Tim Berners-Lee Sends a Letter to the US Copyright Office |
Monday, August 22 2005 @ 06:17 PM EDT
Today, Tim Berners-Lee, director of the W3C and
inventor of the Web, has responded to a call for
comments from the US Copyright Office, regarding
a proposal to restrict users to only one vendor
browser in order to submit forms to that office. He raises a number of practical issues, suggesting that use of standards is the obvious solution. He makes it clear that he is not attacking IE: The failing of the proposed implementation of the preregistration system is its lack of support for standards, not its choice of software. He mentions security issues , which can and have arisen in connection with all browsers. As it happens, there was one yesterday involving IE, and some responded to the fact that there is currently no patch for it by suggesting that you use a different browser at least temporarily. More information on it here, including the suggestion to turn off ActiveX and use it on "trusted" web sites only. ActiveX again. Yet web designers will sometimes tell you they can't live without it. Some of us would much rather, please. I personally would trade a little less whizbang for a lot more security. But when a warning like yesterday's comes up, and a government site requires IE-only, then what do you do?
You'll notice he sent it by hand, as well as putting it on the Web. That is because tomorrow is the deadline, and they require paper letters, not email. I'm thinking the Copyright Office might like to compare the paper letter with the one on the Web. If they do, they will notice that the one they got on paper will type out where the links are to the references; on the Web, all you have to do is click. Just a suggestion.
22 August 2005
By Hand and on the Web at
Office of the General Counsel
U.S. Copyright Office
James Madison Memorial Building, Room LM-401
101 Independence Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20559-6000
In Re: 37 CFR Part 202 [Docket No. RM 2005-9]
The United States Copyright Office has requested
1 comment on whether a requirement that
certain online forms be submitted only through
the use of a single vendor's World Wide Web
browser, to the exclusion of any other hardware
or software product or service designed to
conform with Web standards. Such a policy, even
if implemented for a short time, would impose a
number of practical barriers on those seeking to
exercise their pre-registration rights. The
proposed system would be contrary to at least
the spirit of Federal information policy adopted
by the E-Government Act of 2002, as well as
important OMB management directives regarding
Federal Enterprise Architecture and the
directive to use voluntary consensus standards.
At the outset, we would like to stress that
nothing in this letter should be construed as a
criticism of Microsoft's Internet Explorer,
which is one of the leading browsers in the
field. We would write the same letter if the
choice was to offer support solely for Mozilla
Firefox, Safari, or any other product. The
failing of the proposed implementation of the
preregistration system is its lack of support
for standards, not its choice of software.
As a background to the Copyright Office's
decision to attempt to offer services over the
Web without the use of standards, it is
important to keep in mind the Web was born and
achieved widespread use only because of a
commitment to open, vendor-neutral standards.
The early Web faced the threat of fragmentation
through the actions of competing browser
vendors. These actions actually jeopardized the
broader adoption of the technology. In response
to this threat, we created the World Wide Web
Consortium as a global organization, currently
over 390 members, for the purpose of enabling
the ongoing development of Web standards. Since
those early days in 1994, we have witnessed the
creation of tremendous opportunities, technical,
social, and commercial, the world over, in large
part due to the commitments of corporate and
not-for-profit entities to the development of
technical standards that may be implemented in
diverse settings and for diverse purposes. Since
then, those content providers, software vendors
and service providers who have adopted a
standards-based strategy have seen benefits not
possible with a proprietary approach.
Proposed Single-Vendor Preregistration Service
Will Exclude Large Classes of Potential Users
From a practical perspective, the single-vendor
restriction will deny preregistration benefits
entirely to broad classes of creators of
covered copyrighted works. The flaw in the
proposed implementation of the preregistration
system lies in the failure to rely on voluntary
consensus standards that are widely adopted and
readily suited to the task identified by the
Copyright Office. To illustrate the
disadvantages of departing from standards-based
solutions, we will consider the impact of the
specific design proposed in the Supplementary
Notice. While a large proportion of the
marketplace uses the Microsoft Internet
Explorer to browse the Web, certain classes of
users will find it either impossible or
extremely inconvenient to do so. Of the three
popular desktop computing platforms in use at
the present -- Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS,
and Linux/Unix -- the latest versions of
Internet Explorer are only available for the
Microsoft Windows family of operating
2 In some cases, users or their
institutions may curtail the use of a browser
temporarily or permanently based on flaws in
the particular software product. So even though
a user may have a software platform which would
support Internet Explorer, that service may be
disabled for some reason. Note that this is not
a problem unique to Internet Explorer. Various
browsers have suffered security breaches and
the response, often, is to stop using that
browser either permanently or until the
security bug is fixed. During that time, the
user would be entirely unable to use the
preregistration system. A standards-based
strategy would ensure that users can continue
to access Copyright Office services
notwithstanding the transient security problems
that are inevitable for any single piece of
software and have plagued all of the popular browsers at one time or another.
