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IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery -- as Text
Friday, November 21 2003 @ 08:11 PM EST

Here, as promised, is IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery. It is available as a PDF here. The clerk has put up a notice that December 5th is confirmed as the day for oral arguments on IBM's Motion to Compel, which, if accurate (and we haven't always found the clerk's records to be so) would indicate that today's conference with Judge Wells did not resolve the issues. So, it's on for December 5.

This document, however, relates to SCO's later Motion to Compel Discovery. I do not know if it was raised today at the conference, or if it will be raised at a future date. We'll learn those details in due time.

The heart of IBM's argument is this sentence: "A party may only obtain discovery that is relevant to the claims or defenses in a lawsuit." They are pointing out that you can only ask for things pertinent to the actual case, and since SCO refuses to identify what the case is about, it prevents IBM from being able to evaluate if their requests are legitimate or not. SCO shouldn't be allowed to blindside them, they are saying. This is a powerful argument, because by refusing to identify the actual code, IBM is being deprived of a basic legal right relating to discovery.

One other point you will notice: SCO has complained that IBM didn't provide info about third parties. IBM says the parties agreed they would not ask each other for that third-party information in discovery; however, as long as it is reciprocal, they would be happy to alter course and provide it. Clever. They know that SCO has more to lose than to gain by such an agreement. And don't skip the footnotes. In this document, a lot of the meatiest arguments are found there.


Alan L. Sullivan (3152)
Todd M. Shaughnessy (6651)
Amy F. Sorenson (8947)
Snell & Wilmer L.L.P.
[ street address ]
[ city, state, zip ]
Telephone: [ number ]
Facsimile: [ number ]

Evan R. Chesler (admitted pro hac vice)
Thomas G. Rafferty (admitted pro hac vice)
David R. Marriott (7572)
[ building ]
[ street address ]
[ city, state, zip ]
Telephone: [ number ]

Attorneys for Defendant/Counterclaim–Plaintiff
International Business Machines Corporation








Civil No. 2:03cv0294

Honorable Dale A. Kimball

Magistrate Judge Brooke Wells

Defendant/Counterclaim-Plaintiff International Business Machines Corporation("IBM") respectfully submits this Memorandum in Opposition to Plaintiff/Counterclaim-Defendant The SCO Group, Inc.'s ("SCO") Motion to Compel Discovery.

Preliminary Statement

SCO has moved to compel responses to six of its discovery requests. The motion is misguided and should be denied. As an initial matter, much of what SCO seeks IBM has already agreed, or is willing, to produce as soon as is practicable. More fundamentally, SCO's motion should be denied because most of what it seeks is irrelevant, overly broad and unduly burdensome, particularly in light of SCO's continued refusal to particularize its claims. Unless and until SCO tells us what this case is about, IBM should not be required to collects tens of millions of ages of documents and gather information that is very likely irrelevant to the case.



SCO's Document Request No. 11 seeks all contributions made without confidentiality restrictions by IBM to Linux. SCO's Interrogatory No. 5 asks IBM to "[i]dentify all IBM or Sequent personnel that work or worked on developing source code, derivative works, modifications or methods for AIX, Dynix and Linux, specifying for each person their precise contributions to each". In its motion to compel, SCO complains that IBM has refused to produce meaningful discovery relating to its Linux contributions and its development work regarding AIX and Dynix. Specifically, SCO complains that IBM has (1) failed adequately to identify all persons at IBM or Sequent who have ever worked on developing AIX or Dynix and their precise contributions (see Pl. Mem. at 12-13); and (2) refused to identify and produce all of its contributions and development work in Linux (see id. at 9, 13). SCO's complaints are baseless. [1]

First, in response to the request that IBM identify the personnel who have worked on developing AIX and Dynix and the precise contributions of each, IBM identified more than 8,000 individuals who may have, or may have had, access to AIX or Dynix source code, or to defect or fix records. Based upon our investigation to date, we believe that the persons who have or have had such access are the persons who worked on developing AIX and Dynix.

SCO's request that IBM identify the precise contribution that each of these thousands of employees made to AIX or Dynix (over the decades of their development), however, is overly broad and unduly burdensome. AIX and Dynix are complex software programs, comprised of a myriad of files and individual lines of code, and parsing out exactly which individuals did what to every piece of code in the programs is a huge undertaking. It makes no sense to require IBM to chronicle the history of every line of code in AIX and Dynix, when very little (if any) of it will ever have anything to do with case. What makes sense, we submit, is for SCO to identify the particular lines of AIX or Dynix source code that IBM is alleged to have misused and for IBM then to provide SCO with the development history of that code to the extent possible.

