Thursday, December 10 2009 @ 10:07 AM EST
    Seems he has changed his mind a bit eh? :)
    Looks like a bit of a gold mine :)

    "Why Oracle Won't Kill MySQL

    Victoria Barret, 04.20.09, 03:45 PM EDT

    Marten Mickos, MySQL's former chief, discusses Oracle's $7.4 billion
    bid for Sun Microsystems.

    Marten Mickos

    It's tempting to speculate that Oracle's bid for Sun Microsystems is a
    convenient way to kill off open-source database wonder, MySQL. But
    MySQL's former chief executive, Mårten Mickos, sees things
    differently. If anything, Oracle badly wanted MySQL.

    The reason: Microsoft "

    I followed this trail of bread crumbs....
    (Microsoft to testify at Oracle/Sun European Commission hearing)
    >But is Microsoft’s disdain for the deal also because MySQL is more of a
    threat to SQL Server (and Microsoft partners that sell it) than Microsoft’s
    management is willing to publicly acknowledge?

    Links to:
    (Data Driver - Blog archive - What Will Oracle Do With MySQL?)
    >In fact, that's exactly what MySQL founder Marten Mickos told Forbes
    yesterday, arguing they serve two different application types. "Microsoft's
    database business is the fastest growing," Mickos told Forbes. "Oracle
    can use MySQL to achieve a stronger developer community."

    Links to:
    (Why Oracle Won't Kill MySQL - Victoria Barret, 04.20.09, 03:45 PM EDT
    - Marten Mickos, MySQL's former chief, discusses Oracle's $7.4 billion
    bid for Sun Microsystems.)

    RMS: The 4 Freedoms
    0 run the program for any purpose
    1 study the source code and change it
    2 make copies and distribute them
    3 publish modified versions

    [ Reply to This | # ]

    What happens when ALL of Novells money is gone?
    Authored by: Sunny Penguin on Thursday, December 10 2009 @ 02:51 PM EST
    We know that The SCO Group owes money to Novell, but they are very close to
    being out of their collection of other peoples money.
    What happens when the remaining funds are gone?

    EOD is a science of vague assumptions based on debatable data taken from
    inconclusive experiments with instruments of problematic accuracy by persons of

    [ Reply to This | # ]

    Claimed expertise - Ocean Park Advisors
    Authored by: brindafella on Thursday, December 10 2009 @ 07:28 PM EST

    Here is what OPA claims as their expertise in this area of business advice.

    To excerpt it:

    Restructuring Advisory
    · Assess liquidity
    · Determine viable capital structure
    · Identify restructuring and strategic opportunities
    · Create financial models for scenarios
    · Negotiate between classes of security where there are complex capital structures involving secured and unsecured credit and multiple classes of equity

    It all sounds so exciting!

    [ Reply to This | # ]

    Here's What Ocean Park Advisors Has Been Doing
    Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, December 10 2009 @ 08:59 PM EST
    We have Blank Rome asking for :-

    $286,517.50 (80% 229,214.00) plus expenses $4,327.48

    We have Ocean Park Advisors asking for :-

    196,002.50 (80% $156,802.00) plus expenses $16,271.35

    Right now that's a cool $406,614.83 coming out of what little remains of TSCOG.

    New pigs at the old trough, looks like that's all we got here, new pigs at the
    old trough.

    [ Reply to This | # ]

    Hans Bayer as chief of German SCO
    Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, December 11 2009 @ 06:55 AM EST
    Thanks for the link, I've browsed through the publications, which are similar in
    kind to the documents a US company has to publish via the SEC. (There is no
    requirement for quarterly financial reports, though.) The red lines indicate a
    "correction". It appears that SCO's financial report of 2007 was
    first signed by "Johannes Bayer" and "Mike Olsen", claiming
    to be the executives, and then later corrected with a few minor phrasings and
    the signature of Ken Nielsen.

    However, a publication on 02 Apr 2008 says that Mike Olsen was replaced by Jean
    Acheson on 27 Mar 2008. Another publication on 19 Apr 2007 says that Johannes
    Bayer was no longer executive, effective 13 Apr 2007.

    My personal guess is "scrivener's error", i.e. an old form for the
    financial statement was used that still listed the already-removed executives.


    [ Reply to This | # ]

    "If so, how come they don't know how to spell Olson properly?"
    Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, December 19 2009 @ 06:24 PM EST

    I live in one of the two countries (.dk and .no) where "Olsen" is a very common name, there are also some people by that name in neighboring countries (such as .de), mostly due to migration (past and present) and border changes (latest in 1920). When writing in English many people with -sen names change it to -son to make pronounciation and easier on native English speakers.

    So it could be that the persons real, legal name is "Olsen", but he transliterates it to "Olson" when writing or speaking English, but not when he is signing a document in German for German use, where they are strict on spelling and have experience with people spelling their name -sen.

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