While one generally considers the Web to be a
service used from a desktop or laptop computer,
today's Web applications are become increasingly
mobile and reliant upon browsers written for
cell phones, PDAs and other non-PC devices. Many
of these devices come with standards-compliant
Web browsers, but users often have no choice
whatsoever in the type of browsing software
installed. Some mobile devices are available
with mobile versions of Internet Explorer, but
many are not. The NPRM specifically cites the
need to preregister movie dailies. It is easy to
imagine that one would want to make such
registration immediately upon completing a film
shoot. In that case, the most practical and
timely option might be to access the Copyright
Office PRE form from a mobile Web-enabled
cellphone or PDA. Restricting access to Internet
Explorer only would then unfairly exclude those
creators from the benefits of preregistration.
One of the distinct benefits of online access to
government services is the increased
opportunities it offers to people with
disabilities. The policy of requiring use of a
particular software product for accessing
Copyright Office services, however, could put
Web users with disabilities at a significant
disadvantage. Users with disabilities often must
augment their browsing software with special
assistive software and/or hardware ("assistive
technology"). The combination of assistive
technology and Web browser that a given
individual with disabilities has installed and
configured may or may not be based on Internet
Explorer, given the varied accessibility
features of mainstream browsers. In addition,
some individuals with disabilities rely on
alternative browsers (for instance, "talking
browsers") that are designed to meet their
specific needs. Users with disabilities rely on
a standards-based Web to ensure that services
they access on the Web will be usable through
the variety of mainstream software and
specialized assistive technologies that they
use. A single-vendor strategy such as that
proposed here will force many disabled users to
re-tool their software and hardware environment,
or face exclusion from the preregistration
services. The practical effect of this exclusion
will not only be on content creators themselves,
but also on any employees of content creation
firms whose job it is to make preregistration submissions.
Single Vendor Service is Contrary to Federal Information Policy
In addition to the numerous practical
impediments that the proposed vendor-specific,
non-standard implementation will pose, we
believe that the strategy of designing a
government Web service around a specific piece
of software as opposed to seeking conformance
with existing and widely used voluntary industry
standards is contrary to Federal information
policy. Congressional enactments like the
E-Government Act of 2002 clearly encourage "the
use of the Internet and emerging technologies
within and across Government agencies to provide
citizen-centric Government information and
3 In implementing the policies of
the E-Gov Act, the Office of Management and
Budget has stated that agency policy should seek
to minimize "burden on business by re-using data
previously collected or using XML or other open
standards to receive transmissions".
4 The
recommended strategy is to "employ 'smart'
buying practices to reduce acquisition and
support costs, including software asset
management; and increase the use of
standards-compliant software".
4 According to
longstanding policy (see OMB Circular A-119
5), standards compliance entails using
"voluntary consensus standards in lieu of
government-unique standards except where
inconsistent with law or otherwise impractical."
We can see no reason why a standards-compliant
solution is impractical. If it is, there is
nothing in the NPRM that explains why. Hence, we
believe that the Copyright Office should
reconsider its proposal to implement a single
vendor solution and instead pursue a
standards-based policy. This will ensure that
all eligible beneficiaries will have access to
Copyright Office services, and that the Office
is compliant with Federal law and policy, and it
is likely to save the Office money in the long run.
Respectfully submitted,
Tim Berners-Lee,
Director, World Wide Web Consortium
Daniel J. Weitzner,
Technology and Society Domain Leader, World Wide Web Consortium
1The Supplemental notice of proposed
rulemaking "seeks information whether any
potential preregistration filers would have
difficulties using Internet Explorer (version
5.1 or higher) to file preregistration claims."
More generally, "in the interest of achieving
support for browsers in the Office's
preregistration processing environment, this
notice inquires whether (and why) an eligible
party who anticipates preregistering a claim on
the electronic-only form will not be able to use
Internet Explorer to do so, or will choose not
to preregister if it is necessary to use
Internet Explorer."
http://www.copyright.gov/fedreg/2005/70fr44878.html (accessed August 20, 2005).
2 Some may consider the use of Internet
Explorer on the Macintosh platform impractical
as Microsoft announced in 2003 that it stopped
development of Internet Explorer for the
Macintosh. See Ian Fried, "Microsoft: No new
versions of IE for Mac," CNET News.com, June 13,
2003. http://news.com.com/2100-1045_3-1017126.html (accessed August 20, 2005).