Second, SCO's request that IBM identify (and produce documents constituting) all of its contributions to Linux is similarly broad and unduly burdensome. IBM has made a lot of contributions to Linux, all of which are, by definition, publicly accessible. Largely because the composition of Linux is a matter of public record, IBM does not maintain a central repository comprising all of its contributions. To identify all its contributions to Linux, IBM would have to either (1) search Linux for the term "IBM" or the names of IBM contributors (which we have provided to SCO); or (2) interview each of the hundreds of persons who we believe may have made a contribution to Linux. IBM should not be required to search Linux for its contributions when SCO can do that itself (as it purports to have done). Nor should IBM be required to interview hundreds of employees in an effort to reconstruct a record to which SCO already has access. [2]

Moreover, it makes no sense for IBM to have to identify and produce all of its contributions to Linux when SCO has represented publicly that it knows the "offending" code. When SCO tells us that information, it may make sense to require IBM to interview the individuals who made contributions relating to the lines of code that SCO identifies. We are not there yet, however, since SCO has not identified a single UNIX file or line of code that IBM is alleged to have misused or misappropriated.

IBM is not required to undertake a broad and burdensome effort to collect documents and information that may or may not be relevant to the case. See Leucadia, Inc. v. Applied Extrusion Techs., Inc., 755 F.Supp. 635, 637 (D. Del. 1991) (granting defendant's motion to postpone discovery until after defendant concluded its discovery regarding plaintiff's alleged trade secrets). [3] Nevertheless, IBM has proceeded with discovery as best it can based upon our understanding of SCO's allegations. Indeed, we have already collected and produced a significant quantity of documents and volume of information responsive to Document Request No. 11 and Interrogatory No. 5. [4]

IBM should therefore not be required to make any further disclosures of this kind until SCO provides specifics about its case. A party may only obtain discovery that is relevant to the claims or defenses in a lawsuit. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(1). The only way to determine whether the information SCO seeks is relevant to this case -- and therefore subject to discovery -- is for SCO to do for IBM what it has long been doing for third parties: disclose its supposed evidence and tell us in a meaningful way what its claims are about. It is not possible properly to determine what is fairly discoverable without knowing more specifically what trade secrets or confidential information is at issue. Requiring IBM to provide the discovery SCO seeks would not only be unduly burdensome but it would also be counter to sound principles of case management, which require SCO first to define the scope of the case.


SCO's Document Request Nos. 2 and 3 seek all versions or iterations of AIX and Sequent Dynix source code, modifications, methods and/or derivative works from 1999 to the present. SCO's motion to compel responses to these requests should also be denied.

IBM has already agreed to produce source code for all releases of AIX and Dynix distributed within the time frames specified in SCO's requests. ( See Exhibit A.) These source code files alone represent the equivalent of at least an approximately 3 million pages of documents.

The additional documents that SCO is apparently seeking here -- "all versions or iterations" of AIX and Dynix source code -- are estimated to represent the equivalent of more than 40 million pages. [5] Producing these documents would impose undue burden on IBM, particularly as there is no reason to believe that any of this code is at issue in the case. Once SCO identifies with particularity the alleged trade secrets or confidential information that IBM is alleged to have misused, IBM will be able to engage in a more manageable and reasonable search for any development history of any particular file. [6]

SCO's suggestion that IBM is deliberately dragging out the process of providing third-party notices or obtaining third-party consents is without merit. Promptly upon receipt of SCO's discovery requests, IBM began the process of determining what steps, if any, were required to notify or obtain the consent of third parties before producing the documents SCO seeks. Substantial time and energy have been devoted to this exercise. [7] Although the process has not yet run its course, we expect shortly to begin producing the documents at issue, absent the objection of a third party. [8]


By its Interrogatory No. 2, SCO (1) seeks the names and addresses of the persons who are believed or known by IBM to have knowledge concerning the issues in this lawsuit and (2) requests that IBM specify the subject matter about which the person has knowledge. SCO moves to compel supplemental answers to this interrogatory on the grounds that IBM did not name any third parties in response to SCO's request, and further, that it neglected to name certain other IBM employees, officers or directors that SCO believes have relevant knowledge.

IBM limited its response to Interrogatory No. 2 to IBM employees because it believed the parties had agreed not to identify any third parties in their responses to interrogatories calling for the identification of persons with knowledge. SCO apparently has a different understanding of the parties' agreement, despite the clear correspondence between the parties. [9] So long as the parties' obligations are reciprocal, IBM does not object to supplementing its answer to this interrogatory to include third parties believed to have knowledge about the issues in this lawsuit.