3 E-Government Act of 2002, Public Law 107-347,
§ 2 (b)(5).
(accessed August 20, 2005).
4 Implementing the President's Management
Agenda for E-Government, E-Government Strategy,
(April 2003).
(accessed August 20, 2005).
5 OMB Circular A-119, (February 10, 1998).
(accessed August 20, 2005).
Authored by: AntiFUD on Monday, August 22 2005 @ 08:06 PM EDT |
If you can find any - to help PJ. Thanks.
IANAL - But IAAAMotFSF(not related to Daniel Wallace) - Free to Fight FUD
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Authored by: pscottdv on Monday, August 22 2005 @ 08:07 PM EDT |
. [ Reply to This | # ]
Authored by: alansz on Monday, August 22 2005 @ 08:49 PM EDT |
Let's not forget, even the US Dept of Homeland Security was suggesting switching
web browsers from IE in June 2004.
Link here [ Reply to This | # ]
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, August 22 2005 @ 08:51 PM EDT |
I have never used the website that this article refers to, so this is a stupid
question, but what is so special about the site? What kind of things do they do
that make it hard to program their scripts? Are they being lazy or do they do
something special?
If they do something really special then I could see how the different browsers
could be annoying. Even at that, the response of a government office should be
to support a browser that implements standards not defines its own.
Sorry to post anonymously, I am away from my home computer at the moment.
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Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, August 22 2005 @ 09:24 PM EDT |
I wonder if the Patent Office considered the possibility that Microsoft might
not ship IE forever, or even that Microsoft might not exist forever?
The standards involved though, will not disappear.
Vik :v)[ Reply to This | # ]
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, August 22 2005 @ 10:10 PM EDT |
As of Mac OS X.4, Apple no longer ships IE with the OS. If you want IE on the
latest version of OS X, then you'll have to go to http://www.microsoft.com/mac
to get a copy.
Even this may not work, as Apple is not holding OS X development up to make
sure it's still compatable with IE 5.2 (the last version from Microsoft). If a
release of OS X breaks compatablility, then you're out of luck since Microsoft
already informed everyone that they will no longer be working on the Mac
version.[ Reply to This | # ]
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, August 22 2005 @ 10:35 PM EDT |
Does he think he invented the Web or something? I mean everyone knows that only
MSIE is used anymore. Who cares about anything non-microsoft? Who cares about
a bunch of long haired hippies who sit around making standards when we have
MSIE, the DE-FACTO standard!
For those of you who cant tell, I am being sarcastic. On a more serious note, I
wonder if the Copyright office will listen to someone with the credentials of
the esteemed Sir Berners-Lee. Honestly, I don't know anymore. It looks more
and more like congress and the Copyright office just care about serving the
[ Reply to This | # ]
Authored by: Shakyrie on Monday, August 22 2005 @ 11:31 PM EDT |
Working for a governmental organization I, and my associates, are told we have
to make our sites compatible with several different browsers and quite a few
pieces of Assistive Technology with the full realization that not everyone on
the planet is without impairment and/or using Internet Explorer. I am appalled
at the lack of foresight on the part of the office that is supposed to serve as
a conduit for, and have an intimate understanding of, innovation and what goes
into it. How ironic that they cannot manage to innovate an adequate solution for
themselves and those who would like to use their services. It is fortunate that
at least Tim Berners-Lee would write a so well tempered yet very clear letter on
why this is all a problem. I just hope it is heeded.[ Reply to This | # ]
Authored by: Nonad on Monday, August 22 2005 @ 11:40 PM EDT |
...I would strongly suggest that Section 508 requirements be met by the office's
new pre-reg psges...
Tim briefly touches on the edges of handicapped access,
but Section 508 (1998) makes such things an actual part of the Federal
Procurement Regulations
To quote another site:
508" refers specifically to Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as
amended by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998. The law requires Federal
agencies to purchase electronic and information technology that is accessible to
employees with disabilities, and to the extent that those agencies provide
information technology to the public, it too shall be accessible by persons with
Actually Section 508 was included in an amendment to the
Rehabilitation Act in 1986, with the requirement that the Federal Government
provide accessible technology to employees and to the public. But the 1986
version provided no guidance for determining accessibility of information
technology and there were no enforcement procedures.