Further, IBM did not neglect to include any IBM officers and directors in its discovery responses. We do not believe that IBM's CEO, or any IBM directors, have knowledge concerning the issues of this lawsuit. We assume SCO does not intend Interrogatory No. 2 to call for the identification of anyone who is familiar with IBM's business or is generally aware of SCO's case.


SCO's Interrogatory No. 4 asks IBM to identify all persons who have, or have had, access to UNIX source code, AIX source code and Dynix source code and the precise materials to which each person had access. SCO complains in its motion that IBM has refused to provide contact information for each of the more than 8,000 persons who have, or had, access to AIX, Dynix or UNIX System V source code, and that IBM has not identified any former IBM or Sequent employees who had historical access to the Dynix source code. SCO's complaints are without merit.

First, SCO's request that IBM provide contact information for the more than 8,000 individuals identified is unduly burdensome, and there is no good reason to require IBM to provide such information. It would take IBM more than 500 hours to compile this information, assuming (conservatively) it takes no more than 4 minutes per person to assemble. Moreover, SCO does not require such information in order to "evaluate the list of names [IBM] provided" as it claims. (Pl. Mem. at 11.) There is nothing to "evaluate". SCO asked IBM to identify persons with access to source code, and we did. [10]

Second, although it is correct that Attachment C to IBM's response to Interrogatory No. 4 is limited to persons at IBM with current access to Dynix code, this is not because IBM was withholding information from SCO. IBM provided all of the information it could find and assemble after a reasonsable search -- the business records that IBM maintains in the ordinary course of its business do not identify persons with historical access to Dynix code. We continue to try to identify persons who used to (but no longer) have access to Dynix code, and we will amend IBM's response to this interrogatory at appropriate intervals, as information becomes available.


For the foregoing reasons, IBM respectfully requests that the Court deny SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery.

DATED this 19th day of November, 2003.

Alan L. Sullivan
Todd M. Shaughnessy

Evan R. Chesler
David R. Marriott

Attorneys for Defendant/Counterclaim-Plaintiff
International Business Machines Corporation

Of counsel:

Donald J. Rosenberg
Alec S. Berman
[address, etc.]
Attorneys for Defendant/Counterclaim-Plaintiff
International Business Machines Corporation

[1] In support of its motion, SCO purports to characterize IBM's contractual obligations to SCO. As we have stated in previous submissions, IBM does not agree with SCO's interpretation of the contracts at issue.
[2] SCO argues that IBM should be required to disclose all of its contributions to Linux, irrespective or whether they are publicly available, on the ground that only contributions actually incorporated into Linux, as opposed to all contributions, are publicly available. That is false. Contributions that are not accepted into any Linux kernel or Linux distribution are publicly accessible, for example, at sites such as and Furthermore, while it is possible that a proposed contribution to Linux that was not actually incorporated into Linux might not be publicly accessible, any such contribution is hardly relevant here. SCO could not have been injured (in a cognizable way) by a contribution that was ignored.
[3] See also Xerox Corp. v. International Business Machines Corp., 64 F.R.D. 367, 371 (S.D.N.Y., 1974) ("[Plaintiff] should be able to identify in detail the trade secrets and confidential information alleged to have been misappropriated by [defendant]. Clearly until this is done, neither the court nor the parties can know, with any degree of certainty, whether discovery is relevant or not; and it is doubtful whether [plaintiff] can undertake a meaningful discovery program".); Microwave Research Corp. v. Sanders Assocs., Inc., 110 F.R.D. 669 F.R.D. 669, 673-74 (D. Mass. 1986) (halting broad discovery of defendant where plaintiff listed products and methods that it claimed embodied trade secrets rather than the trade secrets themselves).
[4] IBM has produced more than 120,000 pages of documents, many of them relating to contributions to Linux. IBM continues to produce responsive documents -- both from its central files and from individuals' files -- on a rolling basis as they are located, reviewed, and processed. To date, IBM has produced documents from at least 90 different different sources.
[5] SCO's motion also seeks to compel docouments outside the scope of its document requests. For example, SCO asks that IBM be required to produce development and design methods of AIX and notes relating thereto and development and design methods of Dynix and notes relating thereto. ( See Pl. Mem. at 5, 7.) Document Request Nos. 2 and 3 do not seek such notes.
[6] SCO makes much of the fact that IBM has stated that it intends to produce the "base operating system" for AIX and Dynix. In fact, we are not limiting our production of AIX or Dynix to the base operating system.
[7] To respond to SCO's discovery requests, IBM has had to identify and review a substantial quantity of documents, including the documents requested in SCO's Document Request Nos. 2 and 3. In addition to being reviewed for responsiveness and privilege, each of these documents has to be reviewed to ensure that it is not produced without a required third-party notice or company-specific and a contract-specific inquiry. Upon locating a document requiring third-party notice or consent, we have followed the process set out in each contract. Most of the contracts require IBM to send written notice and a request for consent to the third party. Absent objection by the third party, and in accordance with Paragraph 10 of the Protective Order, IBM will be able to produce the documents at issue.
[8] Despite SCO's objection to IBM's providing notice and/or seeking the consent of third-parties, SCO recently notified IBM that it too has withheld documents from production on these very grounds. Similarly, SCO has failed to produce the very kinds of documents that it now seeks to compel IBM to produce.
[9] On September 15, 2003, IBM informed SCO that it would identify IBM officers and employees believed to have knowledge about the issues in this lawsuit and that it expected to amend its understanding as soon as practicable. (See Exhibit B.) Thereafter, both parties confirmed our understanding that the parties would indemnify only their employees, officers, and directors. (See Exhibits C, D and E.) SCO advised IBM that it "disagree[d] with the scope of the list of witnesses that [the parties] agreed to exchange" only after IBM submitted its supplemental responses. (Exhibit F.) Counsel for SCO then stated that he would "address [the issue] in greater detail in my correspondence later this week" ( id.), but SCO filed this motion to compel instead.
[10. If SCO had met and conferred with IBM before seeking to compel a response to this interrogatory, we would have suggested that, rather than having IBM compile thousands of addresses (few of which SCO is likely ever to require), the parties reach a compromise pursuant to which IBM would provide SCO with contact information for up to 100 persons on an as-needed basis (such as if and when SCO determines that it actually has reason to contact a listed person).


IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery -- as Text | 77 comments | Create New Account
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IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery -- as Text
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, November 21 2003 @ 10:43 PM EST
In support of its motion, SCO purports to characterize IBM's contractual obligations to SCO. As we have stated in previous submissions, IBM does not agree with SCO's interpretation of the contracts at issue.
Isn't this the major issue at hand? Or how much has it changes since?

[ Reply to This | # ]

IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery -- as Text
Authored by: brenda banks on Friday, November 21 2003 @ 11:14 PM EST
sounds like another smack down
and also they are telling the judge hey they say one thing then turn around and
change their minds without talking about it
but tell us what this is about
i love it


[ Reply to This | # ]

See also Xerox Corp. v. International Business Machines Corp.
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, November 21 2003 @ 11:18 PM EST
I think that this part sums it up:

See also Xerox Corp. v. International Business Machines Corp., 64 F.R.D. 367,
371 (S.D.N.Y., 1974) ("[Plaintiff] should be able to identify in detail
the trade secrets and confidential information alleged to have been
misappropriated by [defendant]. Clearly until this is done, neither the court
nor the parties can know, with any degree of certainty, whether discovery is
relevant or not; and it is doubtful whether [plaintiff] can undertake a
meaningful discovery program".

And I see that it's a court case that IBM is familiar with.


[ Reply to This | # ]

Third parties...
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, November 21 2003 @ 11:20 PM EST
I interpret the discussion about third parties a little differently. IBM has
surely had discussions about AIX with third parties, and probably developed code
in partnership with these third parties. IBM would have to seek consent from
these third parties in order to turn this code over to SCO. Apparently there
was an agreement between SCO and IBM that this third-party discovery wasn't
required, at least not yet.

I don't know how this would work -- if the third party wasn't interested in
helping out. I suppose a judge would have to order them to disclose what
they'd prefer to keep private. It's hard to imagine that there's a person or
a company on the planet that would want to help SCO out at this point.

Thad Beier

[ Reply to This | # ]

IBM gave SCO source code?
Authored by: Khym Chanur on Friday, November 21 2003 @ 11:30 PM EST
IBM has already agreed to produce source code for all releases of AIX and Dynix distributed within the time frames specified in SCO's requests.
Wait, I thought that this is what SCO was begging for, and IBM refused to give; that getting the AIX source code would be a case of "digging" by SCO, and thus not something that should be allowed in discovery. If IBM has already agreed to this, what is SCO whining about?

[ Reply to This | # ]

Minor corrections
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, November 21 2003 @ 11:43 PM EST
A few minor corrections. HTML intentionally posted as plain text to make it
easier to copy and paste into the page. (Normally I'd ignore the small things,
but since I was posting the first error anyway, I thought I'd include them.)

Section I
Paragraph 1 - jumped between citations. Should be:
... precise contributions (<u>see</u> Pl. Mem. at 12-13); and (2)
refused to identify and produce <i>all</i> of its contributions and
development work in Linux (<u>see id.</u> at 9, 13). SCO's
complaints ...

Paragraph 6 - Extrusiion should be Extrusion, last character should be ], not }

Section IV
Section heading isn't underlined, and the first paragraph doesn't start as a
new paragraph.

[ Reply to This | # ]

  • Additional Correction - Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, November 22 2003 @ 12:59 AM EST
  • Another Correction - Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, November 22 2003 @ 01:14 AM EST
  • And Another - Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, November 22 2003 @ 01:21 AM EST
IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery -- as Text
Authored by: James on Saturday, November 22 2003 @ 04:05 AM EST
Go figure...

IBM is not required to undertake a broad and burdensome effort to collect documents and information that may or may not be relevant to the case. See Leucadia, Inc. v. Applied Extrusion Techs., Inc., 755 F.Supp. 635, 637 (D. Del. 1991) (granting defendant's motion to postpone discovery until after defendant concluded its discovery regarding plaintiff's alleged trade secrets). [3] Nevertheless, IBM has proceeded with discovery as best it can based upon our understanding of SCO's allegations. Indeed, we have already collected and produced a significant quantity of documents and volume of information responsive to Document Request No. 11 and Interrogatory No. 5. [4]

Referencing valid cases to support your arguments, what a concept :) I can't wait to see what crap SCO drags out of the law books to try and support theirs.

[ Reply to This | # ]

SCO not updating website?
Authored by: jmc on Saturday, November 22 2003 @ 06:00 AM EST

I see that on SCO's webpage they are supposed to be providing all the latest filings.

Funny how the last few have got lost. Can't be because they're looking stupid can it?

[ Reply to This | # ]

IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery -- as Text
Authored by: Steve Martin on Saturday, November 22 2003 @ 08:31 AM EST

The clerk has put up a notice that December 5th is confirmed as the day for oral arguments on IBM's Motion to Compel, which, if accurate (and we haven't always found the clerk's records to be so) would indicate that today's conference with Judge Wells did not resolve the issues.

P.J., I note that the court's docket Web page lists the minutes for the 11/21 meeting as document # 80-1. Are minutes for such meetings normally made available for public viewing? If so, do we have an enterprising helper that could go get us a copy? It might be very entertaining reading.

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Anyone else struck by this?
Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, November 22 2003 @ 10:38 AM EST

I mean the realization that this legal morass of contracts between two, three, or more entities has got to be the biggest productivity killer known to mankind. It's a wonder that any real work gets done at all. Give me the GPL any day.


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So what happens when...
Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, November 22 2003 @ 11:20 AM EST
...they meet in court, present their oral arguments, and the judge rules that SCO must provide the materials IBM has requested. Rather than admit they fabricated the "millions of lines", I think it's safe to say that they're going to drag this out as long as possible. My question for the legal folk, is: how long can TSG drag this out? Can they appeal the judges order to turn over discovery materials? Or should we soon expect to see additional lawsuits, or an expansion of the existing suit, to delay their compliance with any orders?

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Problem with footnote 2
Authored by: n0ano on Saturday, November 22 2003 @ 11:35 AM EST
Much as I dispise SCO's claims I think IBM made a mistake in their last two sentences for footnote 2.

Furthermore, while it is possible that a proposed contribution to Linux that was not actually incorporated into Linux might not be publicly accessible, any such contribution is hardly relevant here. SCO could not have been injured (in a cognizable way) by a contribution that was ignored.

Remember that SCO is actually accusing IBM of disclosing trace secrets and methods. It is conceivable that IBM could have disclosed, in private, a method to someone like Linus and then Linus could have incorporated that method into real code into the kernel. SCO can make the claim that they are trying to discover such contributions by proxy. Therefore, much as I hate to say it, SCO's request for contributions that didn't make it into the official kernel is valid.

"Censeo Toto nos in Kansa esse decisse." - D. Gale

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problem with Footnote 9
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, November 23 2003 @ 03:47 AM EST
The word indemnify" doesn't seem to make sense, in "Thereafter, both parties confirmed our understanding that the parties would indemnify only their employees, officers, and directors." I think the word should be identify?

[ Reply to This | # ]

mitigation requirement?
Authored by: brenda banks on Sunday, November 23 2003 @ 03:26 PM EST
is this a part of the copyright law?
i have not read that it is
it is standard procedure but is it in the law?
also if a person makes threats of a lawsuit what compels them to show proof?
past guidance but is it a mandatory requirement that they have to before the
suit is filed?
maybe sco is going for new types of law?
if it isnt forbidden it must be allowed?
just tossing out another perspective and rambling


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