The 1998 amendment
addressed both these issues. The Access Board (the Architectural and
Transportation Barriers Compliance Board) was assigned the task of determining
standards for accessible electronic and information technology. Although the law
applies to the development, procurement, maintenance, or use of all electronic
and information technology, it is in the procurement where the enforcement
The result of the effort by the Access Board is a set of standards for
accessible electronic and information technology. That document includes an
extensive discussion on the development of the standards. The specific standards
* Software applications and operating systems (§1194.21)
* Web-based intranet and internet information and applications (§1194.22)
* Telecommunications products (§1194.23)
* Video or multimedia
products (§1194.24)
* Self-contained closed products such as copiers
* Desktop and portable computers (§1194.26)
Section 508
Information directly from the Board's site is
available here: www.access-board.gov
is difficult enough for those with some handicaps, to increase that difficulty
by failing to follow standards, guidelines, and government regulations is
Nonad the Nomad
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Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, August 23 2005 @ 12:02 AM EDT |
You guys have this all wrong.
This "preregistration" website is a boondoggle for multi-mega-rich
corporations, and the people who have to implement it know this.
In addition to catering to Congress' whims to pet the hand that feeds Congress,
these website implementors probably have real work to do as well.
When they realized what a narrow focus this website would have, someone said
"hey, there are only three customers in the world who care about this
stuff. Let's give it to the intern and let him use FrontPage."
Then someone else realized that they should ask those customers if it was OK,
and, realistically, I'm sure it would be, but NOOOOOO! all the party-poopers at
Groklaw who have no need, no business, and no intention of EVER USING this site
decided to get their knickers in a twist and even stirred up things so much that
the W3C, bless their hearts, got involved.
I know the tinfoil-hat-crowd among you think this one of those "Camel's
nose, this is tent... Tent, this is Camel's nose" moments, and you may
actually be right about that.
The whole problem here is that government, which is supposed to be responsive to
the needs of their constituents, actually asked for PERMISSION, rather than
FORGIVENESS. If they had just gone and implemented the site, no one would have
known or cared, but since they asked for permission, the self-appointed
watchdogs have to body slam them into submission JUST IN CASE it is a Camel's
nose/tent kind of deal.
Don't get me wrong. I think once the question was asked, the answer is fairly
obvious, but I really do believe that in this instance, it was silly of them to
ask the question rather than just slap together any old site for the studios.
Personally, I was hoping they would build something easily hacked, so that we
could get our next movie previews straight from the government, but now you've
made them go and think about all sorts of things, and they'll have to dump IIS
for Apache.
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Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, August 23 2005 @ 07:38 AM EDT |
We used Firefox on Ubuntu to access Delta
airlines to print out boarding passes from
home this weekend. So simple, no problems.
What is wrong with the US government that
they can't be just as flexible?
;/[ Reply to This | # ]
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, August 23 2005 @ 01:26 PM EDT |
It seems to me that if a certain corporation that has previously been convicted
of illegally leveraging it browser monopoly, is filing 3500 patents a year, has
a long history of infringement suits filed against them and is lobbying heavily
for a 'first to file' patent system, then someone should question having a
preregistration process that is designed to give large corporations an edge in
the application process implemented ONLY with a product provided by that same
Isn't there a fundamental conflict of interest in that scenario? Especially
when said browser has a proven track record of security holes, spyware and
questionable browser monitoring activities.[ Reply to This | # ]
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, August 23 2005 @ 04:39 PM EDT |
Berners-Lee's letter is a very sloppy piece of work. Such a poorly-presented
argument may well do more harm than good. Following are just the more obvious
points which halfway-competent proofreading should have
- The link is broken, not just in Groklaw but on the web
page. The text of the link is correct but if you click on it, it takes you to
...w3c-preg-standards... instead of to ...w3c-prereg-standards...
- The
first 'sentence' isn't a sentence. "The United States Copyright Office has
requested [1] comment on whether ..." Whether what does what? If you actually
read it, you'll find it simply doesn't make sense.
- Second paragraph:
"it is important to keep in mind the Web was born...". At least we can tell what
is meant here, but the word 'that' is required.
- As a purely technical
matter, the comments about using the registration form from a web-enabled cell
phone are not appropriate. It is possible, and probably perfectly reasonable, to
create a registration form that is fully standards-compliant, but which requires
a larger display than a typical cell phone for effective use.
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Authored by: grayhawk on Wednesday, August 24 2005 @ 01:03 AM EDT |
Where did the line come from "government for the people by the
people". It seems that governments and their ministries, offices, et al,
seem to forget that they are here to serve the needs of the public and not
corporations. They are also to serve the needs equally for everyone and not
just some. So any method they employ to allow access to governmental services
must be methods that ALL can employ in some manner and not just some. There
must be no preferential treatment based on any criteria such as, wealth, colour,
religion, sex, and so on. So governments, when employing software as the means
of contact must insure open standards so that all can use those means for
contact. That's my two cents worth.
All ships are safe in a harbour but that is not where they were meant to be.[ Reply to This | # ]